"Clean" plug-in hybrid SUVs will be just as important in reducing dependence
on oil and greenhouse gases as subcompacts and sedans . . . "and perhaps even more so"
SAN JOSE, CA, JULY 22, 2008 . . . "The SUV is not dead," AFS Trinity CEO Edward W. Furia told a plug-hybrid industry group today, "Its just in rehab, recovering from near fatal oil addiction."
"Despite a 37% decline in SUV sales during the past year," Furia said, "We expect a resurgence in SUV sales once plug-in SUVs with our Extreme Hybrid technology, and possibly plug-in SUVs from other companies, are available for sale. There's a reason why SUVs have been so popular—they’re functional and very versatile. Because of the sheer volume of gasoline now consumed by SUVs, once these vehicles switch from gas hogs and polluters to clean vehicles, they will probably be more popular than ever, and could be even more important than compacts and sedans in reducing oil dependence and greenhouse gases."
Furia added, "After ride-and-drives in our 150 mpg SUV around the U.S. over the past four months, Congressmen, governors, police chiefs, fleet managers and the general public have all expressed surprise and tremendous enthusiasm that clean SUVs can be built and represent a significant market for plug-in hybrids. For families, government and commercial fleets, and the many others who need the additional space and capabilities of an SUV, there is no subcompact substitute," Furia said. "We set out to prove our technology by using an SUV to show that it can be applied to any vehicle. An unexpected byproduct was that we also proved there is a market for plug-in SUVs."
NOTE TO EDITORS: For details of elected official, fleet manager and public reactions—nationwide—to the XH-150 SUV, please see www.afstrinity.com.
The XH-150 SUV uses the AFS Trinity technology, off-the-shelf batteries and other components in a modified Saturn Vue SUV platform, to produce a plug-in hybrid with an all-electric range of 40 miles. In all-electric mode, it runs at speeds of up to 87 miles per hour, according to the company, and accelerates faster than gasoline-only Saturn Vues. In full hybrid mode, it accelerates from zero to 60 in 6.9 seconds.
AFS Trinity develops Fast Energy Storage™ for vehicular, spacecraft and stationary power systems utilizing batteries, ultracapacitors, and flywheels. The Company has conducted programs with private and government organizations including DARPA, NASA, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. DOT, California Energy Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Lockheed, Honeywell, Mercedes and Ricardo. AFS Trinity's patent-pending Extreme Hybrid™ drive train utilizes ultra-capacitors, batteries and proprietary power and control electronics for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Ricardo, the world's leading independent automotive engineering firm, with over 1900 engineers in facilities around the world, has assisted AFS Trinity in building the first XH-150 prototypes and is a preferred supplier to AFS Trinity for drive train integration support. For more information visit www.afstrinity.com and www.ricardo.com.
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Some statements in this news release are forward-looking. These statements may be identified by the use of words such as "will," "expects," "believes," "targets," "intends," and words of similar import. Actual results may vary depending on circumstances both within and outside the control of the Company including market acceptance of products, technology development cycles and other risk factors. AFS Trinity Power Corporation takes no responsibility for updating any forward-looking statements made in this release.
Extreme Hybrid™, ExtremeFleet™, XH™, XH-150™, XH-250™, Fast Energy™, Fast Energy Storage™, Just Plug It In™, Powered by Fast Energy™ are trademarks pending of AFS Trinity Power Corporation. Patents Pending. All Rights Reserved. © 2008 AFS Trinity Power Corporation.
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