Posted by Martin LaMonica
Someday, the electricity grid will operate with the equivalent of a giant hard drive. But in the short term, grid storage will look more like a PC's cache or RAM, able to serve up small bursts of power to keep things from crashing.
A panel of experts, organized by the New England Clean Energy Council, earlier this week said that the utility storage field has enormous potential. But rapid deployment of storage devices is held back by concerns over technology risk and financial complexity.
専門家(ニューイングランドClean Energy会議によって組織される)委員会は、今週始め、ユーティリティ貯蔵フィールドには非常な可能性があると言いました。しかし、記憶装置の迅速な配備は、テクノロジー危険と財政的な複雑さに対する懸念によって取られています。
Technology optimists say that wide-scale energy storage will change the face of the transmission grid and make wind and solar power more compelling economically.
In this scenario, utilities store electricity made from renewable sources or produced during off-peak times. Then, when demand for electricity peaks in the middle of the day, they could draw from the stored-up charge.
This "peak shaving" practice avoids the need to build new power plants to meet growing demand. Utilities could also idle dirty and expensive "peaking plants," which are only turned on during times of high demand, such as very hot summer days when air conditioners max out the load.
But moving megawatts' worth of electricity around the grid like files on a computer is more theory than practice these days.
"Buying power at night and then selling it during the day--something like that will happen maybe in 30 or 40 years when storage technologies are one-tenth the costs they are today," said Ric Fulop, co-founder and vice president of business development at lithium-ion battery company A123 Systems.
「夜に力を買って、それから、日中それを売る彼らが今日そうである-そのような何か、貯蔵テクノロジーが10分の1である30または40年で、多分起こるでしょうコスト」と、Ricファロップ、共同創設者とリチウムイオン電池会社A123 Systemsのビジネス開発副社長が言いました。
But as utilities try out new technologies for different uses, Fulop and others predicted that storage will start to take hold in a variety of ways.
"I think we will see a lot of deployments in the next few years that will change how the grid works," Fulop said. "Then we'll see utilities jump on the bandwagon."
Two markets for energy storage
A123 Systems, which makes batteries for plug-in hybrids and power tools among other devices, is actively pushing into utility storage with more than 100 people dedicated to the market, said Fulop.
A123 Systems(それは他の装置の間でプラグインハイブリッドと電動ツールのためにバッテリーを製造します)は市場を専門とする100人以上の人々とユーティリティ収納に活発に押していると、ファロップが言いました。
It's targeting what's called grid stabilization, or grid support, where warehouse-size installations of lead-acid batteries are the incumbent technology. That alone is a multimillion dollar market and will pave the way for different grid storage applications, he said.
With grid stabilization, kilowatts' or a couple of megawatts' worth of electricity are pumped onto the grid for a short amount of time, from a few seconds to under an hour. It's used to match grid demand and supply to make generators run more efficiently or to ensure a steady frequency.
Earlier this year, grid operators in Texas had to shut down power to its customers because the wind died down momentarily, effectively cutting off supply from its wind farms, noted Lawrence Gelbien, vice president of technology at utility NStar.
"If you could take the wind power, store it in batteries, and discharge when the wind starts again, then that's a fine application of storage," he said.
Gelbien said that storage units could be deployed in place of installing more "wires and poles" in a place that isn't served with enough electricity to meet demand for only a few days of the year. Because storage devices are movable, they could be redeployed in other places after a few years as the need arises.
Gelbien は、記憶装置がほんの少しの元旦だけの間需要に会うのに十分な電気を供給されない場所により多くの「ワイヤーと棒」をインストールすることの代わりに配備されることができると言いました。記憶装置が動かせるので、必要が起こって、彼らは2、3年後に他の場所で移動することができました。
Grid support is relatively mature at about $2.4 billion and growing at 3.3 percent per year, said Lux Research President Matthew Nordan.
格子支持は24億ドルくらいで比較的成熟していて、1年につき3.3パーセントで成長していると、ラックスResearch President Matthew Nordanが言いました。
Batteries with different chemistries as well as ultra-capacitors, such as the ones being developed by secretive start-up EEStor, serve this end of energy storage, Nordan said.
Flywheels are also a viable alternative. Flywheel maker Beacon Power earlier this month said it expects to have a megawatt-size machine, able to store 15 minutes of power, on the grid by the end of this year.
はずみ車は、現実的代案でもあります。はずみ車メーカーBeacon Powerは、今月始め、それが今年末までには格子の上でメガワットサイズの機械(15分の力を保存することができる)を持っていると思っていると言いました。
Dizzying array of technologies
At the opposite extreme are companies pursuing the "bulk storage" market where power is delivered for more than an hour.
This part of the market, where companies are developing a range of technologies, from so-called flow batteries to compressed air storage, represents the biggest business opportunity in grid storage.
The end game is to allow utilities to provide baseload power--meaning electricity during the middle of the day when demand is highest--with stored energy.
終盤はユーティリティがベース負荷力を提供するのを許可することです-需要が最も高いとき、日の中頃の間 ― 保存されたエネルギーで ― 電気を意味します。
If only 10 percent of the installed wind power plants adopted large-scale energy storage, the market would hit $50 billion, according to Lux Research. That's because electricity costs more for utilities to purchase and deliver during peak times.
But utilities are risk-averse, and power plants take 5 to 10 years to construct. As a result, Lux Research pegs the market at $600 million in 2012, growing at about 25 percent per year.
One company tackling bulk storage head-on is General Compression, which is developing a wind turbine with an integrated air compressor.
Air is compressed and pumped underground into geological features like depleted gas wells or limestone caverns. There are currently two compressed air energy storage (CAES) plants in operation with a few others in development. But some utilities are seriously considering CAES.
"There is an increasing gap between the growing demand for electricity and the availability of options," said Julianne Zimmerman, chief marketing officer for General Compression. "With increasing shareholder resistance to new fossil fuel and nuclear plants, there's a shrinking set of options."
Different types of batteries are competing for bulk storage as well.
So-called flow batteries, where liquid chemicals move between huge storage tanks to deliver a charge, are also being tested on the grid.
Start-up Deeya Energy says it is developing a flow battery for grid backup power or to integrate wind and solar power that will be far cheaper than lead-acid, lithium-ion, or nickel-metal hydride batteries and cheaper than fuel cells. Its products will be able to delivery between 2 kilowatts and 2 megawatts of electricity for 2 hours or up to 24 hours, it says.
最初のDeeya Energyは、それがグリッド予備大国のための、または、鉛酸よりはるかに安い統合された風と太陽エネルギーへの流れバッテリー、リチウムイオンまたはニッケル水素電池を開発して燃料電池より安いと言います。その製品は2時間または最高24時間2キロワットと2メガワットの電気の間で配達に有能であると、それが言います。
Another flow battery maker, VRB Power, is currently testing systems, including a 5-kilowatt, four-hour prototype in Florida.
もう一つの流れバッテリーメーカー(VRB Power)はシステムを現在テストしています。そして、5キロワット、4時間のプロトタイプをフロリダに含みます。
Pumped hydro, where water is pumped up a mountain and released as needed in a hydro plant, is also used, but its use is limited by the number of available sites.
The latest generation of concentrating solar power plants are being developed with integrated storage, in the form of hot water or even molten salt to deliver electricity after the sun goes down.
But for all the promise of making the grid operate more like a hybrid car, there are serious challenges, panelists said.
Many of these technologies don't have a 15-year track record that utilities like to see, which makes them skeptical. Large-scale battery projects requires systems integration that involves batteries, electronics, software, and thermal management systems, said A123 Systems' Fulop.
これらのテクノロジーの多くにはユーティリティが見るのを好む15年の実績がありません。そして、それは彼らを懐疑的にします。大規模なバッテリーが、バッテリー、電子機器、ソフトウェアと熱の管理システムを含むシステム統合を必要として、A123 Systemsのファロップを言ったことを見積もります。
They are also very capital intensive. To get around that problem, Beacon Power doesn't sell its flywheel. Instead, it bids on power generation contracts and sells the electricity to utilities.
彼らは、強いまさしく資本でもあります。その問題を回避するために、Beacon Powerは、そのはずみ車を売りません。その代わりに、それは発電契約に関して値をつけて、ユーティリティに電気を売ります。
Regulations for utilities are written around power generation units, but not energy storage, said Matt Lazarewicz, vice president and chief technology officer of Beacon Power.
ユーティリティのための規則は、発電装置(エネルギー保管でない、言われたマットLazarewicz、副大統領とBeacon Powerの主任テクノロジー役員以外の)のまわりで書かれます。
"The market rules have to change to allow nongeneration assets to connect to the grid and get paid for it," he said. "And to make the grid look more like a Prius, utilities need to change their mindset to make more efficient use of the generation system."
Rising fossil fuel prices are an incentive to explore energy storage, as well as the rising costs of constructing new plants.
Ideally, a utility would be able to get money from a storage unit in multiple ways. One rural co-op installed a four-hour, 300-kilowatt storage system to offset peak electricity rates and to provide backup power to a nearby industrial company, said Matthew Johnson, director of business development at Gaia Power Technologies.
理想的には、有用性は複数の方向で記憶装置からお金を得ることができます。1つの地方の協同組合はピークの電力料金を相殺して、予備大国を近くの産業の会社に提供するために4時間、300キロワットの記憶装置を設置したと、マシュージョンソン(ガイアPower Technologiesのビジネス開発の責任者)が言いました。
Utilities are showing interest in more options, but storage is still very much an emerging technology.
"There's a lot of technology development and new work. But one of the reasons we don't see more of it today is because the economics of this are actually quite complex," said Bruce Phillips, director at Northbridge Group.
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