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CNET Japan
電気自動車がもたらす環境上の利点に対して、ドイツで疑問の声が上がっている。疑問を呈しているのは、意外なことに環境保護団体だ。しかし米国の電気自動車ロビー団体は、そのリスクは米国には当てはまらないと主張している。 環境保護団体である世界自然保護基金
フジサンケイ ビジネスアイ
オートイーブィジャパン(東京都八王子市)も中国の電池メーカー、byd(広東省)から安価なリチウムイオン電池を調達し、今月下旬に新型電動バイクを投入する。価格は34万円で他社に比べ5万~10万円ほど安価に設定する。 大手のホンダとヤマハ発動機は来年にも電動バイク ...
NECトーキンは,2002年4月にその前身であるトーキンのEMC(electro-magnetic compatibility)デバイス,圧電デバイスを中心とした電子部品事業と,NECのキャパシタ ...
evバスで初の検討会 関係16団体
バスのev(電気自動車)化を検討する「かながわ次世代電気バス開発・普及検討会」の初会合が8日、神奈川県中央農業会館(横浜市中区)で開かれた。 検討会には慶応大やいすゞ自動車、京浜急行バスなど関係する16団体が参加し、開発の中心となる慶応大の清水浩教授がevバス ...
Battery Materials Market to Swell, No Thanks to Lead
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
... we spoke with Thomas Granville, the CEO of Axion Power, a Quercus Trust-backed startup working to blend ultracapacitor tech with old-fashioned lead-acid ...
日産とシンガポール政府、ゼロ・エミッションモビリティ推進へ ...
エクール (プレスリリース)
... であるヤム・アー・ミー、ルノーの電気自動車(EV)プログラムディレクターであるティエリー・コスカスの立会いのもと調印された覚書に基づき、シンガポールでのEV ...
Maxwell Technologies Reports 1st Quarter Financial Results
Ulitzer.com - Woodcliff Lake,NJ,USA
First quarter BOOSTCAP(R) ultracapacitor revenue increased by 43 percent to ... "Looking specifically at ultracapacitors, public and private investments in ...
The Green Bus Rush: Why Innovators are Moving Into Transit Tech
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
based Maxwell Technologies said it began delivering its BoostCap ultracapacitor under a $13.5 million supply agreement with three Chinese transit bus makers ...

マイクロコンパクトカーの新境地を切り開いた「smart fortwo」が、オール電気のEVモデルに生まれ変わりますよ。超高級電気自動車仕様の高性能スポーツカー「Tesla Roadster」が好調なTesla Motorsから、特製のバッテリーパックの供給を受けるため、smartならではの、オシャレでキュートなコンパクトデザインそのままに、ガソリンが一切要らない電気自動車モデルの販売が可能になるんだそうですね。
すでに公開されたEV仕様のsmart fortwoのボンネットを開けると、Tesla Roadsterよりも、さらなるコンパクト化を実現したというバッテリーが光っていましたよ。1回のフル充電で、連続100マイル(約160km)の走行が可能なんだとか。しかも、元々は4秒間で時速60マイル(約97km)まで到達するという、圧倒的なツーシータースポーツカー向け加速性能をアピールするバッテリーパックを、軽量ボディーのsmart fortwoなんかに積んじゃってますから、もう震えるような加速の小型電気自動車を運転する快感が味わえるようですね。
お値段は、ほぼ現行のsmart fortwoと大きく変わらない価格帯で正式発売が開始されるということですから、これはかなり待ち遠しいですよね。
Dan Nosowitz(原文/湯木進悟)
Maxwell Receives $13M Order for Ultracapacitors
SustainableBusiness.com - Huntington Station,NY,USA
The companies will purchase Maxwell's BOOSTCAP® ultracapacitor modules to support braking energy recuperation and torque assist functions in diesel-electric ...
ZENN Motor Company Updates on EEStor Permittivity Milestone Notice ...
Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
"A number of interested parties have requested clarification regarding the specifics of the notice period in which ZMC must notify EEStor of our intention ...

充電は13Aソケットで6 - 7時間。1回の充電にかかるコストは90ペンス(約118円)程度だという。ロンドンのボリス・ジョンソン市長は、ロンドン市内2500か所に充電施設を整備する計画を打ち出しており、C1ev’ieにとっては、これも追い風となる。
Plc社は今後1年間に500台のC1ev’ieを生産。需要動向や英国政府のEV補助制度拡充を探りながら、2010年には年間2000 - 4000台へ生産規模を拡大する方針だ。
英国シトロエンのXavier Ducheminマネージングディレクターは、「このプロジェクトにC1を供給できることをうれしく思う」とコメント。Plc社のDavid Martell代表は、「動力性能はC1のガソリン車と同等。C1ev’ieが英国初の本格的代替燃料車となる」と自信を見せる。
充電時間90秒、5万回充電可能なプロ用懐中電灯5.11 Tactical Light for Life Pro Flashlight

Reviewed by Ken Denmead • April 28, 2009
$170 • 511tactical.com 9 out of 10
Everything Is Illuminated With Battery-Free Torch
Until now, the only choices for powering pro-grade flashlights were costly, landfill-clogging disposable batteries or rechargeable hunks of nickel or lithium compounds that have to be replaced every few hundred charges. The 5.11 shrugs off the yoke of battery dependence and instead uses ultracapacitor technology to propel photons.
The coal-gray high-impact polymer body houses three LEDs capable of blasting out a peak 270 lumens for 15 minutes, or a more useful and long-lasting 90 lumens for 60 minutes. Both settings have an emergency low-power 25-lumen mode (equivalent in brightness to most common household D-cell flashlights) for an additional 60 minutes.
By using electrostatic rather than chemical storage, this torch can recharge fully in only 90 seconds. Sure beats the three to four hours required by a rechargeable.
And the best part is, it will last for 50,000 re-charge cycles (that's once a day for 130 years). You'll never need to buy another flashlight in your lifetime, at least until they can keep your head alive in a jar.
WIRED High-power pro flashlight pumps out awesome illumination and recharges ridiculously fast. Flashlight will outlive you. Seriously brilliant, blinding — a boon for flashlight junkies.
TIRED Pricey front-end investment. Comes with a 12-volt car charger.
Manufacturer: 5.11 Tactical
Price: $170
Taking stock of Zenn's ride
Globe and Mail - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
EEStor, founded by a couple of guys with a background in computer hard ... Zenn bought a 3.8-per-cent stake in EEStor a few years ago for $2.5-million (US). ...
CAW's right, wage cuts alone won't save the 'Big 3'
Orangeville Citizen - Orangeville,Canada
Interestingly, as the last-ditch Chrysler talks continued, Texas-based EEStor Inc. announced that it had reached a "huge milestone" in developing an ...
CAP-XX says proprietary BriteFlash power modules now commercially available

CAP-XX Ltd (AIM: CPX) said it its proprietary supercapacitor-driven BriteFlash power modules are now commercially available in the form of LED flash drivers and modules from Analogictech, ON Semiconductor and Seoul Semiconductor.
The company has developed BriteFlash to give the designers of camera phones and digital cameras a thin-form LED flash power module that delivers light energy that far exceeds standard battery-powered LED flash.
Chief executive Anthony Kongats said: “The availability of these drivers from AnalogicTech and ON Semiconductor and Seoul Semiconductor is a further important step towards commercialisation and volume sales for CAP-XX as it will allow our customers to easily incorporate BriteFlash into small mobile handsets and digital cameras and brings our product even closer to this mass market application.”
Ultracapacitor system for small electric cars
TheGreenCarWebsite.co.uk - Manchester,UK
Research is under way for a possible hybrid battery/ultracapacitor system that would be used in small electric vehicles. Representatives from Aalborg ...
Quercus, Investors Pour $12M Into Israel's ETV Motors
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
The stealthy private equity investor — whose quiet cleantech investments include plug-in hybrid propulsion startup Odyne and ultracapacitor developer ...
640 HP Electric Mini that has 932 mile range
Autoracing1 (subscription) - Hamilton,NJ,USA
These components were replaced by four of our electric wheels, a lithium polymer battery, a large ultra capacitor, a very small ICE with generator (so small ...
米、日産に1000億円融資 電気自動車の開発支援へ 外国勢に初の門戸広げる
2009.05.23 朝刊 3頁 朝3 (全834字)
【共同通信 秋田魁新報】
Zenn stock gets a jolt: 60% hike in one day(EEStorの誘電体、第三者評価で誘電率を認定/微細欠陥→爆発などは未
EEStor disclosed it has received third-party certification that materials
used in its ultracapacitor
have "met and/or exceeded" all claims of electrical storage capability, or
More Design Tools for High-Power LED BriteFlash in Camera Phones ...
SYS-CON Media - Montvale,NJ,USA
More supercapacitor-optimized LED flash drivers are in late-stage ... To support the battery, a thin supercapacitor can drive the LED flash to full ...
Changing the Ways and Means of Electricity
Feeling the pinch, the growing computing industry looks for innovative ways to conserve and handle energy. Their efforts could ultimately help other industries.
Paul Livingstone
Attendees at the 2008 Intel Developers Forum examine the Wireless Resonant Energy Link, which can send enough energy over short distances to light a 60 W bulb. Image: Intel
In Spring 2007, residents and businesses in Sydney, Australia, were asked to power down their lights for one hour to call attention to the significance of the consumption of electricity. Called Earth Hour, the event gave environmentalists a rallying cry and actually caused a measurable drop in local electricity usage. The event has quickly gone global, and in April 2009 hundreds of millions of people participated.
Largely a symbolic gesture, Earth Hour nevertheless attracted the efforts of India, which conserved about 1,000 MW in Dehli, and the Philippines, which saved more than 600 MW. In most parts of the world, however, electricity use goes far beyond the light bulb. Electrical devices are proliferating as the microprocessor pervades our lifestyles. As a result, the computing industry is feeling the pressure to reduce energy consumption. Phenomenal growth in both the high-end server markets and the consumer-level markets (the age of sub-$100 laptops will soon be upon us), and has prompted R&D into the ways we use and consume power. An entire sub-industry of "green" data solutions has grown to include big players like HP, IBM, Google, and Microsoft, which have revamped the design and operation of their sprawling data centers.
At Intel Corp., Santa Clara, Calif., researchers are looking for ways to efficiently supply power to computer chips. It's not just the chip that attracts attention now; customers are thinking of energy use in the value equation. Users are no longer worried as much about the speed of their computer as they are about other features, such as power use and, in the case of laptops, weight and complexity. As laptop use grows, and with the proliferation of mobile Internet devices, researchers are finding out that a lot of the ways we power these devices are both wasteful and antiquated.
"On a percentage basis, information technology represents about 2% of the total power demand in the world. Most of telecom or ITT, in fact, represents a small percentage of the U.S. domestic energy picture, and this is probably a high-water mark," says Justin Rattner, vice president and chief technology officer at Intel Corp. "But just because it's 2% is no reason to ignore or minimize the role we have in energy use."
It's not just about conserving energy, says Rattner. Computers will have the unique ability to impact the entirety of energy management, offering an opportunity to exert a beneficial influence on the other 98% of the power consumed. To this end, Intel is pursuing an aggressive blue-sky research program into a variety of energy-conservation tools that could help both the bottom-line of the company and the bottom-line of its users.
Cutting Out Electricity's Middlemen
Adapted from technology pioneered at MIT, the functional prototype for Intel's Wireless Resonant Energy Link was demonstrated at a recent event in New York City in 2009. Image: Intel
In its approach to power management in personal computing, Intel takes its cue from Toyota Motor Corp., which is at the head of a successful wave of battery-electric automotive power systems. Instead of treating certain systems, such as the brakes and the electrical systems, as separate entities, they are treated as a contiguous, interoperable unit.
The same thinking has colored Intel's view of computers. The chip might be efficient, but what about the power supply? The data bus? The hard drive? The high-RPM DVD drive is rare, for example, but it's always a drag on the system.
According to Rattner, electrical inefficiencies in computing are rampant. For example, a computer is designed to request short burst of 30 W of power or more. However, a typical machine consumes less than 10 W most of the time, leading to excessive power consumption.
"If you look at where the losses occur, they are clearly losses between the point source and what I would call the A/C outlet or wall power. Half the power gets lost between generation and the wall socket, and a lot of it has to do with the way the grid is operated and its efficiency," he says.
There's another 50% loss from the wall to the pins on the chip and that's due to the primary AC/DC power supply, Rattner says. One or more stations of voltage regulation are required to achieve correct levels for the computer. These conversions occur at fairly high current, and each one only retains about 80 to 85% of the power.
"There's a surprising if not frightening amount of power that gets lost to heat," says Rattner, and chip also loses energy to heat.
Hybrid Power Platform
Lithium-ion batteries offer reasonable storage and high charge/discharge rates, but they are heavy, don't last a full work day, and the cathode degrades over time. Until a new type arrives, the trick is making batteries last longer.
"We looked at Toyota's hybrid cars and how they do stuff and looked at them for inspiration," says Chris Wilkerson, an Intel researcher involved in the Hybrid Power Platform initiative, a project that aims to increase the mobility of portable Internet-ready devices like laptops.
"The idea is to integrate ultracapacitors to power delivery system," he says. The first idea is the battery hot swap feature, which will mitigate the downside of a laptop's sleep mode: "Right now, when a laptop goes into hibernation so the battery can be switched, the system writes everything onto a disk and writes it back when it needs it again."
This unnecessarily eats time and energy. Normally, compact capacitors can store about 1 µF. The ones Intel plans to use may range from a quarter Farad up to 2 F, enough to supply about 5-10 W for a second. This will not only streamline the hibernation mode, it will supply enough power to keep the laptop running while a new battery is placed in the computer.
"Because the ultracapacitor is a secondary power source and also a battery, we can do a better job of managing how we get power from the battery. It provides us an opportunity to spend battery life more efficiently," says Wilkerson.
For example, lithium-ion batteries deployed in laptops are designed to supply very high outputs—up to 50 W—but the computer rarely needs that. Rare power peaks hurt battery efficiency and 10-15 W is typically all that the computer needs. Instead of expecting the battery to supply high-demand power, an ultracapacitor can fill that role, and perhaps pave the way for methanol fuel cells, which do not have enough discharge capacity to be a sole power source.
Part and parcel of this system will be tracking software that allows users to monitor their power consumption metrics and provide feedback via an interface.
Wireless Resonant Energy Link
Intel researchers are now able to identify and harness sources of power for consumer electronics devices, making them less reliant on the electrical grid, and also recycling that energy to power smaller devices. Image: Intel
At one end of the table is a large piece equipment that generates electromagnetic energy, attached to a copper coil that looks like a 1930s radio antenna. At the other end of the table is another copper coil attached to a 60 W light bulb. When the magnet is powered up, the light bulb shines brightly. There are no electrical cords to be seen.
It's called the Wireless Resonant Energy Link (WREL), and it's Intel's take on medium-range induction technology pioneered in Massachusetts Institute of Technology laboratories in 2006-2007. Intel researchers say this might free us all from the wall socket.
"We're excited the possibility of cutting the last cord," says Josh Smith, an Intel researcher who has been very involved in the WREL project, which began by looking at multiple forms of wireless energy transmission, including radio propagation and ultra-high frequency RFID.
Intel researchers first built a system called Wireless Ambient Radio Power (WARP) that was intended to supply long-distance energy to small devices.
"Imagine a TV tower with a fixed amount of energy. The further away you are the same amount of energy is spread out over a geometrically larger area. The energy drops off as a square of the distance," says Smith. Despite the rapid decrease in available power, the transmitter can send enough—50 µW—to fuel small devices, such as a hygrometer, at a distance of 4 km. This is obviously not enough to power most consumer electronics, but according to Manny Vara, technology evangelism director at Intel, a lot of useful devices don't need much power.
"We know that you can trickle-charge something from the environment in multiple ways. In and of themselves they might not be enough to power something useful like a future cellphone, but if we combined it with other energy harvesting technologies we might be able to do it," says Vara, referring to solar cells and harvesting prototypes that pull energy from body heat, motion, or friction.
"We might be able to give you enough electricity from your surrounding that you would need to only plug in your phone every few days. Eventually, you might never need to plug it in," says Vara.
Intel also investigated another approach called WISP, or Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform. This is essentially a long-range ultra-high frequency RFID system. But again, it does not supply enough wattage to support power-hungry devices.
At the other extreme is inductive coupling, which has reared its head in the consumer sector. Think electric toothburshes. Wireless gadgets on display at electronics shows rely on this system, but it has a very short range, almost a contact.
WREL relies on a similar principle, but the range can measured in feet or tens of feet. The device works from the notion that coupled resonant objects are able to exchange energy efficiently. The wine glass shattered by a singer's single note is an excellent example of acoustic resonance, but the WREL depends instead on the oscillations of electromagnetic waves sent between copper coils a short distance apart. The receiving coil lies within a non-radiative field generated by the other coil, which is attached to a power source that produces about 7 MHz waves. Because most of the power picked up by the receiving coil remains bound to the vicinity of the sending unit, little energy is lost.
"When you think in terms of the wavelengths compared to the structure you are looking at, they are quite large. The receiver is seeing almost the same piece of wave as the sending unit," say Smith.
The advantage that Intel sees is that power is reasonable—tens of Watts—and the distance is adequate for use in offices or homes. For example, researchers have envisioned installing a power supply coil in a room's floor or flat-screen television, then installing small coils in devices—they could receive power from anywhere in the room. Potentially, materials other than expensive copper could be used.
"What we're doing now is trying to optimize the efficiency as high as possible, figuring out wh
Compared to conventional wall socket power, says Rattner, that's not a bad efficiency. "No question, wireless energy is a very exciting development. I would say within the next four to five years it wouldn't be a surprise to see these technologies start arriving in the home." he says.at power level we can do this at and meet all relevant guidelines and regulations," says Smith.
新型電気自動車ミニバン コンセプトを発表
2009年4月27日 クライスラーは4月22日、米国郵便公社(USPS)のアースデーイベントの一環として、クライスラー・タウン&カントリー(日本名: クライスラー・グランドボイジャー)の100%電気駆動ミニバン コンセプトを4台公開した。また、USPSゼロエミッション電気駆動ミニバン郵便配達車両を対象に、USPSやエネルギー供給会社と共同で全米規模の実証試験を実施するため、米国エネルギー省の輸送電化推進計画が提供する連邦補助金を申請すると発表した。
三菱自動車工業の益子修社長は26日の決算発表の席上、今年7月に発売する電気自動車(EV)『i MiEV』の採算性について年産「3万台規模がめどになる」との見方を示した。 ...
朝鮮日報 - South Korea
起亜自動車のイ・ヒョングン海外営業総括副社長も、「世界最大のバッテリーメーカー、中国BYDが、エコカーの中核動力源であるバッテリー部門の販売量と価格競争力を武器に急浮上するだろう」と予想した。 一方、中国メーカーのうち技術力を認められているチェリーと ...
「誰が電気自動車を殺したか?」 米国の経験
[Part1] 「誰が電気自動車を殺したか?」 米国の経験
クリス・ペイン。2006年、ドキュメンタリー映画「誰が電気自動車を殺したか?(原題:Who Killed the Electric Car?)」を撮った。
レッカー車に乗せられて運び出されるGMの電気自動車「EV1」。この後、スクラップにされた=「誰が電気自動車を殺したか?」DVDから。発売・販売(株)ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント =2006 EV Confidential LLC. All Rights Reserved 1990年代後半に米国市場で発売された電気自動車が、普及を拒む勢力の圧力で回収され、姿を消していったのはなぜか。その理由を、ひたすら追いかけた。
映画のストーリーは、ゼネラル・モーターズ(GM)が96年にリース発売した電気自動車「EV1」を中心に進んでいく。 EV1は、一部の利用者に熱狂的に支持された。だが、自動車業界や石油会社から訴訟などの反撃を受け、州当局は態度を変える。規制は弱められ、有名無実化した。GMは「需要がない」と、車の強制回収を決めた。
スクラップとなってうず高く積まれるGMの「EV1」=「誰が電気自動車を殺したか?」DVDから 発売・販売:㈱ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント 2006 EV Confidential LLC. All Rights Reserved. そして09年。 政権の座についたオバマ大統領は、「脱石油依存」「米国経済の再生」を旗印に、自動車の電動化に大々的に乗り出した。 3月19日にはカリフォルニア州の自動車工場に出向き、「消費者が買ってくれなければプラグインハイブリッド車もショールームから出られない。だから7500ドル(約74万円)の税還付を景気対策に盛り込んだ」と力説。15年までにプラグインハイブリッド車を100万台走らせるという。
3月19日、米カリフォルニア州でハイブリッド車の説明を聞くオバマ米大統領。自動車の電動化に強い意欲を示した=ロイター GMは12年までに約29億ドルを投資して、電気自動車などガソリン車以外の新エネルギー車を開発・生産していく。2位のフォードも12年までに4車種の電気自動車を導入予定。3位のクライスラーも、13年までに50万台を売る計画だ。米政府も、電気自動車の開発や電池技術の向上に250億ドルの税金をつぎ込むなど、巨額の支援を行う。
記者(山川一基)は、デトロイトで独立系の部品会社が開発する車に試乗させてもらった。スムーズな加速。当然ながら、ガソリンエンジンに切り替わる音もしない。 「世界で一番静かな車だよ」と開発担当者は胸をはる。しかし、電池を多く積み込む分、車の値段は高くなるだろう。
今度こそ本気で自動車の電動化に取り組む姿勢をみせる米国の自動車業界は、どん底からはい上がれるだろうか。 ペイン監督は続編の制作に取りかかっている。タイトルは「電気自動車の逆襲(Revenge of the Electric Car)」だ。
[Part2] 産業構造は変わるのか
オートイーブィジャパンの高岡社長が開発した電気自動車「ジラソーレ」。「私は電気自動車を“家電の一種としての乗り物”だと思っています」という=東京都八王子市のオートイーブィジャパン本社、高橋万見子撮影 大手メーカーは、電気自動車をつくるにも、なるべく蓄積してきたガソリン車の技術を生かそうとする。だが、そのことがかえって真の技術革新を妨げる場合もある。成功体験が大きいほど「自己否定」が難しくなるからだ。 その点、ベンチャー企業は身が軽い。オートイーブィジャパン代表、高岡祥郎は、5月末に発売する予定の電気スクーターに、中国BYD社がつくったリチウムイオン電池を採用した。BYD本社を訪ねて、電気自動車も見た。
電気自動車の構造は、ガソリン車よりもシンプルだ。極端にいえば、モーターと電池と制御装置があればいい。部品点数も3分の2で済む。 そこに、ベンチャー企業や途上国メーカーのチャンスが生まれる。自由な発想をしたり、低コストで生産できたりするからだ。それが「持たざる者」の強みになる。
トヨタ自動車九州のエンジン工場。部品の「すり合わせ技術」が日本の自動車メーカーの強みだ=2006年4月18日、福岡県苅田町で。原田宏一撮影 電気自動車に比べれば、ハイブリッド車はガソリン車に近いが、ガソリン車用の変速機は不要になった。最大顧客のトヨタは、2020年までに全車種にハイブリッド車を投入する。「手をこまぬいていれば、売上高がガクンと落ちかねない」と幹部は懸念する。
[Part3] 自動車は公共財になる? 乗り方の新提案
ベタープレイス社の電池交換ステーション実証実験会場(横浜市)のイメージ図=同社提供 電気自動車を買った人は基本料金を払ってベタープレイスが保有する電池を借りる。あとは、充電したり電池を交換したりするたびに、その料金を支払っていく。
イスラエルでは、政府が支援して、ベタープレイスによる充電網の準備が始まっている。ルノーが電池交換型の車を開発し、日産が電池を供給することも決まった。 3者が協力したこのサービスは、2011年には実現する見通しだ。
東京で営業するタクシーは約5万台にものぼる。1台が1日平均、約270kmを走る。 電気自動車で長距離運転はしにくいが、一定の営業区域しか走らないタクシーなら、電気自動車向きともいえる。充電設備や電池の交換設備があればよい。
カーシェアリング・ジャパン社の駐車場。普通の駐車場の一角で、車をみんなで共有している=東京・代官山で。同社提供 借り手が不特定多数のレンタカーと異なり、カーシェアリングでは、1台の車を複数の会員で使う。事前にネットなどで空き状況を確認して予約し、会費と利用時間や距離に応じた料金を払う。
奥寺 淳(おくでら・あつし)
野島 淳(のじま・じゅん)
一色 清(いっしき・きよし)
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