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Energy bags and super batteries - researchers develop innovative energy storage solutions
エネルギーバッグとスーパーバッテリー - 研究者は、革新的なエネルギー保管解決を開発します
Innovative solutions to the problem of storing energy generated by renewable sources are being developed by researchers at The University of Nottingham. Academics have received €1.4m (£1.1m) in funding from E.ON, one of Europe's leading power and gas companies, to develop a new generation of super batteries and undersea storage bags that will collect energy in the form of compressed air.
更新できる源によって発生するエネルギーを保存する問題の革新的な解決は、ノッティンガム大学で、研究者によって開発されています。研究者は1.4m (£1.1m)をE.ONからの資金提供、ヨーロッパの主要な力のうちの1つとガス会社へ迎え入れました。そして、スーパーバッテリーの新世代と圧縮空気の形でエネルギーを集める海中貯蔵バッグを開発しました。
( - Innovative solutions to the problem of storing energy generated by renewable sources are being developed by researchers at The University of Nottingham.
(メディア - 更新できる源によって発生するエネルギーを保存する問題の革新的な解決は、ノッティンガム大学で、研究者によって開発されています。
Academics have received €1.4m ( £1.1m ) in funding from E.ON, one of Europe's leading power and gas companies, to develop a new generation of super batteries and undersea storage bags that will collect energy in the form of compressed air.
As methods of producing energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar and wave and tidal power become more advanced, the effective and efficient storage of that energy is fast becoming one of the key challenges facing the energy industry. As these types of renewables can only produce energy under favourable conditions, for example when the wind is blowing, storage capacity will help in ensuring supply can be matched to demand.
Dr George Chen in the University's School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Dr Christian Klumpner in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering are using cutting edge nanotechnology to develop an electrical energy storage system based on power electronics and a new energy storage device called a supercapattery, which combines the benefits of a supercapacitor and a battery. It will be constructed from carbon nanotubes — tiny hollow structures made from carbon atoms — chemically engineered with traditional battery materials.
大学のChemicalとEnvironmental Engineering学校のジョージチェン博士とElectricalとElectronic Engineering学校のクリスチャンKlumpner博士は動力電子機器に基づく電気エネルギー記憶装置を開発するために最先端の微小工学を使っています、そして、新しいエネルギー記憶装置はsupercapatteryを呼びました。そして、それはsupercapacitorとバッテリーの利点を結合します。それは、カーボンナノチューブから造られます — 炭素原子から製造される小さい中空構造 — 化学的に、伝統的なバッテリー材料で設計されます。
Dr Chen said: “Electricity generated from renewable sources can be transported instantly through cables over long distances but storage is a problem — if you don't use it, you lose it.
チェン博士は以下のように述べました:「更新できる源から発生する電気は長距離以上ケーブルによってすぐに運搬されることができます、しかし、保管は問題です — あなたがそれを使わないならば、あなたはそれを失います。
“Our aim is to develop something which will bring together the best of both worlds — the high electrical energy storage capacity of a battery and the fast charge/discharge rates of a supercapacitor.”
「我々の狙いは、両方の世界の最高をまとめる何かを開発することです — バッテリーの高い電気エネルギー記憶容量とsupercapacitorの速い料金/解放率。」
On its own a supercapattery would be ideal for powering a portable electrical device, such as a laptop, but the researchers are also investigating the potential of using stacks of supercapatteries which would offer energy storage on a large scale.
Although a supercapattery power bank would initially be expensive to build, it would be both flexible and versatile and could be used to offer the crucial stability needed by the national grid in the event of a national power surge.
“Currently about five per cent of the power of the national grid is standing by in reserve ( often thermal ) in case of a power surge — for example when everyone puts their kettle on after the football match has finished. To have generators on standby costs a great deal of money, whereas these devices could be called into action at very short notice and provide extra power within a very short timeframe.”
「現在、送電線網の力のおよそ5パーセントは、力の波の場合には予備に備えています(しばしば熱の) — たとえば、誰でもフットボールの後、彼らのヤカンをつけるとき、試合は終わりました。待機していて発電機を持つことは多くのお金がかかります、ところが、これらの装置は非常に短い通知で行動に呼ばれることができて、非常に短い時間枠の範囲内で余分の力を提供することができました。」
Professor Seamus Garvey in the University's School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering is looking at using a combination of wind, wave, tidal and solar power to compress and pump air into underwater bags anchored to the seabed. During periods of high demand, the air would be released through a turbine, converting it to electricity.
大学のMechanical、MaterialsとManufacturing Engineering学校のシーマスガーヴィー教授は風(波)の組合せを潮の干満により扱うことを見ています、そして、空気を水中のバッグに圧縮して、ポンプで注入する太陽エネルギーは海底に静止しました。高い需要の段階の間に、空気はタービンによって放たれます。そして、それを電気に変えます。
ICARES — or Integrated Compressed Air Renewable Energy Systems — could see vast offshore energy farms being created off the coastline around the UK.
ICARES — またはIntegrated Compressed Air Renewable Energy Systems — 広大な沖合エネルギー農場が英国のまわりで海岸線を離れてつくられているのを見ることができました。
Professor Garvey said: “At periods of peak demand in the day, the instantaneous value of electrical power can be several times greater than at periods of low demand. Energy storage can enable us to use off-peak energy to meet the demand in peak hours.
“Renewable energy sources provide a green alternative to the thermal generation plant which currently provide the bulk of UK electricity. This technology, if commercially available, could help to increase renewable energy's share in Britain's energy mix as older power stations are taken out of service”
E.ON has a renewable development portfolio in the UK that could produce enough renewable power for around a million homes and displace the emission of almost two million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Worldwide, the group plans to invest €6 billion in renewable energy projects by 2010.
E.ON は、およそ100万世帯十分な再生可能な力を発生することができて、1年につきほぼ200万トンの二酸化炭素の放出を置き換えることができた英国で、更新できる発展ポートフォリオを持っています。世界中で、グループは2010年までに60億を再生可能エネルギープロジェクトにつぎ込む予定です。
In addition, E.ON is also committed to cutting the amount of carbon it produces for every unit of electricity it generates by 10 per cent by 2012, having already reduced it by 20 per cent since 1990. The group is aiming to cut the same figure by 50 per cent by 2030.
Allan Jones, Managing Director of E.ON Engineering, said: “Energy storage will help further the development of renewables.
アランジョーンズ(E.ON Engineeringの常務)は、以下のように述べました:「エネルギー保管は、さらにrenewablesの発展を助けます。
“It's our duty, more than ever, to reconcile the three goals of reasonable pricing, climate protection and security of supply. If we're to succeed, it's essential not only to improve energy efficiency but, above all, to create an energy mix with the lowest possible share of CO2.”
— Ends —
Notes to editors: The University of Nottingham is ranked in the UK's Top 10 and the World's Top 70 universities by the Shanghai Jiao Tong ( SJTU ) and Times Higher ( THE ) World University Rankings.
編集者への手紙:ノッティンガム大学は、英国のトップ10とWorldのTopで上海Jiao Tong(SJTU)とタイムズHigher(THE)World大学Rankingsによる70の大学位にランクされます。
It provides innovative and top quality teaching, undertakes world-changing research, and attracts talented staff and students from 150 nations. Described by The Times as Britain's "only truly global university", it has invested continuously in award-winning campuses in the United Kingdom, China and Malaysia. Twice since 2003 its research and teaching academics have won Nobel Prizes. The University has won the Queen's Award for Enterprise in both 2006 ( International Trade ) and 2007 ( Innovation — School of Pharmacy ).
それは革新的で最高品質の教育を提供して、世界を変えている研究を保証して、150の国から優秀なスタッフと学生を引きつけます。タイムズによって英国の「本当に世界的な大学だけ」と言われて、それは連続的にイギリス、中国とマレーシアの受賞したキャンパスに投資しました。二回2003年以降、その研究と教育研究者は、ノーベル賞を獲得しました。大学は、2006(国際貿易)と2007年に事業のためにクイーンズ賞を獲得しました(革新 — 薬科大学)。
Its students are much in demand from 'blue-chip' employers. Winners of Students in Free Enterprise for four years in succession, and current holder of UK Graduate of the Year, they are accomplished artists, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, innovators and fundraisers. Nottingham graduates consistently excel in business, the media, the arts and sport. Undergraduate and postgraduate degree completion rates are amongst the highest in the United Kingdom.
その学生は、『優れた』雇い主から非常に売れっ子です。連続して4年(そして、その年の英国Graduateの現在の保有者)間のFree EnterpriseのStudentsの勝者、彼らは洗練されたアーティスト、科学者、エンジニア、企業家、革新者と資金調達者です。ノッティンガム卒業生は、一貫してビジネス、メディア、芸術とスポーツで優れています。大学生と大学卒業後の程度完成率は、イギリスに最高のものの間にあります。
More information is available from Dr George Chen on +44 ( 0 )115 951 4171,; Professor Seamus Garvey on +44 ( 0 )115 951 3776, or Emma Thorne, Media Relations Manager in the Communications Office at The University of Nottingham, on +44 ( 0 )115 951 5793,
詳細な情報は、+44(0)の上で、ジョージチェン博士から入手可能です115 951 4171、;115 951、+44(0)のシーマスガーヴィー教授は、115 951 3776、またはエマソーン、ノッティンガム大学のCommunications事務所のメディアRelationsマネージャーです、+44(0)の上で5793(


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