So far, the secret behind the Chevy Volt’s first 40 electric-only miles has originated from a line of lithium-ion batteries that fit snugly under the floor down the center of the vehicle. But, a new kind of battery and ultracapacitor combination technology designed by Eestor Inc. may be poised to make lithium-ion batteries, and the Chevy Volt, obsolete.
これまで、シボレーVoltの電気のみの最初の40マイルの後の秘密は、車両の中心の下でぴったりと床の下に収まる一連のリチウムイオン電池から始まりました。しかし、Eestor社によって設計される1種類の新しいバッテリーとultracapacitorの組合せ技術はリチウムイオン電池とシボレー Voltを作る準備ができているかもしれません。そして、時代遅れです。
Eestor is a Texas based company that in the next several weeks is expected to “. . . release the results of independent third-party testing of its electrical energy storage unit, which aims to replace the electrochemical batteries we now use in everything from hybrid cars to laptop computers,” according to the Financial Post.
That’s quite a bold statement — here are some of the specifics that Eestor is claiming: the ultracapacitor and battery unit would fully charge in a few minutes, power a car for nearly 250 miles of regular use and weigh less than 10% of the lead-acid batteries currently in most cars, all for about the same cost.
それは、とても太字の記載です — Eestorが要求している詳細のいくらかは、ここにあります:ultracapacitorとバッテリー単位は、完全に数分で課金して、ほぼ250マイルの定期的な使用のために車を動かして、現在大部分の車(同じコストについてのためのすべて)で、鉛酸蓄電池の10%未満を量ります。
Compare that feature list to the Chevy Volt’s current claims which reference 6 hours to charge the battery with about a 40 mile electric-only range, and the potential benefits are mind-boggling.
There is some speculation that Eestor may have engaged in talks with GM to license its technology, but right now exclusive rights to the new batter technology are owned by Canada-based Zenn Motor Co. and US defense contractor Lockhead Motor Corp.
Eestor がそのテクノロジーを認可するためにGMとの会談に携わってするかもしれないいくらかの推測があります、しかし、たった今、新しい生地技術への専有権はカナダに拠点を置くZenn Motor社と米防御契約者Lockhead Motor社によって所有されます。
With Eestor estimating that its technology will be ready for commercial use in just six months, that could throw GM’s current plans for the Chevy Volt into a tailspin.
Green technology companies have recently been enjoying a surge of investment dollars and Eestor’s customer Zenn Motor Co. is a great example. “Its shares have gained 81% over the past three months on the Toronto Venture Exchange despite the fact the company has yet to post a profit.”
グリーンテクノロジー会社は投資ドルの波を最近楽しんでいました、そして、Eestorの顧客Zenn Motor社は大きな例です。「同社の株は、同社がまだ利益を公表していないという事実にもかかわらず、トロントVenture取引所で過去3ヵ月にわたって81%上がりました。」
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