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電動2輪車 自動車 環境 電池
2008/11/20 18:18



 東芝は2008年11月16~20日に米国ニューヨークで開催されている自動車エレクトロニクス関連イベント「15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems」(第15回ITS世界会議)で,同社のLiイオン2次電池「SCiB」を用いた電池モジュールを採用する,米Cannondale Sports Group, L.L.C.(Cannondale社)の電動アシスト付き自転車を展示した。







(掲載日 2008年10月13日)


Korea Building Soldiers of the Future
( ) - South Korea
... a portable information processor, a multifunctional helmet, a walkie-talkie, protective gear, and a combined battery-ultracapacitor will be developed. ...


ECA Program Advances Ultracapacitors as Vital Generator of ...
MarketWatch - USA
Ultracapacitors -- also known as supercapacitors and double-layer capacitors -- offer a unique combination of high power, durability, ...


EnerG2 raises prospect of greener hybrids with ultracapacitor nanotech
- London,England,UK
Ultracapacitor technology start up EnerG2 has emerged from stealth mode this week with $8.5m (£5.7m) in funding, according to reports. ...
EnerG2 emerges from stealth with ultracapacitor material
Cleantech Group - San Jose,CA,USA
The competition in ultracapacitors includes EEStor, the secretive Cedar Park, Texas-based ultracapacitor developer, and San Diego-based Maxwell Technologies ...
EnerG2 aims to improve ultracapacitors for electric cars, industry
VentureBeat - Fremont,CA,USA
EnerG2 Inc., an ultracapacitor startup that has kept quiet until now, is launching today with the official announcement that it has raised $8.5 million in ...
UW spin out EnerG2 working on materials for battery alternative
TechFlash - Seattle,WA,USA
The company, which plans to triple the staff in the next 12 months, will begin selling its electrode powder to ultracapacitor makers some time next year. ...




取材・文/増谷茂樹 タイトル写真提供/トヨタ自動車

2008年8月28日(木)公開総合的な性能でガソリン車をリードする燃料電池車 日本の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量のうち運輸部門が占める割合は約2割。その約半分が自家用乗用車からの排出だ。

 経済産業省の「Cool Earth-エネルギー革新技術計画」に選ばれた21技術のうち乗用車に関する技術は、「燃料電池車」と「プラグイン・ハイブリッド車、電気自動車(EV、あるいはBattery EVとも呼ばれる)」の2種類。従来からある技術ではなく、“革新的な新技術”という選定基準から、クリーンディーゼル車などは入っていない。



「トヨタFCHV-adv」では燃料電池を一新して制御システムを改良したことにより、寒冷地での利用可能地域を拡大した。また、回生ブレーキシステムも高燃費に貢献している(写真提供・トヨタ自動車) トヨタが2008年6月に発表した「トヨタFCHV-adv」でも、燃料電池の制御システムの改良により生成水をコントロールすることで、気温がマイナス30℃でも始動・走行が可能となっている。航続距離も約830kmと、ガソリン車に勝るとも劣らない性能を実現した。また、この「トヨタFCHV-adv」は、同社得意のハイブリッド車に採用されている回生ブレーキシステムを組み合わせた燃料電池ハイブリッド車(FCHV)で、この回生ブレーキシステムの改善により、従来モデルよりも約25%の燃費向上を果たしている。販売時期については未定だが、すでに国土交通省の型式認証を取得しており、今年7月に開催された北海道・洞爺湖サミット(主要国首脳会議)でも、国際メディアセンターに試乗車が用意されていた。

燃料電池車普及に立ちはだかるコストとインフラの壁 ホンダとトヨタが発表した燃料電池車は両車とも、航続距離などの性能ではガソリン車と同等のレベルを達成しており、技術的には実用レベルに達している。普及への課題となるのは、一説には1台1億円ともいわれる生産コストと水素インフラの整備だ。

今年11月に日本でもリース販売を開始する予定のホンダ「FCX クラリティ」。燃料電池車専用に設計されており、日米合わせて、3年間で200台の販売が計画されている(写真提供・ホンダ) 「FCXクラリティ」については、米国では月額600ドルの価格でリースされているが、国内でのリース価格は未定。従来モデルの「FCXコンセプト」は月額80万円を超える価格であったが、それと同程度になると予想されている。

 コストについては、「Cool Earth-エネルギー革新技術計画」でも課題としており、「現状から100分の1程度のコストダウンが必要」との見方を示している。そのためには、量産によるコスト削減効果が欠かせず、燃料電池システムのコスト要因である白金融媒の使用量低減や、代替のための融媒技術の開発も必要とされている。




効率で上回るEVの課題は航続距離 燃料電池車が水素インフラの整備の問題を抱えて足踏みするなか、注目度が高まっているのがEVだ。専用の急速充電ステーションの数はまだ少ないが、電気インフラは全国に張り巡らされており、急速充電器の設置、あるいは家庭用コンセントからの充電さえ一般化すれば、インフラ面での課題は、ほぼ解消される。

 走行時のCO2排出は燃料電池車と同じくゼロで、国内に限れば、発電時のCO2排出を計算に入れても、1km走行あたりのCO2排出量は燃料電池車よりも少ない。「Cool Earth-エネルギー革新技術計画」では、CO2排出量はガソリン車の4分の1まで削減できるとしている。

三菱自動車のEV「i MiEV(アイ ミーブ)」。電気を動力源にするため走行中はCO2を排出しない。最高時速も130km/時と一般的な使用に不自由を感じさせない完成度となっている(写真提供・三菱自動車) 燃料の生産・供給から走行までの全課程での効率を指す「Well to Wheel」でみた場合、EVのエネルギー総合効率は28.5%。ガソリン車の12.4%やディーゼル車の15.8%と比べて優れているだけでなく、ハイブリッド車の24.8%と比較しても効率が高い。特に優れているのは「Tank to Wheel」と呼ばれる走行時の効率で、ガソリン車が約15%、ハイブリッド車が約30%であるのに対して、EVは66.5%と圧倒的な数値を示している。「Well to Tank」と呼ばれる自動車に充電するまでの電力の発電・送電効率は42.9%で、ガソリンの精製・輸送過程での効率約82%のほぼ半分にとどまるが、日本の平均電力構成で算出した場合でも、両者を総合した「Well to Wheel」の数値ではEVが最も効率の優れた自動車ということになる。

 ただし、EVの場合、燃料電池車と比べても短い航続距離がネックとなる。EVを開発しているメーカーは数多いが、その先陣を切って2009年夏に市場投入が予定されている三菱自動車の「i MiEV(アイ ミーブ)」では、1回の充電で走れる航続距離は160kmだが、エアコンなどで電力を消費すると、航続距離はさらに短くなってしまう。「現状は実用で100km程度。将来的には、どのような使用状況でも100kmは走れるようにしていきたい」と、同社MiEV事業統括室マネージャーの吉名隆氏は語る。

EV普及を左右する電池開発 EVの航続距離延長のカギとなるのはバッテリーだ。EVの開発は古くから行われてきたが、1970年代のオイルショックの頃に開発されたものはバッテリーに鉛電池を使用していたため、バンタイプの荷台を埋め尽くすほどバッテリーを搭載しても、航続距離はガソリン車に及ばなかった。近年、ニッケル水素電池や、それよりさらにコンパクトでエネルギー密度の高いリチウムイオン電池が開発されたことで、以前よりも少ないバッテリーで航続距離を延ばすことが可能になっている。しかし、それでも航続距離はガソリン車に及ばず、また、大型車クラスでは大型のモーターが必要で、バッテリーの搭載量も多くなりすぎる。このため、現状では軽自動車クラスのコンパクトカーに限られている。

 「i MiEV」は、2009年夏から、電力会社などの法人や自治体などを中心に市場投入され、2010年からは本格的な一般販売が開始される予定となっている。しかし、「リチウムイオン電池の生産量が限られているため、徐々に生産台数を増やさざるを得ない」と吉名マネージャーは語る。

 バッテリーの搭載量は車両価格でもネックとなる。「i MiEV」の販売価格は、国による補助金を受けたとしても「お客様のご負担額300万円以下をめざしたい」(吉名マネージャー)という水準。ベースとなる「i」の価格が、高いものでも150万円程度、最も低いグレードだと約106万円であることを考えると、その価格差は大きい。ガソリン車と「i MiEV」の走行時にかかるコストを比較すると、昼間の電力を利用して3分の1、夜間電力を利用すれば9分の1まで抑えられるが、それでも価格差を埋めるためには、年間1万kmを走るユーザーが12年以上かかる計算になってしまう。もちろん、ガソリン価格がさらに高騰すれば、もっと短期間で元が取れるようになるかもしれないが、埋めがたい差があるのは紛れもない事実だ。

 この価格差の大きな要因となっているのがリチウムイオン電池。リチウムイオン電池の価格は現在、1kW時あたり20万円程度とされる。「i MiEV」に搭載される電池の量は16kW時だから、車両価格の大部分をリチウムイオン電池が占めているといっても過言ではない。今後、EVの量産が進めば、量産効果によって車両コストを下げることができるが、その際にも、電池価格の低減が、ユーザーに求めやすい価格を実現するうえで大きな課題となる。「Cool Earth-エネルギー革新技術計画」でも、この点については「2015年までにコストを7分の1に低減することをめざす」と明記されている。

充電インフラの整備が一気に進む可能性も こうした問題に対応するため、三菱自動車はバッテリーメーカーであるジーエス・ユアサ、三菱商事と共同で、EV用の大容量リチウムイオン電池を製造する「リチウムエナジージャパン」(本社・京都市)を2007年12月に設立。2009年度には年産でEV2000台分に相当する20万個のリチウムイオン電池生産をめざす計画だ。


 EV普及でもう一つの課題とされるのが、充電インフラの整備だ。電気は水素などと異なり、すでに全国に送電網が張り巡らされており、基本的なインフラは整っていると言える。しかし、急速充電器などのインフラ整備は、まだまだこれからだ。「i MiEV」や 富士重工業の「スバルR1e」などは、電力会社と共同で研究が進められてきたため、東京電力などの営業所にはすでに急速充電器が設置されている。今後は、その急速充電器を一般ユーザーも使えるように開放する予定だ。

 「i MiEV」をはじめとするEVのほとんどは、家庭用電源からの充電も可能なため、例えばコインパーキングやショッピングモールなどの駐車場でも、電源さえあれば充電できる。「充電にかかる電気代そのものは高くない。関東の電力価格は昼間の家庭用でも1kW時で22円。『i MiEV』のバッテリーを空の状態から満充電にしても500円程度ですむ。ショッピングモールなどで買い物をすれば充電料金が無料になるように、サービスとして提供することも可能な金額だと思う」(吉名マネージャー)。



トヨタが実証実験中のプラグイン・ハイブリッド車。実験はニッケル水素電池で行われているが、リチウムイオン電池が導入されれば、さらなる性能向上が期待できる(写真提供・トヨタ自動車) ハイブリッド車に充電用プラグを装備し、充電した電力のみで走れるEVのメリットをプラスしたのがプラグイン・ハイブリッド車だ。現在、トヨタが実証実験を行っているプラグイン・ハイブリッド車は、外部電源から充電可能なプラグを搭載し、電力のみで約13kmの走行が可能。搭載されているのはプリウスと同じニッケル水素電池でリチウムイオン電池ではないが、トヨタでは2010年までに、リチウムイオン電池を搭載したプラグイン・ハイブリッド車を、日米欧で自治体や電力・石油会社などの大口顧客向けに販売することを発表している。






次世代の主役左右する周辺技術、インフラ整備 充電インフラについても、現状のEVでは急速充電器を使っても80%まで充電するのに15~30分の時間がかかる。ガソリンスタンドでの給油時間と比較すると、これはまだ、かなり長時間に感じられる。EVの台数が少ないうちならともかく、普及が進めば充電スタンドが混雑することは想像に難くない。そうなると、よほど急速充電が可能なバッテリーが実用化されない限りは、充電は自宅で行うのが一般的な使い方となりそうだ。


トヨタが実証実験中のプラグイン・ハイブリッド車は、一般家庭用の100V電源や200V電源からの充電が可能(写真提供・トヨタ自動車) だが、自宅での充電が可能であれば、電気だけで走行ができ、電気を使い切れば通常のハイブリッド車として走れるプラグイン・ハイブリッド車は確かに魅力的だ。しかも、通常のハイブリッド車に充電用のプラグを設け、バッテリーを多めに積むだけなので技術的に難しいことはない。実際に米国などでは、ハイブリッド車の「プリウス」をプラグイン・ハイブリッド車に改造するキットなども売られているらしい。






NEDO海外レポート NO.1033・将来のエネルギー貯蔵のためのナノテクノロジー利用動向
【ナノテクノロジー特集】 エネルギー貯蔵
様々なナノ触媒のようなナノ材料の使用に特に注目している。以下に2008 年3 月以降の
・2008 年3 月に、デューク大学(ダーラム、ノースカロライナ州)工学部プラット校の研究
( 1288 参照)
・MIT の研究者も、「ナフィオン」電解膜の代替物質を作成するために、ナノテクノロジ
( 参照)
( 参照)
7nm~20nm であり、また燃料極の白金触媒反応に巨大な表面積を与える穴で覆われてい
( 参照)
NEDO海外レポート NO.1033, 2008.11.19
( =3931 参照)
・2008 年の始めに、マックス・プランク研究所フリッツ・ハーバー研(ベルリン、ドイツ)
( 参照)
・2008 年4 月に、中国科学院化学研究所(CAS: 北京、中国)の研究者は、弾性ホローカー
( 参照)
法を最近実証した。このことは低価格をもたらす。このプロセスは、長さ約100 ナノメー
トルで幅25 ナノメートルのロッド状の粒子を形成する。この小さな寸法が、リチウムイ
( 参照)
・A123 システムズ社(ウォータータウン、マサチューセッツ州)は、リチウムイオン電池の
2008 年4 月付の「自動車工学インターナショナル」誌の記事が、HEV で使用される向
0&LangID=1&s=236&ID=9370 のPDF ファイル「微小規模上の持続可能性」を参照)
NEDO海外レポート NO.1033, 2008.11.19
しかし、2008 年6 月に、ある研究者グループが、前駆物質材料からほぼ100%の変換効
( finished
and 参
地」に、各々がおよそ100 ナノメートル直径のMnO 微小構造の「ナノ牧草地」を作るこ
とにより、MnO の高い電気抵抗に取り組んだ。「ナノ牧草地」構造は、既存の超コンデン
サーのカーボン基盤電極が貯蔵できる量の2 倍の電荷を貯蔵することができる。
( 参照)
( 出典: SRI Consulting Business Intelligence Explorer Program )


2008年11月17日 月曜日 FINANCIAL TIMES
中国  BYD  リチウムイオン電池  電気自動車  プラグインハイブリッド車   環境に配慮した自動車の必要性は誰もが認める。中国の比亜迪(BYD)の王伝福総裁(42歳)は、中国人の頭脳と勤勉さに、米著名投資家ウォーレン・バフェット氏の資金が加わった今、それを実現するのは自分だと信じている。


 BYDは、充電式電池では世界大手であると同時に中国自動車産業の期待の星である。今回の投資は、電気と自動車を組み合わせて自動車産業の「緑の革命」 を先導していくのは、技術者から起業家に転じた王氏だというバフェット氏の信頼を勝ち得たことを意味する。この出資は香港市場を驚かせ、BYD株(25%を王氏が所有)は42%も急上昇した。

 香港に隣接する深圳 市にあるBYD本社でインタビューに応じた王氏は、西欧の成熟経済から産業の主導権が中国に移りつつあることをBYDが象徴していると明言した。







 BYDで働く技術者は1万人。その半分が自動車に携わっている。王氏は10年以内に自動車関連の技術者を3万人に増やすつもりだ。「コストが高すぎて」 日米のライバルはこれほど多く雇えないと指摘する。BYDはマネジャーの大半を新卒で雇い、現場で鍛える。彼らは工場に隣接する寮で起居する。



 政府系機関で研究者として経験を積んだ王氏がBYDを創業したのは1995年。中国は経済開放政策のただ中にあった。「当時の深圳 は活気に満ちていて、ゴールドラッシュが起きているようだった」と王氏は振り返る。










John Reed and Patti Waldmeir
(FINANCIAL TIMES,(C) 2008 Nov. 2)

 日経ビジネス 2008年11月17日号175ページより


【ロサンゼルスモーターショー08】キャパシタ搭載:2025年のレーシングカー…アウディ R25

「デザインチャレンジ モータースポーツ 2025」と題したコンペは、将来のモータースポーツのあり方を示唆する「2025年のレースカー」のデザインを各社が競う。






AFS Trinity Reports Its Battery/Ultracap Plug in Hybrid System Is 6 Times More Durable Than Lithium Batteries Alone
Independent test suggests that lithium battery-only plug in hybrid vehicles introduced by others may need to have their batteries replaced every 25,000 miles

Last update: 3:00 a.m. EST Nov. 17, 2008
LOS ANGELES, Nov 17, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- AFS Trinity Power Corporation today reported independent test results demonstrating that the company's "Extreme Hybrid" technology that utilizes batteries in combination with ultracapacitors will enable a plug in hybrid vehicle using the system to have a useful life that is 6 times greater than plug ins that use lithium batteries alone -- 150,000 miles for an AFS Trinity Extreme Hybrid versus 25,000 miles for a conventional plug in hybrid that uses lithium ion batteries alone.
Battery tests were conducted by America's leading independent battery testing laboratory, Mobile Power Solutions of Beaverton, Oregon.
EDITORS' NOTE: Extreme Hybrid prototypes and further details of today's news will be available to the media in Los Angeles, CA, at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, November 18, at 1500 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, 90015 across from the Los Angeles Convention Center. To arrange interviews or video coverage contact Tim Kent at 310-409-3861.
"For plug in hybrids," according to AFS Trinity CEO Edward W. Furia, "this means that the off the shelf lithium ion batteries in cars incorporating our patent pending dual energy storage technology will probably last for the entire life of the vehicle whereas the lithium batteries of conventional plug ins with battery-only technology will need to be replaced every 25,000 miles. A number of companies have announced plans to build plug in hybrids that can power a car for 40 miles in all-electric mode. Even if the batteries can deliver this much power, how viable are these plug ins if they are only good for 25,000 miles?"
"However," Furia said, "AFS Trinity does not rule out the possibility that more durable cost effective batteries could be invented that could be used alone and which might be sufficient to handle the duty cycle of a PHEV. However, no such battery, of which AFS Trinity is aware, currently exists."
David Shemmans, CEO of Ricardo, the world's leading automotive engineering firm and a preferred supplier to AFS Trinity, said, "Batteries are the single most expensive part of an electric vehicle or plug in hybrid EV. From a cost standpoint, replacing the batteries is analogous to replacing the engine in an internal combustion-only car. Replacing the battery after they are used for only 25,000 miles, which could occur in just over 18 months in an average American driver's car, would make plug ins impractical. A plug in hybrid with an energy storage system that can survive 150,000 miles of driving is an enormous advantage and a potential economic game changer."
Furia explained why AFS Trinity's dual energy storage system of lithium ion batteries and ultracapacitors managed by advanced power electronics results in the batteries being so much more durable than when the batteries are subjected to the same current demands but are used alone.
"When a battery in a plug in hybrid is subjected to high current demands, which occurs every time the vehicle accelerates, either from a stop light or while merging from an on-ramp onto a freeway, resistive heating occurs in the battery. This resistive heating can easily become excessive with stop and go driving. Such excessive resistive heating damages a battery, and, in some cases can destroy it. In any event this phenomenon reduces the number of miles that can be driven during the life of the battery. In our system, however, the high current demand events are handled by the ultracapacitor, allowing the battery essentially to coast. Between such high current events, the battery trickled power into the ultracap, so that when the next acceleration occurs the ultracap is ready to handle it," Furia said.
XH150 performance
Describing the prototypes, Furia said AFS Trinity's XH150 is not only a roomy SUV but "a fully operational Extreme Hybrid(TM) that can go at least 40 miles without burning a drop of gasoline in the electric vehicle mode with a top EV speed of 87 MPH...and from zero to 60 in 11.6 seconds in all electric mode and 6.9 seconds in full hybrid mode. After 40 miles as an electric vehicle the Extreme Hybrid automatically converts to gas."
Calculating mileage
Furia explained, "As the U.S. EPA is still in the process of determining how it will calculate fuel economy of electric vehicles (EV) or plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), no EV or PHEV has yet received an EPA certification of mileage, including AFS Trinity's XH150. Eventually, EPA will issue guidelines regarding EV and PHEV mileage which are expected to translate kilowatt hours consumed per hundred miles to the more familiar mile per gallon units. The Department of Energy is also using an adjustment factor for such calculations that takes into account not only energy content but scarcity of fuel and reduction and distribution efficiency, which will yield even more impressive mileage figures."
He said, "No matter how EPA resolves the question about how mileage will be calculated for EVs and PHEVs, a vehicle such as the XH150, which can travel 40 miles per day and 280 per week without burning a drop of gasoline, will achieve fuel economy previously unheard of in any passenger vehicle, let alone a 5 passenger SUV. Therefore, until the dust clears regarding new EPA mileage certification methodology, for the time being AFS Trinity will use its own calculation that estimates the amount of gasoline that would be consumed by a typical American driver using her vehicle in a typical week of driving 320 miles."
Furia said, "Since, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the U.S. DOT, over 78% of Americans drive less than 40 miles a day, in this car they would burn zero gasoline on most days. On weekends, they might drive twice that far on one day, 80 miles, half of which would use gasoline. Even assuming a heavily laden vehicle and an aggressive driver, the gasoline consumed in a week would still only be 2 gallons. Thus, based on a total of 320 miles per week, fuel economy will average over 160 miles per gallon, which we round down to 150 mpg. No additional new technology is needed to achieve these results. The AFS Trinity technology is ready to be immediately integrated into vehicles that could be mass produced."
About AFS Trinity and Ricardo
AFS Trinity develops Fast Energy Storage(TM) for vehicular, spacecraft and stationary power systems utilizing batteries, ultracapacitors, and flywheels. The Company has conducted programs with private and government organizations including DARPA, NASA, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. DOT, California Energy Commission, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Lockheed, Honeywell, Mercedes and Ricardo. AFS Trinity's patent-pending Extreme Hybrid(TM) drive train utilizes ultra-capacitors, batteries and proprietary power and control electronics for plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Ricardo, the world's leading independent automotive engineering firm, with over 1900 engineers in facilities around the world, has assisted AFS Trinity in building the first XH-150 prototypes and is a preferred supplier to AFS Trinity for drive train integration support. For more information visit and
Some statements in this news release are forward-looking. These statements may be identified by the use of words such as "will," "expects," "believes," "targets," "intends," and words of similar import. Actual results may vary depending on circumstances both within and outside the control of the Company including market acceptance of products, technology development cycles and other risk factors. AFS Trinity Power Corporation takes no responsibility for updating any forward-looking statements made in this release.
Extreme Hybrid(TM), ExtremeFleet(TM), XH(TM), XH-150(TM), XH-250(TM), Fast Energy(TM), Fast Energy Storage(TM), Just Plug It In(TM), Powered by Fast Energy(TM) are trademarks pending of AFS Trinity Power Corporation. Patents Pending. All Rights Reserved.
SOURCE AFS Trinity Power Corporation

Copyright (C) 2008 PR Newswire. All rights reserved


X PRIZE Foundation Opens Official Voting for the $25,000 "What's Your Crazy Green Idea?" Video Contest
Public Will Vote to Determine Winner of the Competition

Last update: 7:00 a.m. EST Nov. 17, 2008
PLAYA VISTA, CA, Nov 17, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- The public voting phase of the "What's Your Crazy Green Idea?" Video Contest on YouTube, sponsored by Prize Capital, has begun! Out of 133 video submissions, the X PRIZE Foundation has selected three finalists and is asking the world to choose the idea that should be explored as the next X PRIZE in Energy and the Environment. The contestant whose video receives the most votes before November 30 will win the $25,000 award from Prize Capital and have their Crazy Green Idea explored as the next X PRIZE in Energy and the Environment. The public is encouraged to vote for their favorite entry at:
The competition, announced on September 10 at MIT, was to develop a two-minute video describing a concept for the next X PRIZE in Energy and Environment. Submitted ideas ranged from creating microalgae farms to harvesting energy from roads to harnessing the power of time travel. The competition closed on October 31, 2008. A panel of judges from the X PRIZE Foundation scored each of the eligible entries and selected the three top videos.
The three finalists are:
Jonathan Dreher, from Cambridge, MA: "Energy X PRIZE: Reduce Home Energy Usage" A prize to reduce the home energy consumption of American communities.
Alan Silva, from Roy, UT: "The Energy Independence X PRIZE" A prize to develop energy-independent homes that exist completely off the grid.
Kyle Good, from Irvine, CA: "The Capacitor Challenge" A prize to develop a new storage medium, an "ultra-capacitor."
"We were inspired by the sheer number of ideas and inquiries from the YouTube community," said Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation. "Narrowing the list to three finalists was difficult, and now it's up to the public to decide which one is truly worthy of being explored as an X PRIZE in the area of Energy and the Environment."
"We sponsored this contest because we think the world is full of great ideas from people who don't have a way to share them," said Lee Stein, Chairman and Founder of Prize Capital, LLC. "By offering a prize, we provided a platform to share and surface innovative ideas. We hope this is the first of many prize winning checks Prize Capital will be awarding for smart energy ideas. After seeing the finalist videos, I'll be happy to hand any of them a check for $25,000."
Public voting for the top video ends on November 30, 2008. The winner will be congratulated in person by Dr. Peter H. Diamandis and Lee Stein, and a media announcement will be made.
The X PRIZE Foundation is an educational nonprofit prize institute whose mission is to create radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. In 2004, the Foundation captured the world's attention when the Burt Rutan-led team, backed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, built and flew the world's first private spaceship to win the $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for suborbital spaceflight. The Foundation has since launched the $10 million Archon X PRIZE for Genomics, the $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE, and the $10 million Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE. The Foundation and its partner BT Global Services are creating prizes in Space and Ocean Exploration, Life Sciences, Energy & Environment, Education and Global Development. The Foundation is widely recognized as the leading model for fostering innovation through competition. For more information, please visit
Prize Capital's mission is to promote the preservation of rich ecological habitat areas around the world, by investing in environmentally sustainable economic development, new technologies and biodiversity preservation. Through its Earth 2.0 programs, Prize Capital combines prizes and capital to solve global energy and environmental challenges, for example, renewable energy, water or deforestation. The company's new financing mechanism combines inducement prize competitions with parallel equity option investment funds to provide capital for innovators to achieve technological breakthroughs and opens market access to early stage environmental opportunities for investors. Prize Capital's first Earth 2.0 program is a prize and fund for sustainable decentralized renewable energy. For further information, visit
Jean Levasseur

SOURCE: X PRIZE Foundation

Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.



2008/11/17 10:20

吉田 勝=日経エレクトロニクス







Kia To Debut Borrego Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicle at Los Angeles Auto Show
November 14, 2008
By Nate Martinez
Often overlooked in the race to build greener cars, Kia is right there with the heavy-hitters from Japan, Europe, and the U.S. To whit, Kia will be unveiling the latest effort of its Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle program, the Kia Borrego FCEV, at the Los Angeles auto show next week.

Kia says the new Borrego FCEV features a new hydrogen fuel cell with a 44% higher output than previous generations. The new fuel cell puts out an additional 47 hp, bringing total output up to 154 hp, or 115 kW. The fuel cell is coupled with a 450-volt, 100 kW supercapacitor that can put out 134 hp, and the whole vehicle is driven by a 147-hp electric motor. Kia says the system's 62% efficiency is the best in its class.

Thanks in part to a curb weight of just 4960 lb, the new-and-improved Borrego FCEV can now hit a top speed of 100 mph and will reach 60 mph from a standstill in 12.8 sec. According to Kia, the Borrego FCEV retains a power-to-weight ratio similar to that of gasoline-powered models. The Borrego FCEV can be equipped with two or three 10,000psi hydrogen tanks and boasts a range of 426 miles with three tanks. Kia estimates the fuel economy will be roughly equivalent to a combined average of 54 mpg.

For more on the Kia Borrego FCEV and complete coverage of the 2008 Los Angeles auto show, keep your browser pointed at

Source: Kia


自動車 センサ 環境 材料・加工 メカ設計 通信機器 電池 無線通信 実装
2008/11/14 22:16

図1 オムロンの開発した小型振動発電機

図2 高速道路の高架に取り付けた様子を見せた模型












清水 直茂=日経エレクトロニクス


Pentadyne Names SVP for Sales & Marketing
Fri. November 14, 2008; Posted: 12:16 AM
Today’s top stocks. Click here
MXWL | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Pentadyne Power, a provider of flywheel energy storage systems, announced that it has appointed Jeff Colton as Senior Vice-President of Sales & Marketing.
Colton joins Pentadyne from Skybility, a developer of embedded cellular systems where he served as Executive Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. He was previously Vice-President of OEM Sales for the Saft battery division of Alcatel and has held executive sales leadership positions with Maxwell Technologies, Sanyo Energy and General Electric.

"Jeff was my most valuable asset when I was President and GM of Maxwell Technologies' ultracapacitor business," said Pentadyne President and CEO Mark McGough. "He exceeded revenue targets every quarter, and I'm looking forward to him doing the same for Pentadyne."

((Comments on this story may be sent to

((Distributed via M2 Communications Ltd -

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【経済ニュース】 【この記事に対するコメント】 Y! V 2008/10/27(月) 07:15









日産自動車社長CEO カルロス・ゴーン 「世界初の電気自動車量販メーカー目指す」
【第1回】 2008年11月13日
現在の電気自動車ブーム。その“火つけ役”は、明らかに日産自動車である。世界の自動車メーカーが本格的な量販には二の足を踏むなかで、なんと世界的に万を超える規模で量販すると宣言したからだ。勝算はあるのか。カルロス・ゴーンCEOに聞いた。(聞き手:『週刊ダイヤモンド』編集部 山本猛嗣、柳澤里佳)






























(聞き手:『週刊ダイヤモンド』編集部 山本猛嗣、柳澤里佳)



電気自動車は無料で提供! インフラで稼ぐベター・プレイス社の勝算














(文/ジャーナリスト 瀧口範子)



環境コメント: トラックバック (1)

鴨沢 浅葱/Infostand







温暖化で明るく「お金」の話をしよう 〜 「クライ」議論からの脱却
2008年10月 9日

経済・ビジネス環境国際情勢コメント: トラックバック (0)

(これまでの 石井孝明の「温暖化とケイザイをめぐって」はこちら)





クリーンテックを支える「6つのC」という言葉が、シリコンバレーで流行しています。低下傾向にある「コスト」(COST)、流入する資本(CAPITAL)、拡大する競争(COMPETITION)、グリーンエネルギーを求める中国(CHINA)の需要、環境志向を強める世界の消費者(CONSUMER)、そして進行する気候変動(CLIMATE CHANGE)という、変化要因の頭文字が、いずれも「C」であることを指しています。
















2008年10月 8日

環境サイエンス・テクノロジーコメント: (12) トラックバック (0)

Jose Fermoso






今のところ、この装置で得られる電力は、360℃で1平方センチメートルにつき約39ミリワットだ。これは小さなファンを回すのにかろうじて足りる程度だが(巨大なファンを回したり、中くらいのノートパソコンを数時間稼働させたりするにはほど遠い)、新たな時代の電源を先取りする技術だ(とわれわれは期待している)。[PC Adviserの記事によると、Ceatecの展示では、小さなファンを回していた]




WIRED NEWS 原文(English)


東京電力、新日石、トヨタも危うい 電池を制せば世界を制す


The Formula One Times: 13th November: Rubens Barrichello Set To ...

Bleacher Report - San Francisco,CA,USA
... principle of these Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS); theoretically they can use watch batteries or supercapacitors to store electrical energy. ...


トヨタ自動車 副会長主催:日経BP社
協力:日経BP環境経営フォーラム/ECO JAPAN/日経エコロジー/日経ビジネス/日経エレクトロニクス/日経コンピュータ/日経アーキテクチュア
協賛: 電気事業連合会、 ヤマト運輸、 TDK、 日産自動車、 富士通、 日本アイ・ビー・エム、 JR東日本、 サントリー、 日立製作所、 シスコシステムズ、 森ビル、 インテル、 三井物産、 トヨタ自動車、 矢崎総業、 フジタ、 日本ユニシス、 電源開発、 MISAWA・international

取材・文/増谷茂樹 写真/山西英二

自動車産業が解決すべき3課題 世界的な景気後退、原油や資材の高騰など、現在、企業の経営環境は厳しくなっています。それと同時に、温暖化やエネルギーの問題も深刻さを増しています。そんななか、トヨタ自動車としてどのように経営に取り組んでいるのか、また技術開発にどのように取り組んでいるのか話したいと思います。




代替エネルギーとCO2削減努力 石油の消費については、中国やインド、ロシアなどの経済発展に伴い、需要は今後も急増すると予想されています。一方で、石油の生産は今後20~50年でピークを迎えるとの予測もあり、こちらも大変大きな問題です。したがって、発電や産業の部門では、石油以外にも石炭や天然ガス、オイルサンドなどの非在来型石油、さらに風力やバイオマスなどの再生可能エネルギーなど、一次エネルギーの多様化を図っていくことになります。現在、自動車は動力源のほとんどを石油に頼っていますが、今後は石油価格の高騰や石油資源の枯渇に備え、多様なエネルギーの活用を図る必要があります。自動車が発明された百数十年前の状況に戻って、エネルギーを再検討することが必要でしょう。



自動車を通じた豊かな社会づくり 次にトヨタの環境経営について説明します。トヨタは世界170カ国以上で自動車を販売しており、2007年にはグループ全体で937万台を販売しました。自動車以外でも、住宅・物流・航空・金融など多くの分野で事業を展開しており、世界に約530の連結会社を持ち、30万人以上の従業員が働いています。





「Zeronize 」と「 Maximize」 続いて、トヨタの技術開発について説明します。トヨタでは「Zeronize & Maximize」というビジョンを掲げて、商品・技術の開発を行っています。「Zeronize」とは、大気汚染やCO2の増加、交通事故など自動車の持つマイナスのインパクトをできるだけ小さくしてゼロに近付けるという意味の造語です。「Maximize」とは、自動車の持つ利便性や快適さ、楽しさ、喜びなどのポジティブなインパクトを最大化していこうという意味です。この二つがトヨタの技術開発の基本理念です。






プラグイン・ハイブリッド車への期待 トヨタでは1997年のプリウスの発売以来、ディーゼルハイブリッドトラックも含めたハイブリッド車の累計販売台数が150万台に達しました。来年の「デトロイトモーターショー」では、トヨタおよび「レクサス」ブランドから、ハイブリッド専用モデルを出展し、ラインナップの拡充を図ります。そして、2010年代のできるだけ早い時期にハイブリッド車だけで年間100万台の販売をめざし、2020年代にはトヨタの全車種にハイブリッドモデルを設定し、より一層の普及に努めます。





究極のエコカーへのアプローチ かつてトヨタは「RAV4」をベースにしたEV「RAV4 EV」を市場に投入しましたが、普及にはいたりませんでした。これは、航続距離が短い、充電時間が長い、たくさんの電池を搭載する必要があるため、コストが高くなってしまうことなどが原因でした。EVの普及には電池の革新的な技術開発が不可欠です。近い将来、実用化されるリチウムイオン電池の搭載車両でも、大量の電池搭載による高コスト化、急速充電時には専用インフラが必要なことなどが課題となり、近距離のコミューターとしての用途が現実的であると思われます。






自動車の世界を楽しみ続けるため 最後に、道路交通セクターにおける取り組みについて紹介します。道路交通セクターでのCO2削減やエネルギー問題の解決には、自動車側だけでなく人や交通環境の改善など、社会全体として総合的な取り組みが重要です。例えば、ドライバーのエコドライブに対する意識を高めたり、交通インフラの整備による交通流の円滑化により運輸のCO2削減は一層進みます。








NaturalNano Awarded Two Broad Patents in Energy Technologies
Font Scale: Posted 13 November 2008 @ 07:00 am ESTPR RSS Print E-Mail
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Nov. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- NaturalNano, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: NNAN) (FWB: N3N) announced today that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued the Company two patents for the use of naturally occurring nanotubes (HNTTM) in clean energy areas: one in hydrogen storage, and another for the use of mineral based nanotechnology in ultracapacitors, a fast-growing industry where nanotechnology is having a profound impact.

"While NaturalNano's current focus is on short term product applications in plastics and on filling hollow nanotubes for extended release for cosmetics, household products, and agriculture, our R&D initiatives have been identifying additional areas of opportunity. We have an aggressive intellectual property strategy that is creating strong patents in additional markets, which is critical to our future growth," stated Cathy Fleischer, Ph.D., NaturalNano President and CTO.


NaturalNano has been awarded a dominant patent position in the large, emerging market of hydrogen storage. By storing hydrogen gas atoms within NaturalNano's halloysite nanotubes, the need for high pressure storage tanks is reduced both for distribution of the gas and containment in car and truck gas tanks. A tank filled with halloysite nanotubes increases the surface area for the hydrogen gas to adhere to, while reducing the overall pounds per square inch (PSI) in the tank. Similar nanotubes have historically been proposed as hydrogen storage media in cars, trucks and planes. NaturalNano's patent is novel in its application of halloysite for this purpose, which is a naturally occurring material.


NaturalNano's ultracapacitor patent is an application of mineral microtubules, including but not limited to halloysite. Ultracapacitors can rapidly generate, hold, and release an electric charge. They play an increasingly critical role in many technologies, especially implanted medical devices.

These patents add to an already long and robust list of patents owned or exclusively licensed by NaturalNano.

The recently issued patents can be viewed at

About NaturalNano, Inc.

NaturalNano, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: NNAN) (FWB: N3N) is a materials science company focused on developing and commercializing advanced nanocomposites and extended release nanotechnologies. Based in Rochester, NY, the Company is focused on additive technologies and processes, including its proprietary Pleximer(TM) polymer additive, that add value to industrial polymers, plastics and composites, as well as consumer and industrial products. NaturalNano holds and licenses over 25 patents and applications, including an exclusive license from the U.S. Naval Research Lab for the technology of filling halloysite natural tubes (HNTTM) with materials for extended release products, such as longer lasting fragrances or flavors. For more information, visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking statements regarding future events and future performance of NaturalNano that involve risks and uncertainties that could materially affect actual results. This information is qualified in its entirety by cautionary statements and risk factors disclosure contained in certain of NaturalNano's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The most recent annual reports on Form 10-KSB and quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB filed by NaturalNano provide information about these factors, which may be revised or supplemented in future reports to the SEC on those forms or on Form 8-K. We caution investors not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and we do not undertake any obligation to update or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or other such factors that affect the subject of these statements, except where expressly required by law.

SOURCE NaturalNano, Inc.


Freescale, McLaren develop future Formula One electronics
Freescale, McLaren develop future Formula One electronics
Christoph Hammerschmidt
EE Times Europe
(11/12/2008 8:29 HM EST)

MUNICH, Germany — Beginning 2009, Formula One racing cars can be equipped with energy recovery systems similar to what is in today's hybrid drive cars. Freescale Semiconductor and McLaren Electronic Systems (MES) will collaborate to develop the complex systems for next-gen racing vehicles.
A change in the Formula One rules allows that the racing cars can recuperate kinetic energy, store it and use it to accelerate the cars during the race. There is no regulation as to the physical principle of these Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS); theoretically they can use batteries or supercapacitors to store electrical energy or even store the kinetic energy directly in flywheels. However, by far the most F1 racing teams will rely on electrical systems, explained MES managing director Peter van Manen. "This is the biggest change in the Formula One world for decades," van Manen said.

Freescale and MES will collaborate in developing the complex power management circuitry required for the KERS. While the cooperation aims at winning F1 races in the first place, Freescale and even MES will benefit from it since the technology developed can be used in standard hybrid road cars in several years. "It's much bigger than racing," explained van Manen. He expects that the experience gathered will strongly influence design of future vehicle electronics, in particular under the aspect of power and battery management.

McLaren plans to use Freescale's motor control microcontrollers and power system expertise. However, the systems to develop will largely be centered on power aspects. Basically, the vehicles (if they use electrical energy recovery systems) will be equipped with a motor generator which will convert kinetic energy into electrical energy when the car brakes. This energy then is stored in a supercapacitor or a battery. The driver will get a "boost" button at the dashboard which will allow him to reuse the electrical energy to add to the torque within the limits of the F-1 rules.

The new F1 rules stipulate that the maximum power stored does not exceed 60 kilowatts and that no more than 400 kilojoules of energy can be reused per lap, which means that the drivers have to use their additional thrust wisely.

The designers have to find the best compromise between weight, size, cooling and other technical aspects. This makes the selection of the optimal power storage the central decision. "Battery or supercap? There are benefits for both," van Manen said. "This is a complex calculation with many factors." However, the weight for batteries will play a crucial role. Van Manen declined to go into figures, but an additional "weight of 100 kilograms would be definitively too heavy," he said.




月,代 ...



Maxwell Tech Introduces New BOOSTCAP? Products for Industrial and
PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance?-?Nov 12 8:30 AM
Maxwell Technologies Inc. today unveiled a new family of BOOSTCAP?
ultracapacitor products specifically
designed to meet the power and energy requirements of industrial and
consumer electronics applications....



DOE to Offer $25 Billion in Loans for Advanced Vehicles
DOE issued an Interim Final Rule last week for the Advanced Technology
Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program,
which will distribute up to $25 billion in direct loans to automakers and
component manufacturers.


米テスラを襲う不況の波  期待のエコカーベンチャー失速か



Is Nissan Building a Car That Charges Itself?
Nissan's Minoru Shinohara says the company is working on technology that would allow for its electric cars to charge their batteries while driving without using gas.
by: Michael Kanellos
November 12, 2008

Above is a prototype of a robot that will chat with you, provide directions and give other helpful advice.
Michael Kanellos

These two robots are trained to avoid each other if a collision in imminent. The artificial intelligence algorithms are based on how bees behave.
Michael Kanellos
<< Previous Image 1 of 2Next >> Advertisement
Can you charge an electric car without plugging it in? Nissan is looking into it.

Researchers at the Japanese automaker are trying to see if there is a way to charge the batteries in electric cars while the car is driving without using gas, said Minoru Shinohara, senior vice president of the technology development department at Nissan, in an interview at Ceatec last month. The car would function like a Chevy Volt, but it wouldn't have a gas generator.

"Electric charging without a connection," he said, "it is very [futuristic], but we need zero emission vehicles. ... With India, Russia and China, there is a large increase in vehicles expected."

One potential option: ultracapacitors. APowerCap from the Ukraine is working on ultracapacitor chargers for cars. Like Toyota, Nissan could also explore hydrogen.

Although he doesn't pop up in the U.S. press much, Shinohara's is a name to look for when trying to ferret trends from the Japanese auto industry. In October 2007, he revealed in an interview that the company had little interest in biofuels. Instead, it saw the future of cars in electricity, adding that Nissan planned to release plug-in hybrids by 2010 and all-electric cars by 2011. It was a good signal: seven months later, CEO Carlos Ghosn "announced" Nissan's electric car plans.

Here's what else is on his mind these days:

Nissan's push into electric cars will be broad. The company's first electric cars, to be released in Japan and the U.S. in 2010, will be city cars. But after that consumers will likely see sedans and possibly sports cars. That amplifies the company's stance: last year, Nissan saw electrics as commuter vehicles that wouldn't directly compete in the broader market against gas-guzzlers.

"We are aiming for EV leadership, which means we need to cover the market," he said. "Which means we need to prepare several vehicles."

Still, even with the excitement around electric cars, selling commuter cars will require a good dose of consumer education.

Plans for a plug-in hybrid are off the front burner at the moment. Last year, plug-ins were at the top of the schedule. "The electric car is the ultimate solution," Shinohara said.

Pricing, weight, charging infrastructure and charge time remain major obstacles to electric cars. Japan, however, seems to be taking an active role in engineering a conversion. The country is looking at kilowatt-range charging stations that can cut charge time to 30 minutes. "Then, at nighttime, with low priced electricity, you can charge it for five to six hours" with conventional outlets, he said. Nissan is also looking at battery swaps.

Rebates are big here too. One idea making the rounds is a federal government program that could cover 50 percent of the cost of a car. With local rebates, close to 25 percent of the cost of an electric car – conceivably – could be covered.

Watch out for a push on the Eco-pedal. The gas pedal provides greater resistance to a person's foot when accelerating begins to reduce gas mileage. The force-feedback technique won't prevent drivers from accelerating, but instead offer a reminder that the car is burning more fuel. Early tests show it can increase mileage by 5 percent or more. It comes to Japan very soon and likely other parts of the world later.

Finally Shinohara said that robotic accident prevention is improving. Automakers are working on devices that will take control of a car right before an accident. "It will be applied in a very restricted manner, when people can't react quickly," he said.

Nissan and scientists at the University of Tokyo also are studying bees, which rarely collide with each other, to see if biomimicry can solve the problem.

Join industry leaders and influencers at Greentech Media's new conference series Greentech Innovations: End-to-End Electricity on November 17 and 18 in New York City.


Shock Therapy: Cars to Get Electro-Power Boosters
Freescale says it will begin deploying Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS), which can provide cars, buses and trucks with a jolt of accelerating power.
by: Michael Kanellos
November 12, 2008

Remember how Batman in the 1960s TV show could suddenly burn rubber by hitting a big red button on his dashboard? Luxury car buyers will be getting something similar in the near future.

Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS), which can provide cars, buses and trucks with a jolt of accelerating power, will likely start to be incorporated into some commercially available cars in about 12 to 18 months, according to Steve Wainwright, vice president of sales and marketing for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Freescale Semiconductor. Freescale, formerly Motorola Semiconductor, is the largest chipmaker in the automotive market.

Freescale this week announced it is working with McLaren Automotive Systems for a KERS for Formula 1 racers for the 2010 season.

KERS are similar to the electronic systems in hybrids like the Toyota Prius, but the electronic power is deployed differently. With a KERS, energy harvested from regenerative charges a bank of lithium-ion batteries or an ultracapacitor in a vehicle.

That power, however, is not used to propel the car down the road like in a Prius. Instead, it is stored there until the driver needs a sudden blast of power. A car could be engineered, for instance, to shut off its gas engine at a traffic light to save fuel. The KERS would kick in when the driver next touched the accelerator to get the car moving from a standstill. The gas engine would only have to flip on after the car is rolling.

A car could also be engineered so the KERS would goose acceleration. Conceivably, a manufacturer could put the Tesla Roadster-quickness into a conventional car at a lower price. KERS work by delivering stored energy to an electrical generator linked to the car's other systems.

Racers in the Formula 1 circuit will begin to take advantage of KERS systems in the 2009 season. The Federation International de l'Automobile (FIA) actually changed racing rules to take energy into account in the sport. Under the new rules, racers will be able to expend 400 kilojoules per lap. (A joule meter will be installed in cars.) Drivers can use gas or electric power to get to the limit. If a driver is coming toward the end of a lap and has only used 380 kilojoules, count on him or her to tweak the button to max out. The button will probably be hit quite a bit in passing situations.

"You essentially have a booster button," he said.

Although KERS will enter the racing circuit in 2009, the concept will be more finished and polished in 2010. Formula 1 cars are finicky creatures and Freescale is working with McLaren to ensure smooth power delivery. To that end, Freescale is designing the entire KERS system, not just selling McLaren chips.

"You have to get close synchronization," he said. "You get this massive whack of power but what do you do with it?"

Other companies working on KERS include APowerCap, a Ukrainian-based company with an ultracapacitor for a KERS. Ultracapacitors store energy like lithium-ion batteries but can charge and discharge quicker, say advocates. But they are also not as familiar and hearty as batteries, say battery fans.

Although racing and high-end cars will be showcases for the technology, KERS have a blue-collar background. Manufacturers put them in buses and trucks so they consume less gas at intersections.

Join industry leaders and influencers at Greentech Media's new conference series Greentech Innovations: End-to-End Electricity on November 17 and 18 in New York City.


Kia Motors rolls out new technologies

By Jesse Crosse
10 November, 2008
Source: Automotive World
Although not necessarily a high profile name associated with pushing the boundaries of high technology, Kia Motors is currently pouring immense resources into R&D.


Originally launched in 1944, Kia's worldwide unit sales have soared by 350% in the ...


Alternative Energy Storage: Lithium, Lead or Both?
November 10, 2008 | about stocks: ABAT / ALTI / AXPW.OB / CBAK / CHP / ENS / HEV / SNE / ULBI / VLNC / XIDE
John Petersen
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Become a Contributor Submit an Article Font Size: PrintEmail Since mid-July I’ve been an outspoken advocate for advanced lead-acid battery technology and a fairly vocal critic of lithium-ion technology, which I’ve uncharitably compared to airbrushed centerfolds. Understandably, defenders of the true faith have condemned my heresy. Today I’m going to back up a few steps and try to give new readers a better understanding of where the battery industry has been, where it is now and where I believe it is going in the future. I hope this overview of how the industry has developed will make my reasoning more clear and improve everyone else’s understanding of a complex but very exciting investment sector.

A Brief History

To understand the current state of battery technology, one must first consider the historical needs that gave birth to all invention. Around 250 BC, a clever Babylonian found that a magic genie could be released from a clay pot containing the right combination of lead and acid. During the 1800s, people began to find ways to make the genie do useful work beyond electro-plating and parlor tricks. From there technology progressed rapidly to a point where batteries are now a ubiquitous but largely invisible part of our daily lives. We don’t usually think about batteries until they need to be recharged or replaced, but life would be very different without them.

Until the 1960s, there were two primary classes of batteries: rechargeable lead-acid batteries and disposable dry cells. Lead-acid batteries handled the heavy work like starting cars and providing emergency lighting while dry cells were used for flashlights, toys and consumer goods, including the first wave of cheap transistor radios.

In the mid-70s, maintenance free valve regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries were introduced and rapidly became the dominant technology. They worked so well in fact that the level of R&D spending on lead-acid technology plummeted. Shortly thereafter, new rechargeable battery chemistries including nickel cadmium (NiCd), nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium ion (Li-ion) emerged on the scene. Since the new chemistries had tremendous potential utility in portable electronics, R&D spending on those chemistries soared in response to intense consumer demand. That trend continued through the early years of the current decade because lead-acid batteries were generally adequate for the work they needed to do while batteries for portable electronics were still frequently inadequate.

Over the last few years, an entirely new market dynamic has emerged as people have been forced to come to grips with the amount of energy they waste. Today we are witnessing a seismic shift in the storage sector because none of the technologies we relied on in the past is durable enough or robust enough to meet the demands of an energy efficient future. In response to this new market dynamic, companies throughout the energy storage sector have:

Instituted new research programs to improve the performance and durability of lead-acid batteries;
Refocused existing research to concentrate on making larger NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion batteries;
Increased research on new and improved flow battery chemistries; and
Devoted new resources to physical storage systems like pumped hydro, compressed air and flywheels.
The victors’ spoils will be massive new markets that represent an estimated incremental value of up to $70 billion per year – a whopping 233% increase over current global revenues of $30 billion industrywide.

Critical Performance Metrics

Understanding performance claims in the energy storage sector can be difficult because there are several critical performance metrics including “energy,” or the capacity to do work, which is usually measured in watt-hours (Wh); “power,” or the rate at which work can be performed, which is usually measured in watts (W); and “cycle-life,” or the number of times a device can be discharged and recharged before it needs to be replaced. Another key concept is “energy density,” which quantifies the amount of energy a battery pack can deliver per unit of weight measured in kilograms (kg) or volume measured in liters (l).

If you think in terms of the humble electric golf cart, energy limits the distance you can travel on a single charge, power limits your speed of travel, cycle-life limits the number of rounds of golf you can play before replacing the battery and energy density dictates the size of your battery pack. So performance metrics are easy to understand when they are tied to the requirements of a particular application. But if you try to discuss performance metrics in a vacuum without considering how they relate to a particular application, all you get are confusing gee whiz numbers.

I’ve been studying SEC reports from energy storage companies for several years and believe that investors would be well-served if every company presented summary production, revenue and cost data using a uniform watt-hour metric. The disclosures in the prospectus for the proposed A123 Systems IPO come close to my ideal, but are still not quite there. In my opinion, this simple change would make it far easier for investors to make apples to apples comparisons and truly understand the competitive strengths and weaknesses of widely varied storage technologies. But since fair comparability can really take the edge off a story, standardized disclosure may be a long time coming.

Critical Application Requirements

The biggest challenge facing the energy storage industry is an incredible diversity of needs that precludes even the remote possibility of a silver bullet solution. I couldn’t begin to describe or quantify the global scope of the problem, but a couple of concrete examples may be helpful.

In a light HEV where the principal goal is to use energy from recuperative braking to provide extra boost during acceleration, power and cycle-life are the critical metrics. You need a storage solution that can accept a huge charge over a 10 to 15 second braking interval, deliver that charge over a 10 to 15 second acceleration interval and repeat the process many thousands of times over the life of the vehicle. In a PHEV where the principal goal is to run in electric only mode for 40 or 50 miles and then switch over to an internal combustion engine, energy and power are the critical metrics and cycle-life is fairly unimportant because the average user will not recharge his batteries more than 300 to 500 times in any given year.

Similar disparities are common in the utility industry where power and cycle-life are critical metrics for frequency regulation and short-term grid stabilization, but energy and power are the critical metrics for long discharge periods involving rate arbitrage, renewables leveling and diurnal storage.

In the extreme case of an emergency backup or upgrade deferral system that only kicks in if there is a severe grid disruption, energy and power are the only metrics that matter and cycle-life is almost irrelevant.

Size and weight are mission critical constraints in portable electronic device. They are far less important in motive applications and almost irrelevant in stationary applications. Likewise, high cycle-life and power are critical for light HEVs but expensive overkill for an electric runabout that will only be charged a couple thousand times during its useful life. In the final analysis, the fundamental laws of economics will require that every user pick the storage solution that is best suited to his particular needs and budget.

Two Decades of Li-ion Technology

Sony (SNE) first introduced commercial Li-ion batteries in 1991 and there have been huge improvements in safety, power and cycle-life over the last two decades. But each major safety improvement has reduced energy density and increased manufacturing costs.

Sony’s original Li-ion batteries had energy densities approaching 200 Wh/kg, were able to deliver their stored energy in an hour and offered between 500 and 1,000 cycles. In comparison, today’s high-end Li-phosphate and Li-titanate batteries offer energy densities of less than 100 Wh/kg; can deliver their stored energy in three to five minutes and offer useful lives of 5,000 to 20,000 cycles. Between these extremes, the variables are almost endless.

While precise cost comparisons are difficult because nobody uses standardized reporting metrics, the bulk of available data indicates that lithium-cobalt batteries based on Sony’s original chemistry cost $0.45 to $0.55 per Wh and high-end Li-phosphate and Li-titanate batteries can cost upwards of $1.50 per Wh. About the only good price news in the group is Li-polymer batteries that cost about $0.35 per Wh to manufacture.

Battery cost per Wh is not a critical issue when a consumer is shopping for a 50 Wh laptop battery. But it will be the primary market driver when that same consumer is shopping for a 2,000 Wh battery for a Toyota Prius, a 16,000 Wh battery for a Chevy Volt or a 26,000 Wh battery for a Th!nk City runabout. After all, the only place a comma and two or three additional zeros don’t matter is Washington DC.

There is no question that today’s Li-ion batteries offer far better power and cycle-life than Sony’s originals. But gains in one performance metric have always reduced energy while increasing manufacturing costs. Over the last two decades, Li-ion technology has seen incremental improvements of 8% to 10% per year, but it's never seen anything even close to the "Moore's Law" type performance gains so many investors have come to rely on.

Since we have not seen disruptive performance improvements over the last two decades when Li-ion technology was rapidly evolving and research chemists had all the R&D funding they could possibly use, I think it is unreasonable to assume that disruptive performance improvements will arise in the future as a mature technology is scaled up to larger sizes. I am also troubled by recurring reports from natural resource analysts who note that Li-ion batteries require raw materials that are not abundant in North America and may not be abundant anywhere else.

I believe Li-ion is a wonderful technology that has a wealth of potential uses. But it is not and never will be a cheap general-purpose solution for all energy storage needs. Julia Child is rumored to have owned a solid gold frying pan that had incredible thermal uniformity but no economic utility in the average kitchen. I remain convinced that many of the highly touted bulk storage applications for Li-ion technology are in a comparable category, technically feasible but impossibly expensive in the real world of paychecks and budgets.

Three Decades of Lead-Acid Technology

After the invention of VRLA batteries in the mid-70s, research on lead-acid technology plummeted and there were no substantive new research and development projects for almost 30 years. VRLA batteries were adequate for the work they needed to do and without the pain of necessity there was no compelling incentive for new invention.

That dynamic began to change a few years ago when it became obvious that new energy storage solutions would be essential to minimize waste. At that point, researchers once again began to look at new ways to improve lead acid battery performance by integrating new materials and technologies that were developed for use in other sectors during the 30-year period when lead-acid research stagnated. Established lead-acid battery producers funded some of the research work, but Firefly Energy, Axion Power International (AXPW.OB) and Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) initiated the more ambitious projects.

The Firefly project was spun out of Caterpillar (CAT) in 2003 and its goal was to use a carbon foam composite to replace lead current collector grids. Firefly’s hope was that its carbon foam technology would reduce the amount of lead used in a battery, minimize lead that was not chemically active and improve energy density. Over the last five years, the Firefly project has grown from a pure R&D initiative to a manufacturing and commercialization partnership between Firefly and C&D Technologies (CHP) that was announced at the end of October. While pricing information hasn’t been released yet, the available performance data indicates that the new Oasis battery will offer a 40% to 50% increase in energy density, higher power and up to 800 cycles at an 80% depth of discharge. My current sense is that the Oasis battery will probably cost $0.20 to $0.30 per Wh, or twice as much as a normal lead-acid battery, but offer four times the performance in suitable applications.

The Axion project was also initiated in 2003 and its goal was to create a true hybrid between a lead-acid battery and a supercapacitor by replacing the lead-based negative electrodes with carbon electrode assemblies. Axion’s hope was that its PbC devices would reduce the amount of lead used in a battery, eliminate sulfation, which is the primary cause of lead-acid battery failure, and bring supercapacitor-like power to the lead-acid world.

Over the last five years, the Axion project has progressed from a pure R&D initiative to a planned commercial rollout that’s expected by mid-2009. While detailed performance and price specifications haven’t been released yet, the available information indicates that Axion’s PbC battery will offer a 400% increase in power and well over 1,200 cycles at a 90% depth of discharge. My sense is that Axion’s PbC batteries will probably cost $0.20 to $0.30 per Wh, or twice as much as a normal lead-acid battery, but offer six to eight times the performance in suitable applications.

The historical details on the CSIRO project are a bit sketchy but the CSIRO ultrabattery appears to have a lot in common with Axion’s PbC battery since both products are a battery-supercapacitor hybrid. While we don’t know much about the design, construction and electrochemistry of the CSIRO ultrabattery, there are some impressive results from a recent 100,000-mile road test in a modified Honda Insight. The bottom line was that the CSIRO device performed flawlessly; got 2.8% less gas mileage because of the added battery weight; but offered a $2,000 cost savings over the factory original NiMH battery.

I am not suggesting that the Firefly, Axion and CSIRO projects embody the pinnacle of lead-acid performance; innovation simply doesn’t work that way. Instead, I believe they’re simply important steps in the ongoing quest for a cheap general-purpose storage solution, But these advances clearly demonstrate that disruptive improvements in lead-acid chemistry are still possible when advanced materials and technologies that were developed in recent years are combined into new products based on inherently cheap lead-acid chemistry. When it comes to cost-effective energy storage, Firefly, Axion and CSIRO have made more progress in five years than the entire Li-ion group has made in two decades. So I think it’s far too early in the game for the press or politicians to be picking a winner.

My Cloudy Crystal Ball
I’ve spent five years immersed in energy storage because of the work our firm did for Axion. So circumstances and professional standards required that I carefully study the needs of the emerging storage market and the strengths and weaknesses of the leading technologies. The lessons my work taught me beyond any reasonable doubt are:

Commercial decisions will always be based on detailed studies that carefully weigh the fully loaded cost of storage against the value of the stored energy;
Consumer decisions will be very sensitive to both front-end costs and back-end energy savings;
There is no silver bullet solution to the energy storage problem and our future will require the use of several different technologies; and
The prize will ultimately be shared by dozens of companies instead of being concentrated in one or two.
For the reasons summarized above Li-ion technology has been the headline grabber for the last two decades. During that period the energy requirements of portable electronics have fallen by Moore’s Law multiples and while Li-ion batteries have gotten safer, they’ve also lost energy density and gotten more expensive. For most of the time that Li-ion technology was being actively developed, lead acid technology was the object of benign neglect.

Over the last 5 years, research projects from Firefly, Axion and CSIRO have resulted in disruptive improvements in lead-acid durability and performance. While none of them can claim energy, power and cycle lives that are as good as advanced Li-ion batteries, the size and weight multipliers are now in the 2x to 3x range, rather than the 6x to 8x range that the experts predicted when they first compared advanced Li-ion with conventional lead acid. But what Firefly, Axion and CSIRO lack in performance they more than make up for in price. After all, we Americans have never minded lugging around a few extra pounds if the heavier choice is 40% to 80% cheaper.

In the final analysis I don’t see the future of energy storage as an either-or proposition. I think Li-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, flow batteries, pumped hydro, compressed air and flywheels will all make important contributions to the energy storage solution. So I believe a balanced portfolio of energy storage stocks is the only sensible approach for investors who don’t have the time or inclination to do their own research. Articles like this one can provide useful ideas, but they should not be relied on as investment advice because every author (including me) has his own agenda, preferences, predilections and prejudices.

As an investor, my goal is to buy low and sell high. Based on five years of work in the sector, I’m convinced that growth in the Li-ion group will be slower than most people expect and growth in the lead-acid group will be faster than most people expect. In the current market, the lead acid group including Exide (XIDE), Enersys (ENS), Ultralife (ULBI), C&D and Axion are trading at far lower valuations than companies in the Li-ion group like Advanced Battery (ABAT), China BAK (CBAK), Valence (VLNC), Altair (ALTI) and Ener1 (HEV). If my basic thesis about differing rates of technological change and sales growth is correct, the companies in the lead-acid group are likely to perform far better over the next few years than the companies in the Li-ion group.

The upcoming IPO from A123 Systems will focus the market’s attention on the storage sector in a whole new way and a rising tide of investor sentiment is certain to lift all of the boats in the marina. Astute investors ought to be doing their boat shopping now.

Disclosure: Author holds a long position in Axion Power International (AXPW.OB) and is a former director of that company.
