Date Published | May 27, 2008 BY BILL BRADLEY
NDP politicians had some comments on the weekend about the state of the environment, both good and bad.
Federal NDP leader Jack Layton and other NDP politicians were in town for a northern Ontario NDP policy meeting at Days Inn downtown.
連邦NDPリーダージャックレートンと他のNDP政治家は、ダウンタウンでDays Innで会っている北のオンタリオNDP方針のために、町にいました。
First, the bad news about the environment.
Climate change is far worse than what the other political parties are saying or what even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is publishing, said Layton Saturday in an exclusive interview with Northern Life.
“The problem with the IPCC reports is that they only come out every so often, and by the time they are released, the worst case scenario they portray actually relates to what the latest research is indicating,” said Layton.
”For example, new reports I have seen indicate that the ability of the world's oceans to absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is declining especially in areas like the north Atlantic ocean. That is frightening because it means the world's major carbon sinks - the oceans - are less able to help stabilize carbon emissions that we are continuing to put into the atmosphere,” he said.
「たとえば、私が空気から過剰な二酸化炭素を吸収する世界の海の能力が地域で特に衰えていることを示すのを見た新しいレポートは、北の大西洋海を好みます。それが世界の主な二酸化炭素吸収源を意味するので、それはこわがらせます - 海 - 我々が空気に入れ続けているカーボン排出を安定させるのを助けることがよりできません」と、彼が言いました。
The other major carbon sink - the world's forests - are also failing to absorb the carbon originally predicted by scientists, said Layton.
他の主な二酸化炭素吸収源 - 世界の森 - 当初科学者によって予測されるカーボンを吸収することもできていなくて、レートンを言いました。
“Try flying over B.C., as I have, and you will see from horizon to horizon, dead and dying forests, killed by the mountain pine beetle. Dead trees do not absorb carbon. And, they are dead because winters are not cold enough to kill the beetles, thanks to climate change. Now they (the beetles) are munching on forests in Alberta on the way further east.”
Layton said examples like this mean urgent action is needed on climate change and also on alternatives to the rising cost of gasoline.
An example of greener, yet affordable, vehicle transportation is the electric car manufactured by Zenn Motors of Toronto, Layton said. Though only able to drive 40 km per hour at top speed, a technology sharing with Eestor in October will allow the vehicle to travel 120 km/hr, Zenn officials told Northern Life in March. While sold in most U.S. States, the federal government has blocked the manufacturer to sell its vehicles in Canada and only B.C. and P.E.I. have shown interest in allowing the vehicle to travel their roads.
無経験職工(これまでに入手可能な)の例、車両輸送はトロントのZenn Motorsによって製造される電気自動車であると、レートンが言いました。最高の速度で1時間につき40kmを運転することができるけれどもだけ、10 月にEestorと分担しているテクノロジーは車両を120km/hr移動させると、Zenn当局が3月にノーザンライフに話しました。米国のアメリカで売られる間、連邦政府がカナダとB.C.だけのその車両とP.E.Iを売るためにメーカーをブロックして。車両を彼らの道を進ませることに対する関心を示してください。
“I was the first MP to raise the issue of the plight of Zenn Motors in the House of Commons. For us it is a priority to move towards these green forms of automobiles,” said Layton.
「私は、下院でZenn Motorsのありさまの問題を持ち出す初の議員でした。我々のために、自動車のこれらの緑の形の方へ進むことは、プライオリティーです」と、レートンが言いました。
But the good news is that technologies to fight climate change are ideal for northern Ontario, said provincial NDP environment critic Peter Tabuns, MPP for Toronto-Danforth.
“Ontario imports 90 per cent of its primary energy-coal from the United States, natural gas from Alberta, oil from the Middle East and Venezuala. To the extent we replace those imports with energy we create right here in Ontario, we keep money in our pockets and build our economy,” said Tabuns.
Northern Ontario has huge untapped renewable energy resources, he said.
“Not only do you have the wind and solar energy resources but the north has the industrial base. Sault Ste. Marie can produce the steel required (for wind turbines) and Sudbury companies, who are supporting the mining sector, can also work in the renewable energy sector. All the ingredients are here in the north for a major push in renewable energy.”
Tabuns showed interest in the potential for geothermal energy from nearby mines that Vale Inco energy analyst Andy Lemay has been promoting for powering the Taxation Data Centre, College Boreal, or even the proposed sports complex to be sited at Frood Road and the LaSalle extension.
タブンは、ヴェイルインコエネルギーアナリストアンディリメイがFrood通りとラサル拡張に据え付けられるためにTaxation Data Centre、カレッジBorealまたは提案された総合スポーツセンターのさえ原動力となるために宣伝していた近くの鉱山から、地熱エネルギーへの可能性に対する関心を示しました。
“We have to tackle all forms of renewable energy and take advantage of an infrastructure created by another industry to create energy now. Around the world, energy costs are going to be rising. Energy reliability is going to be a question. The jurisdictions that can provide affordable, clean and reliable energy are going to have a huge advantage over all other jurisdictions in the world. Here in northern Ontario all those ingredients are present,” Tabuns said.
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