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§1 明るい未来をあきらめない人々
1-1 明るい未来

―引用開始― 地球の気温が現在から2,4度上昇した場合、北アメリカでは新しく発生した埃の塊が、アメリカ中心部、ネブラスカ州を中心とした高原を砂漠化する。南はテキサス州から北はモンタナ州まで、北米の5つの州にわたって砂丘が出現することで、農業や牧畜が消滅する。グリーンランドの氷床の溶解が止まらす海面上昇が加速、環礁国や低地デルタ地帯を海に沈めることになる。ペルーではアンデス山脈の氷河が消え、1000万人が水不足に直面する。海水の温暖化は、グレート・バリア・リーフを消し去り、熱帯からサンゴ礁が実質的に消滅することになる。世界中で3分の1の生物種が絶滅する。

産業革命以降のわずかな期間に人間が化石燃料を燃やし自動車を走らせ、タービンを回し電気を作り、快適な生活を謳歌しすぎたことが最大な原因だ。すでに温暖化は止めることは出来ないが、それを破滅的なレベルの直前で留まらせることはできるかもしれない、とIPCCは言っている。私たちは自動車が使用することも出来ない、つまり物流がなくなり食料、生活物資の融通が困難になるような事態になるまで、行動を起こさないのだろうか? 電気をつけることが不可能な生活を経験するまで、見てみないふりを続けてしまうのか? 私たちは一体どうしたらいいのか?勿論、家庭の省エネに気を使う。確かに大切だが、残念ながらそれだけではインパクトは少ないのが現実だ。個人の「力・お金」の力だけに頼っていては温暖化はどうしようもない。国の「力・お金」が必須なのである。温暖化の主な原因はCO2。排出の原因はいくつもあるが、主な2つは、「①運輸交通」、「②発電」。温暖化を乗り越えるための最新の科学技術の現況を本稿で紹介する。しかもそれら新技術は多様な新規産業を創設し新たな価値も生み出す。明るい未来は選択可能なのだ。今、世界中で、特にEUでは「破滅」を出来うる限り阻止しようと、行動を起こす人々、国家が現れている。その一つの試みが、ultracapacitorという新しい蓄電技術である。


しかし電池は小電力の電気製品に使用されているが、本質的に寿命が短い。 そのためライフサイクルの観点ではエネルギーを浪費しているため、電気を貯めて効率的に利用しているわけではない。それは持ち運び可能な臨時の電気として活用できるため価値がある。つまり重要な生活インフラである電力送電網では電気は貯められないとされてきたのだ。







1-4  ULTRACAPACITOR~①運輸部門での大きな役割
特に中国では北京五輪を控え、世界に環境の中国をアピールしようとしている。 その一つの策として、バスなど公共交通について、キャパシタバスをいきなり営業運行を始めている。



(※例2)2008年2月22日 日経朝刊の記事
 十六万キロメートルの走行で自動車用新型電池の性能を実証――。古河電池と豪州の連邦科学産業研究機構は、共同開発した新電池を自動車に搭載し、充放電を繰り返す寿命が現行の鉛蓄電池の四倍に高まることを確かめた。ハイブリッド自動車への搭載や自然エネルギーの蓄電などの応用を見込んでいる。 新型電池は「ウルトラバッテリー」といい、鉛蓄電池と電気を一時的に蓄えられるキャパシタを組み合わせた。ホンダのハイブリッド車のニッケル水素電池部分をウルトラバッテリーに取り換え、英国で約一年をかけて走行実験を繰り返した=写真、豪連邦科学産業研究機構提供。 これまでの模擬実験から寿命は鉛電池の四倍になるとみていたが、その性能を確認できた。搭載コストはニッケル水素電池の三割程度にとどめられる見通しで、ハイブリッド車普及のネックになっている高価格を解消する有力な手段になると期待している。古河電池は早ければ今秋にも商品化する計画だ。―引用終わり―


引用開始―2008 年2 月5 日 発行No.325 
バッテリーハイブリッドフォークリフト「ARION HYBRID」、優秀省エネルギー機器表彰 経済産業大臣賞を受賞
コマツユーティリティ株式会社(社長・礒田進)およびコマツ(社長・野路國夫)の共同開発によるバッテリーハイブリッドフォークリフト「ARION HYBRID(アリオン・ハイブリッド) 」が、社団法人日本機械工業連合会主催の平成19年度(第28回)優秀省エネルギー機器表彰において最高賞「経済産業大臣賞」を受賞いたしました。当機種は、ハイブリッド機構を搭載した世界初のフォークリフトとして2007年5月の発売以来高い評価を得ており、今回の表彰は、日本経済新聞社主催の「2007年度日経優秀製品・サービス賞」優秀賞に続く受賞となります。ARION HYBRIDはバッテリーとキャパシターの2系統の電源を搭載し、減速・前後進切替時に発生するエネルギーを効率よく回収・再利用することで、最大20%(従来当社バッテリー車比)の省エネルギーを達成しました。インバーター急速充電器やシールバッテリーの搭載とあいまって、バッテリー車にありがちな「パワーダウン」「稼動時間の短さ」「メンテナンスの煩雑さ」も解消し、著しい省エネ効果だけでなく作業能力・機能性においても在来機種を大きく凌駕した画期的な新商品です。当商品の中枢には、コマツの研究・開発陣とコマツユーティリティ設計部門の技術を結集した、独自のハイブリッド駆動システムを搭載。過酷な稼働環境下でも高い耐久性・信頼性を発揮しながら、コンパクトな設計により、同じ荷重能力の標準バッテリー車と変わらない車体サイズを実現しました。省エネルギーをはじめとする地球環境保全活動は、今や社会全体が取り組むべき喫緊の課題になっています。加えて産業界においては、昨今のエネルギー価格高騰に伴って、ランニングコスト削減ニーズが日増しに高まっています。コマツユーティリティは、省エネルギー型産業車両メーカーのトップランナーとして、より環境に優しく、高い機能を備えた商品の開発を進めてまいります。―引用終わりー

1-5 ULTRACAPACITOR~発電部門での大きな役割




何だか、あの、もう明るくてさ 肉体だよ肉体 東京中の電気を消して 夜空を見上げて 
かわいがってるぶざまなたましい さらしてみてえんだ 
てれびずけ おもちゃつけ こんな感じで一日終っちまうんだ また 飛び立つために今日は寝てしまうんだ
電車の窓に映る俺の顔 幸せでも不幸でもなかった 唇から宇宙流れてく日々に 
ほんとの俺を見つけてえんだ ありふれためろでい 抜けられるセオリー かばんに詰め込んで
俺も又でかけよう あいつらがいるからあ 明日も又でかけよう 友達がいるのさ 明日も又でかけよう
あいつよ またでっかいことやろうとしてるらしいぞ おい
東京中の電気を消して 夜空を見上げて お祭りの日を待つ子供のように 待ち続ける俺を笑いてえんだ 
最高のめろでい 終りねえすとり 五感にしみこんで 明日またでかけよう まち??きたしたら
明日も又でかけよう あいつらがいるから 俺も又でかけよう おれはうまくやるさ 明日も又でかけよう
歩いてていくぜ 又でかけよう 明日もあさってもその次の日も 東京中の電気を消して 夜空を見上げて 
歩くのはよ 歩くのはいいぜ ゆっくりさ ゆっくりいこうよ いやいや 走れ 時間が無い 走れ
東京中の電気を消して 夜空を見上げて 歩いてゆこう 生きてゆくってことはたたかうってことだ



22日古河電池が買い気配: 古河電池 <6937> が買い気配となっている。22日付の日本経済新聞に、同社と豪の機構が共同開発した新電池を自動車に搭載し、寿命が現行の鉛電池の4倍に高まることを確かめた、などと報じられたことが手がかり。新電池は「ウルトラバッテリー」で、鉛電池とキャパシタを組み合わせたという。ハイブリッド自動車への搭載などと見込んでいるようだ。(H.W)2008年02月22日(金曜日)09時09分



太陽光発電と電気二重層キャパシタ(明電舎)をラオスで開発 沖縄電力、NEDOの事業受託

沖縄電力は21日、NEDOの太陽光発電システム等国際共同実証開発事業を受託し、ラオスで太陽光発電の実証開発に取り組むと発表した。事業期間は2007年10月から10年3月まで。事業総額は6億円。一部業務を沖縄設計(浦添市)と明電舎(東京都)に再委託する。ラオスなど雨期と乾期で日射量や河川の水量が大きく変動する地域では、太陽光発電と小水力発電を組み合わせたハイブリッドシステムが有望視されている。今回は充放電が可能な電気二重層キャパシタ(電力貯蔵機器)による調整と、小水力発電による出力調整により、安定的に電力が供給できるシステムの開発を目指す。(2/22 10:01)







図1:太陽光発電システムの累積導入量 (出所)IEA-PVPS資料より

 期間による幅は大きいが、今後も2020年まで市場は年平均20%成長すると予想されている。 この累積設置台数の構成から分かるように、太陽光発電システムの担い手は日本、ドイツ、アメリカの3カ国である。特に日本は2000年代の初期まで世界のほぼ半数を1国で占める太陽光発電大国であった。
 これに対して近時伸張著しいのがドイツだ。2004年に年間設置量(MW)で初めて日本を抜いて世界一となった後、2005年末には累積導入量でも僅かながら日本を上回り、フロー、ストックの両面で文字通り太陽光発電のトップに躍り出ている(参照:図2)。ちなみに人口1人当たりでみても、ドイツ17.3W/人、日本の11.1W/人の2カ国だけが突出している。 この日独逆転は、日本でもドイツでもマスコミの注目材料となり大きく報道されたのでご覧になった方も多いだろう。日本での報道はやや危機感を伴ったトーンで、かたやドイツでは「あの日本を抜いた」とかなり強気なトーンで、それぞれ対照的に報じられていたのが印象的であった。 実際、ドイツ国内を移動していると、南部のバーデン・ヴュルテンベルク州やバイエルン州を中心に、太陽光発電システムが目につくようになった。また、太陽光発電事業に相次いで参入した新興企業群が市場拡大の波にのって業容を拡大し、このところ株式公開、新工場建設などが相次いでおり、まさに太陽光ブームとでもいえる活況を呈しているのが足元の状況である。

図2:日米独における太陽光発電システムの年間導入量推移 (出所)図1に同じ
こうしたブームを支えているのが、これまでみてきたEEGによる固定買取制度だ。特に2004年の法改正により太陽光に有利な買取価格が付与されたことが今日の拡大の大きな契機である。2006年現在の買取価格51.8セント/kWhは、通常電力の10倍、風力の買取価格の5倍の水準。これに、後ほど紹介する省エネを進めるための住宅の近代化支援の低利融資制度など様々な政策的な手当てが一体となって、足元の急拡大を支えているとみてよい。 累積設置能力ではまだ目立たないが、現在ドイツに次いで急進しているスペインも同様だ。スペインは2005年~2010年の再生可能エネルギー整備計画(the Renewable Energy Plan: PER)で400MWを新たに整備するという目標を掲げているが、足元で太陽光が急進し、2007年にはこの目標をクリアしそうな勢いだ。スペイン産業省は、これを受けて、国家エネルギー委員会に対してこの目標値を1200MWに改定するよう働きかけている。この急進の背景にあるのもフィードインタリフ制度であり、2008年9月末まで適用される現会計年度の買取価格は割高批判のあるドイツ並に高水準である。

図3:スペインにおける太陽光発電システムの新規設置量 (出所)
 現在その中心地になっているのがスペインだ(参照:図3)。ドイツを上回る固定買取価格を背景に100MWクラスの大規模施設が続々と整備されつつあり、足元のシリコン不足の最大の要因はスペインだとすらいわれている。写真は筆者が訪問したドイツ国内の10MWクラスのソーラーパークである。今となってはむしろ小規模に分類されてしまうが、完成直後は世界最大規模の一角を占めていた。 固定買取制度のもとでの大規模太陽光施設は、(1)風況に比べて日照量の変動リスクは小さい、(2)ボイラーなどの機械部分が少なくメンテ費用もあまりかからない、(3)(若干笑い話のようになるが)架台に使用する大量のアルミニウムが、昨今の資源価格高騰を受けてプロジェクトの終価を引き上げるなど、投資適格なプロジェクトに仕立てたてやすいといわれている。リスクが小さい分、プロジェクトの期待リターンは他の再生可能エネルギーに比べて相対的に低くなるが、反面銀行からの融資なども利用しやすいため、負債を活用してそれなりの投資利回りを実現している。欧州の太陽光発電事業は、金融機関も含めて、現在この事業モデルの海外への拡販に熱心に取り組んでいる。主戦場は、マーケットが大きいアメリカ西部だが、それ以外にも欧州と同様の固定買取制度を導入している国を中心に激しい案件獲得競争が繰り広げられている。身近なところではお隣の韓国がそうだ。太陽光はエネルギー密度が低いため、大容量の発電を行うためには広い面積にシステムを設置する必要がある。ソーラーパークは、まさにこの特徴に則した事業形態といえるが、用地制約を抱えるヨーロッパでの拡大に限界があるのは明らかだろう。関連業界の目は、中東やアフリカに広がる広大な砂漠にも向けられている。将来、太陽光発電のコストが狙い通りに低下していけば、その膨大なポテンシャルを活用することも可能になるだろう。ドイツやイベリア半島の進むソーラーパークは、将来に向けた先行投資としての性格も併せ持っているようだ。[2月20日/Ecolomy]




Indiana’s first hybrid-electric school bus

Indiana’s first hybrid-electric school bus

To kick off the Learn Green, Live Green initiative, Reed and members of the State School Bus Committee approved Indiana’s first hybrid-electric school bus today which will go into daily use immediately at Randolph Eastern School Corporation.
“This is the right thing to do,” said Cathy Stephen, Superintendent of Randolph Eastern School Corporation. “Schools need to lead in helping our problems with the environment, with our dependence on oil and in providing safe and healthy riding conditions for our students. This system has the potential to address all of these issues.”
The bus was converted with new hybrid-electric technology designed Variable Torque Motors, LLC, a company based out of Fort Wayne. The retrofit includes an electric motor, a controller and an ultracapacitor that fit directly into the existing drive shaft. When the bus operates at or below 35 mph, it is propelled by the electric motor with a “boost” installed from the diesel engine when needed. Once the bus exceeds 35 mph, the diesel engine takes over and propels the bus.
“The idea is to not use the diesel engine at the start/stop speeds in order to save fuel,” said Rob Lykins, president of Productive Concepts, Inc. in Union City who installed the new technology.
Also, Lykins said that harmful emissions coming out of the exhaust system are reduced by the same amount as the fuel savings. In other words, if fuel savings equal 30 percent, emissions are reduced by 30 percent as well.
The cost of the conversion totaled $32,800 and was paid for by a grant from the Randolph County Solid Waste Management District.
Online resources
The Department of Education has launched the Web site, to keep administrators, educators, students, parents and community members up to date on all the happenings of the Learn Green, Live Green initiative. The Web site not only provides a focus for each month, but resources including helpful tips, facts and figures, school projects, reading materials, highlights from Indiana schools and even an online forum to share ideas with Hoosiers from across the state.


日本ケミコンは「nano tech 2008」(2月13~15日,東京ビッグサイト)において,カーボン・ナノチューブを利用した電気2重層キャパシタの試作品を披露した(図1)。従来の活性炭を利用した電気2重層キャパシタに比べて,2~3倍となる10kW/Lの出力密度を達成している。  さらに,3.5Vという高電圧での負荷試験において900時間後でも90%以上の容量を維持した。これに対して,活性炭を利用した従来の電気2重層キャパシタの場合,900時間後には40%の容量しか維持できないという(図2)。  今回試作した電気2重層キャパシタは,新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)の「カーボンナノチューブキャパシタ開発プロジェクト」で開発したもの。同プロジェクトでは,キャパシタの電極材料として活性炭に代わりカーボン・ナノチューブを用いることで内部抵抗を大幅に低減し,高出力と高エネルギー密度,長寿命を達成できる電気2重層キャパシタを開発することを目的としている。  具体的には,産業総合技術研究所と日本ゼオン,日本ケミコンが参画している。産業総合技術研究所が開発した,安価なNi合金基板上にCVD法で単層カーボン・ナノチューブ(SWNT:single-walled carbon nanotube)を高速で作製できる「スーパーグロース法」を用いる。SWNTの大量合成に関する量産技術の開発を日本ゼオンが,SWNTを用いたキャパシタの製造技術の開発を日本ケミコンが担当している(図3)。  試作したキャパシタの体積当たりのエネルギー密度は7.5Wh/L程度。今回の試作品はSWNTの先端を開口処理しておらず,表面積が1000m2/g程度しかないが,日本ケミコンでは,開口処理により表面積を2000m2/g以上とし,目標とする20Wh/kgを達成したいという。


Nokia CTO、supercapacitorに言及

Nokia CTO mission: Reinvent the company
CW: Could that mean the end of our hundred-year dependency on batteries?

Iannucci: Maybe. I think it’s likely that there will be energy storage in some form in the device and the nature of batteries is probably going to change. The nanoscientists and what they are doing at the University of Cambridge points to that direction. We’re looking at technologies that could only be made on nanoscale to create energy storage devices that are sort of a hybrid between a battery and a capacitor. A supercapacitor probably is the best description for that. And maybe that wireless power becomes a long-term direction when you’ll have some capabilities for energy storage. When you’re outside the range of your local wireless power transmitter you can still operate, or you’re in range, recharge it.

Iannucci:多分。私はエネルギー保管が何らかの形で装置であることがありそうであると思います、そして、バッテリーの性質は多分、変わりそうでしょう。 nanoscientistsと彼らがケンブリッジ大学でしているものは、その方向を示します。我々は、バッテリーとコンデンサの間のハイブリッドの部類であるエネルギー記憶装置を作製するためにnanoscaleの上で行われることができるだけだったテクノロジーを見ています。 supercapacitorは、多分それのために最高の説明であるでしょう。そして、多分、あなたがエネルギー保管の若干の資格を持つとき、その無線力は長期の方向になるでしょう。あなたがあなたのローカルワイヤレス動力送信機の範囲の外にいるとき、あなたはまだ動くことができます、あるいは、あなたは範囲にいて、それを再充電します。
Nokia CTO mission: Reinvent the company
In this interview, Bob Iannucci, chief technology officer of Nokia, shares his impressions of the industry.
Peter Moon Updated: Feb 11, 2008 03:12 PM
Bob Iannucci has been in the IT industry for the last three decades, first at IBM at the time of the mainframes, then at Digital with its minis, and then in the '90s, at Compaq. But since Jan. 1, he is the new chief technology officer of Nokia. He is also the first member of the board who is not based in Finland, remaining in Palo Alto, California, where he has headed the Nokia Research Center since 2004.

In this interview, Iannucci shares his impressions of the industry. First of all, he believes the mobile OS has not yet made its debut – and of course he hopes that Nokia and its partners will develop it – sorry Microsoft! But his main mission is to help Nokia achieve the company’s new dream, to succeed in its transition from a mobile company to an Internet service and appliance provider. In other words, as mobile phones become a commodity, it is time for Nokia to give up that market and reinvent itself once again, just as it has many times since 1865 when the company started as paper mill. That’s Bob Iannucci’s mission. So beware, Google and Apple.

Computerworld: Which are your responsibilities/challenges heading Nokia Research?

Iannucci: My responsibility for Nokia Research Center, which is about 850 people out of the total R&D population of the companies 14,500. We have laboratories in Beijing; Tokyo; Palo Alto, where I’m based; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Cambridge, U.K.; Germany and Finland.

CW: Some IT industries focus their work based on a 10 year road map. Could you describe the road map for wireless technology development for the next 10 years?

Iannucci: It’s a good question. The way that we work in NRC is that we take a seven-year time horizon for our strategy and we try to adjust it to Nokia strategy and the challenges, and also look beyond that.

CW: So what do you envision seven years from now?

Iannucci: It’s pretty difficult to predict business that far out. What we believe is going to happen in the next period is that the devices will become increasingly invisible. The communication will be pervasive. We won’t think about wireless bandwidth speeds, because bandwidth is readily available, and probably the biggest change is that we see value shifting from devices for services and software, and that is one of the main reasons why we are reorganizing the company.

My own personal background is that I come from the computing world. I used to work at IBM, I used to work at Digital Equipment Corp., and I show people this is like seeing a movie for the fourth of fifth time. I saw what happened with mainframes as value went from hardware to software to services, and then with minicomputers and so on.

And now it feels very much the same except that for mobility it’s kind of like it happened in the PC world, it’s like 1982 or 1983. The standard platforms, the IBM PC of the mobile world haven’t emerged yet. So what would happen then over the next seven years? Some dominant platform will emerge. It will garnish substantial investment from third parties in building up a very significant space of software.

When we talk about application dot-coms right now, it’s a tiny fraction of what’s going to happen in the next seven years. Much of the services, if not most of the services, will be tied in the Internet or what the Internet becomes; this will be the heart of your digital identity for transactions or your personal life, for example.
What we see in devices right now will move more in the direction of file and fashion as differentiators rather than core functionality. In the seven-year period, everyone will have high bandwidth, everyone will have low power, and everyone will have long battery life.

CW: You said you believe the Internet would become something very different than today’s. How is that so?

Iannucci: I believe so. Honestly thinking, I think mobility and wireless access with high performance computing in your hand has the potential to reshape the internet. What do I mean by that? Today, the Internet experience for you and for me if we go to a search engine or open up a Web site will pretty much be the same thing. But imagine if we could deliver to your mobile device information that is tailored for your personal needs? It can present a very different experience to you then it presents to me, much more tailored. We see the industry moving in small steps towards that direction. There is great value in tailoring and delivering information that is truly personal and mobile devices inherently have the potential to deliver a better-tailored experience than a desktop device, because the mobile goes with you and it is wherever you’re at. That’s the different context. The machine that sits on your desktop is your desktop. So, the possibility for reshaping the Internet and making it context aware and very much tailored to your digital identity is something that we will play out strongly and will be a driving force in the Internet.

CW: I partially agree with you, but we still have to deal with these tiny screens. Everybody says the new devices are great, but the screens are awful. In a moment when we are watching the development of new kinds of screens that are flat or wide, made of polymers and flexible, don’t you think they could be a solution for this mobile small-screen dilemma?

Iannucci: Yes. I agree with that completely and I would say it a little bit stronger. The world’s information is increasingly being authored for a 1024-by-768 Web screen. It is not being authored by little screens like that. And that’s fine. What that means it that for a mobile device we have to either figure out how to dramatically increase the available pixels on the device or borrow them from something. I mean, just look around, there’s a lot of screens that you see. ... Could you imagine a world with the notion that having displays everywhere, displays almost painted on walls? In seven years it will be very common.

So as I walk out to a display, maybe I just tap on the screen and use it as my own screen. That’s very easy to imagine. But even so, we are looking at shorter- range solutions that involve either projected displays. That technology is now at least in the early stages. You can buy little projectors and experiment on them with you mobile phone. There’s actually hope for wearable displays as well. Many people have experimented with these. But I think there will be a lot of solutions. But your observation is exactly right. The world’s information is authored for a big screen and next year it will be authored for a bigger screen. So there is no excuse for not having the availability of a laptop screen for a mobile device.

CW: How do you envision wireless and/or telecom technology by 2020? How’s the research on ultra-high bandwidth wireless technology?

Iannucci: One of the great trends at NRC is our radio expertise, most of them localized in Finland. One important difference, though, is that several services are developed for licensed or unlicensed bands and that will continue to grow, bandwidth will increase, and the important thing on the design of new devices is to make them radio agnostic, so that we can use whatever radio is available, moment by moment, in order to maximize flexibility to the user. So we will be sort of broad in our acceptance of radio protocols, but focused on using Internet protocols.

CW: Is there any technological barrier you face?

Iannucci: Well, there are a couple of physical limits that we face and probably the hardest physical limit is called the 3 watt limit and that statement is very simple: A device that you can hold in your hand can’t dissipate more than 3 watts until you put it down. [The 3 watt limit is the full legal output power limit for a mobile phone in the U.S.] It’s not a statement about the battery, it’s about heat dissipation. So that means that whatever we put in the mobile phone ... everything has to live within a 3 watt limit.

Now, in the world where I came from, we used to build mainframes, but we never really cared a lot about the energy that was exchanged, and we apply many of those supercomputer ideas in designing a computer that goes into these things, with that 3 watt limit as a hard physical limit. It’s not a limit that just Nokia faces, everybody faces it. It comes from physics. And that’s both a limitation and an opportunity. Most great engineering ideas have at the heart some limitation like that. That drives creativity.

We have much more computing efficiency, we compute much more efficiently here [he shows his mobile phone] than any data center does, because we have to. And that will continue to drive what we do. The performance in this phone exceeds the performance, you know when you and I both started in this business when the early PCs were out [by 1981], nothing compares to this.

CW: Last June, an MIT team announced in Science magazine that it had experimentally demonstrated wireless power transfer, a new technology that is potentially useful for powering laptops, cell phones without cords. Does it open the possibility for us in the future to recharge our phones through the air?

Iannucci: Absolutely, we’re following this research and there are several companies that have sort of spread up around this wireless power thing. I would say it’s pretty early to say when and where it will show up in products. ... Wireless power safety has always been in the future, but now this research seems to open a new avenue and we share the view that this provides real emerging direction.

CW: Could that mean the end of our hundred-year dependency on batteries?

Iannucci: Maybe. I think it’s likely that there will be energy storage in some form in the device and the nature of batteries is probably going to change. The nanoscientists and what they are doing at the University of Cambridge points to that direction. We’re looking at technologies that could only be made on nanoscale to create energy storage devices that are sort of a hybrid between a battery and a capacitor. A supercapacitor probably is the best description for that. And maybe that wireless power becomes a long-term direction when you’ll have some capabilities for energy storage. When you’re outside the range of your local wireless power transmitter you can still operate, or you’re in range, recharge it.

CW: You talked about nanotechnology. Do you remember when Bill Joy, Sun’s former CTO, wrote in 2000 a famous manifesto in Wired magazine warning this convergence could represent a threat to humankind's very existence? In this respect, what’s your impression of NBIC [nanoscience, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science] convergence?

Iannucci: We’re actually looking deep into the nanoscience and I would say it is too early for us to draw any profound conclusions, but we see it as an area of increasing importance to us, and one where we must invest and must understand. It’s not something that we can just simply say, well, this is a technology that our suppliers will use. Rather, it’s something where we may actually seek to contribute.

CW: You said that you worked at the mainframe time at IBM and Digital. So, there is this nonwritten rule about the information industry that the company that dominates one computing generation never succeeds to transfer its control to the next generation. That was the case with IBM and mainframes, and Digital with minis, and it seems to be the same with Microsoft and the PC. The mobile business is clearly dominated by Nokia right now, as well as it’s clear that the next step will be about applications. Does this mean that Nokia’s main competitors would be Google and Apple?

Iannucci: Well, two thing to say about that. First of all, Nokia is a strong believer in open innovation, so building the next phase of the industry is something that we expect to do together with partners, not something that I would say that we would be the only player. Second thing is, you raised this issue that to me is best described by Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School, the so-called innovator’s dilemma. If you’re good at one thing, it makes it very hard to transition to the next step. And there are plenty of examples of companies that tried to invent themselves out of a successful business into something new.

When I was at Compaq, we studied this actually fairly deeply, and the one company that kept coming up as a counter example for this was Nokia. Look at Nokia’s history. We started out making paper pulp [in 1865] and then that led to rubber boots [in 1898], which then led to electrical cable installation [in 1912], which led to electronics [in 1960], and consumer electronics, telecommunication, mobile phones [in 1981]. Each time the company gave up a profitable business and moved for a growth business.

If you look at what we’re doing now it’s not unlike that, very much the same sort of thing. And I like to believe that it’s on our DNA, that we know how to move from a profitable business into a growth business. In the PC world, we saw that DECs and Compaqs increasingly faced margin-pressure loss because the value chain was reshaping. The same thing will happen with the mobile industry; value will shift ... So that’s why I think it’s time for Nokia to make these early bets in areas that if the rules of economics continue to apply we’ll become dominant in the future. One day devices won’t be the center point just as one day mainframes once dominated.

CW: It’s just like TV sets. It doesn’t matter which TV set you buy, you want to see the movie, right?

Iannucci: That’s right!




小型風力発電機の専門メーカー、ゼファー株式会社(本社、東京都渋谷区、社長 伊藤瞭介)は、一般家庭や学校向けを対象にした、普及型の小型風力及び風力・太陽光のハイブリッド型発電システム「アウル・シリーズ」新製品3タイプを新発売いたします。これにより小型風力市場では世界で初めて、一般家庭から学校まで発電電力の電力会社への売電(系統連系)が、実現可能となります。また、これまで実現できなかった気象情報と発電、およびCO2削減量などが一目で手元確認できるのは勿論、動作状態の遠隔監視やデータ記録が可能になります。
税込標準価格 ¥1,417,500円(135万円)~¥1,732,500円(165万円)  2月20日
税込標準価格 ¥703,500円(67万円)~¥871,500円(83万円)     2月20日
税込標準価格 ¥472,500円(45万円)~¥525,000円(50万円)     2月20日
* 生産台数は3,000台/年を予定しております。
⑤データ・ロガー装置を内蔵しているため、CO2の削減量の累積記録はもとより、発電データ、気象データなどを、コンピュータを使わずに長期間にわたり収録できます。 なお、本機により売電(系統連系)しようとする場合は、電力会社と個別の協議が必要になります。
●新製品「アウル・ネクスト」は、主に教育現場向けの風力・太陽光ハイブリッド独立電源システムです。 教材として活用する上で、これまで先生方や子供たちからも強い要望があったCO2の削減量、データの表示・収集機能を強化したことで、気候変動や自然エネルギーの大切さの実践指導に役立ちます。  
今や待ったなしの地球温暖化防止対策は、その重要性と責任を、国民一人一人が理解し実際の行動を起こす時が迫っています。温室効果ガスを出さない自然エネルギーの活用は、幅広い国民の参加意識がなければ普及しません。その点からは、すでに40万世帯にまで普及した太陽光発電は、その貢献度が高いことで世界的にその価値が評価されています。 そして再生可能エネルギー利用の次の扉を大きく開くのが風力発電です。 風力発電は再生可能エネルギーの中でCO2排出原単位がkWh当たり29g以下と少なく、全世界の導入規模も大型風車を中心に、すでに発電容量で90,000MWを超えております。その中で小型風力は、一般家庭の屋根上やビルの屋上など、どこでも発電できることで、今後大型風車を超える成長スピードが期待されております。それは大型風車が設置場所に制約を受けるなかで、どこにでも設置できる小型風車が注目されていることによるものです。このたび、当社の小型高性能風車エアドルフィンの開発により、特に海外において、その利用範囲が一挙に拡大しています。中でも英国など欧州諸国や米国などでは、小型風力の利用に関して、電力会社や行政が積極的な取組み姿勢を見せ、官民一体となってその普及に力を注いでいます。日本の場合、これまで小型風車の連系システムには、やや消極的であった国や電力会社にも、ここに来て新たな動きが見えはじめました。そうした中で昨年末、NEDO(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)がこのたび、「小型風力発電系統連系設備・技術基準調査委員会を発足させ、風力発電機メーカーや電力会社などが参加して、本格的な調査活動を開始しております。これにより、一般消費者に選択の幅を広げることができ、既に国や自治体などが打ち出す各種導入補助制度などを活用して、環境保全や地球温暖化問題などに対応する一般家庭や学校への新エネルギー導入が促進に大きく貢献できることが期待されます。



 三菱電機は2008年2月7日,パワー用途に向けた電気2重層キャパシタの試作品を2種類発表した(図1)。一つは,充放電時間が1秒と短いもの(図2)。従来品は20秒だった。もう一つは,エネルギー密度が約9Wh/kgと,従来品より20%向上したものである。前者の容量は未公表だが,後者は0.42Ah(1522F)である。実用化の時期としてともに2010年ごろを見据える。現段階で外販は「考えていない」(三菱電機)という。用途として,モータの回生電力を蓄電することや,太陽電池の出力変動を平準化することなどを想定する。  同社のキャパシタは,負極と正極に,ヤシガラを主原料とする活性炭を使う。1秒で充放電を可能にする,同社が「扁平巻回形」と呼ぶ試作品は,電極の厚さを薄くしたり,内部抵抗を従来品の1/3に低減したりすることで実現した。電極は,表面積を増やすために賦活処理をした活性炭をアルミ箔に貼り付けたシート状の構成となる。同社は,活性炭の厚さを10μm,アルミ箔を同30μmという薄型の電極製造手法を開発した。充放電ができる時間の目安となるΩF値(正規化内部抵抗)は0.1ΩFである(図3)。従来品は2ΩFだった。  一方,エネルギー密度を20%向上した「並列積層形」と呼ぶ試作品は,活性炭に添加剤を加えることや,電解液の改良によって耐電圧を3.0Vと従来の2.7Vから高めることで実現した(図4)。キャパシタのエネルギーは電圧の2乗に比例して増大する。  コストについて詳細は明かしていないが,「容量1Fで1円という目標に対して,今回の試作品は並列積層形で約3倍高く,扁平巻回形ではさらに高くなる」(三菱電機)という。



■Enova Drive System used to Power Traction Technologies Plc Buses in Liverpool, UK TORRANCE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Enova Systems,is pleased to announce that its 120kW System has been chosen to power four Optare Solo Buses, integrated by UK-based Traction Technology Plc. The Buses will incorporate Enova’s 120kW Series Hybrid drive system.



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Enova Systems, (AMEX: ENA) (AIM: ENV) (AIM: ENVS), an early stage production company in an emerging industry and a leading developer of proprietary electric, hybrid and fuel cell digital power management systems, is pleased to announce that its 120kW System has been chosen to power four Optare Solo Buses, integrated by UK-based Traction Technology Plc. The Buses will incorporate Enova's 120kW Series Hybrid drive system.

This award follows extensive competitive trial evaluation by Merseytravel. This is the first time that Traction has been part of a head-to-head evaluation of its hybrid system and their success in this trial is seen by Enova as a critical indicator in Traction's plans for the adoption of its offering in the UK market and beyond.

Enova Systems' Terry Morano stated, "The fact that these vehicles are running with ultracapacitors illustrates the flexibility of Enova's Electric Drive System's towards diverse power systems, such as batteries, fuel cells, bio fuels, hydrogen, and now, ultracapacitors."

Traction Technology Plc is a designer and distributor of environmentally friendly, low emission series diesel electric hybrid engine systems. The confirmed contract with Merseytravel is to supply four hybrid Optare Solo buses. Each will be powered by a hybrid diesel system, in tandem with an ultracapacitor power pack.

About Enova:

Enova Systems ( is a leading supplier of efficient, environmentally friendly digital power components and systems products. The Company's core competencies are focused on the development and commercialization of power management and conversion systems for mobile applications. Enova applies unique "enabling technologies" in the areas of alternative energy propulsion systems for light and heavy-duty vehicles as well as power conditioning and management systems for distributed generation systems. The Company develops, designs and produces non-invasive drive systems and related components for electric, hybrid-electric, and fuel cell powered vehicles in both the "new" and "retrofit" vehicle sales market. For further information, contact Enova Systems directly or visit its Web site at
1560 West 190th Street
Torrance, CA 90501
Contact: Jarett Fenton, CFO/Investor Relations
Additional Information:
This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to Enova Systems and its products that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor for forward-looking statements provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believe," "expect," "may," "will," "should," "could," "project," "plan," "seek," "intend," or "anticipate" or the negative thereof or comparable terminology and statements about industry trends and Enova's future performance, operations and products. These forward-looking statements are subject to and qualified by certain risks and uncertainties. These and other risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in Enova Systems' periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, Enova's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006.
Source: Enova Systems



■Watch Tower: Advances in energy storage There is a need to design and develop supercapacitors which can outperform today's designs by a wide margin at prices that make them attractive for mainstream applications

Watch Tower: Advances in energy storage
There is a need to design and develop supercapacitors which can outperform today's designs by a wide margin at prices that make them attractive for mainstream applications- Dr SS Verma
Electrical energy is the life line of modern civilization, thus, not only its generation but also its storage in large quantities is the most important requirement of present day lifestyle to make successful use of technological advances like electric vehicles from busses to trains. Capacitor is a well known energy storing device. A capacitor consists of two electrodes, or plates, separated by a thin insulator. When a voltage is applied to the electrodes, an electric field builds up between the plates. A capacitor's energy is stored in such an electric field (given as 1/2 CV2 where C is the capacitance of the capacitor and V is the voltage applied),without requiring any sort of chemical reaction. The energy stored in the capacitor is reversibly reconvertible into some other form if the capacitor is discharged. The capacitance of a simple capacitor is given as C= eoA/d. These three main factors determine how much electrical energy a capacitor can store: the surface area of the electrodes (A), their distance from each other (d), and the dielectric constant (eo) of the material separating them. Thus a capacitor has an almost unlimited lifetime. It's also fast. Depending on its physical structure, typical charge and discharge times are on the order of a microsecond; sometimes they are as quick as a picosecond. The common capacitor stores a very small amount of energy. At equivalent voltage, a chemical battery can store at least a million times as much energy as a conventional capacitor of the same size. However, with the development of technology, common capacitor energy storage capacity could not be enhanced due to limitations associated with conventional capacitor designs.

But the need is to have ultracapacitors, which are souped-up versions of that tried-and-true workhorse of electrical engineering, the capacitor to store large amount of energy. Because no chemical reaction is involved, ultracapacitors-also known as supercapacitors and double-layer capacitors-are much more effective at rapid, regenerative energy storage than chemical batteries are. What's more, rechargeable batteries usually degrade within a few thousand charge-discharge cycles. The synergy between batteries and capacitors-two of the sturdiest and oldest components of electrical engineering-has been growing, to the point where ultracapacitors may soon be almost as indispensable to portable electricity as batteries are now. Ultracapacitors are already all over the place. Millions of them provide backup power for the memory used in microcomputers and cellphones. They also supply brief bursts of energy to numerous consumer products containing batteries. Perhaps most exciting is what ultracapacitors could do for electric cars. They're being explored as replacements for the batteries in hybrid cars. In ordinary cars, they could help level the load on the battery by powering acceleration and recovering energy during braking. Most deadly to the life of a battery are the moments when it is subjected to high-current pulses and charged or discharged too quickly. Conveniently, delivering or accepting power during short-duration events is the ultracapacitor's strongest suit. And because capacitors function well in temperatures as low as -40 ºC, they can give electric cars a boost in cold weather, when batteries are at their worst.

Commercially available ultracapacitors already address those needs to some extent and can provide many times the power of batteries of the same weight or size. But in terms of the amount of energy they can hold, ultracapacitors lag far behind. The major difference is that batteries store energy in the bulk of their material, whereas all forms of capacitors store energy only on the surface of a material. What the Standard Oil (USA) engineers did was to develop a capacitor that functions differently. They coated two aluminum electrodes with a 100-micrometer-thick layer of carbon. The carbon was first chemically etched to produce many holes that extended through the material, as in a sponge, so that the interior surface area was about 100 000 times as large as the outside. This process is said to "activate" the carbon. However, the amount of surface area in ultracapacitor designs has so far been constrained by the limitations in the porosity of the activated carbon.

To increase the porosity of the activated carbon, researchers filled the interior with an electrolyte and used a porous insulator, one similar to paper, to keep the electrodes from shorting out. When a voltage is applied, the ions are attracted to the electrode with the opposite charge, where they cling electrostatically to the pores in the carbon. At the low voltages used in ultracapacitors, carbon is inert and does not react chemically with the ions attached to it. Nor do the ions become oxidized or reduced, as they do at the higher voltages used in an electrolytic cell. This approach allowed the engineers at Standard Oil to build a multifarad device. At the time, even large capacitors had nowhere near a farad of capacitance. Today, ultracapacitors can store 5 percent as much energy as a modern lithium-ion battery. Ultracapacitors with a capacitance of up to 5000 farads measure about 5 centimeters by 5 cm by 15 cm, which is an amazingly high capacitance relative to its volume.

There are two major limitations to the conductivity of activated carbon-the high porosity means there isn't much carbon material to carry current, and the material must be "glued" to the aluminum current collector using a binder, which exhibits a somewhat high resistance. Recent innovation made researchers at MIT (USA) is to replace the activated carbon with a dense, microscopic forest of carbon nanotubes that is grown directly on the surface of the current collector. By virtue of their dimensions, nanotubes hold the promise of even higher porosity than the activated carbon used in commercial ultracapacitors. Together the nanotubes have an enormous surface area, and their dimensions are more uniform than those of the activated-carbon pores, making them more like a paintbrush than a sponge. Another advantage of nanotubes over activated carbon is that their structure makes them less chemically reactive, so they can operate at a higher voltage. And certain types of nanotubes, depending on their geometry, can be excellent conductors-which means they can supply more power than ultracapacitors outfitted with activated carbon.

Researchers claim that by doing so, they can create a device that can hold up to 50 percent as much electrical energy as a comparably sized battery. To get that much improvement, however, they had to make a number of other changes, as well, such as increasing the number of ions in the electrolyte to reflect that new-found storage space. Even better, this nanotube-enhanced ultracapacitor would retain all the advantages ordinary ultracapacitors have over batteries: they would deliver energy in quick bursts, they would perform well in cold weather, and they would have much longer life spans. If this ultracapacitor could be developed, it would be revolutionary.

This feat would allow ultracapacitors to supplant batteries in a number of mainstream applications. Hence, there is a need to design and develop supercapacitors which can outperform today's designs by a wide margin at prices that make them attractive for mainstream applications. Development of such supercapacitors will constitute one big step towards making automobiles more convenient and attractive to consumers. Such devices (supercapacitors) are by no means limited to vehicles. Society is in the midst of an energy crisis, and many sources of green energy would benefit from regenerative energy storage. Electric power grids could be 10 percent more efficient if there could be simple, inexpensive ways to store energy locally at the point of use. And if renewable energy is ever to displace fossil fuels, engineers will need to devise better ways to store wind power when the wind is not blowing and solar power when the sun is not shining. Improving substantially on the means to store electrical energy would be a welcome development, and high-density capacitive storage is one promising avenue of research.

Dept of Physics, S LIET Longowall




