The 'tribrid' bus will be used to take students between campuses
A carbon-free minibus powered by three green technologies is to be unveiled to coincide with World Environment Day. The "tribrid" bus has a range of about 150 miles, a top speed of 55 mph and will be used by students at the University of Glamorgan. It is powered by hydrogen fuel cells, batteries and ultra-capacitors. The project, developed by the university, was funded by the Energy Savings Trust and sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government. Local and overseas businesses also contributed to the minibus. Project manager Jonathan Williams, a senior lecturer at the University of Glamorgan, spent two-and-a-half years perfecting the vehicle based on his research into the control of fuel cell systems. He said the combination of the technologies overcame the limitations of vehicles powered solely by battery or fuel cells.
'Zero emissions'
Intelligent power switching methods result in the minibus automatically using the most appropriate form of power and level, he said. Professor Guoping Liu, the project's director, said the bus offered the potential to make a significant contribution in the search for alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles and to deliver zero-emissions transportation for communities to ease global warming. The minibus will be used for student transport at the university, which has a green campus programme. It will service the Treforest, Glyntaff and Cardiff campuses and link with the university's hydrogen research centre under construction at Baglan Energy Park, near Port Talbot. The bus is expected to be available on the commercial market at a cost of £90,000 to £95,000. Battery-only minibuses would be available for £40,000. Economy and Transport Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said: "This new tribrid minibus supports the assembly government's clean energy policy, builds on existing research at the university and supports local industry and businesses."
'Tribrid' green bus unveiled Jun 5 2008 Media Wales
A green minibus that runs on three clean technologies was unveiled today.The tribrid bus, with a top speed of 55mph, will ferry students around campuses at the University of Glamorgan, south Wales.Its hydrogen fuel cells, batteries and hi-tech ultra-capacitors give it a range of about 150 miles.It is hoped the emissions-free silent bus, said to be first of its kind in Europe, will soon be available commercially for about £90,000.Experts at Glamorgan spent two-and-a-half years perfecting the technology, based on research into fuel cells.They claim the combination of three fuels overcomes the problems of relying on one. It is capable of automatically switching to the most appropriate power source while the minibus is on the go.Wales’s Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said: “This highly innovative, technology-driven prototype is a made-in-Wales solution and the result of a truly international collaboration which places Wales at the forefront of green technology development.“The automotive industry is a key sector for Wales, employing 25,000 people, generating over £3 billion annually with 40 of the top 100 global leaders having an operation in Wales.”
3つのきれいなテクノロジーの上で動く緑の小型バスは、今日公開されました。tribridバスは、55mphの最高の速度で、グラモーガン(南ウェールズ)大学のキャンパスのまわりに、学生を輸送します。その水素燃料電池、バッテリーとハイテク超コンデンサは、それにおよそ150マイルの範囲を与えます。放出のない静かなバス(ヨーロッパでその種類で最初であると言われる)が商業的に£90,000についてにすぐに利用できることが望まれます。グラモーガンの専門家はテクノロジーを仕上げることに2年半を費やしました。そして、燃料電池の研究に基づきました。彼らは、3つの燃料の組合せが1に頼る問題を解決すると主張します。小型バスが働く間、それは自動的に最適な電源に変わることができます。ウェールズの副First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jonesは以下のように述べました:「この非常に革新的な、技術主導のプロトタイプは、作られたin-Wales解決と緑の技術開発の最前線にウェールズを置く本当に国際的な協同の結果です。「自動車産業はウェールズのための重要なセクターです。そして、25,000人を雇用します。そして、ウェールズで活動をしているトップ100人の全世界のリーダーのうちの40人と毎年£3の上に10億を生み出します。」
A carbon free and silent minibus powered by three different green technologies - the first of its kind in Europe - was officially launched in Wales today on World Environment Day
無料で静かな小型バスが3つの異なるグリーンテクノロジーによって原動力となったカーボン - ヨーロッパのその種類で最初であるもの - 世界環境デーに今日、ウェールズで公式に始まりました
The clean, green emission free tribrid bus is the result of an international collaboration, led and co-ordinated in Wales by the University of Glamorgan with funding from the Energy Savings Trust, sponsorship from the Welsh Assembly Government and the support of industry.
きれいな、緑の放出のないtribridバスは、国際協力の結果で、リードして、資金提供がEnergy Savingsトラストからにあるグラモーガン、ウェルシュ議会政府からの後援と工業の支持大学のそばのウェールズで調和しました。
The bus was launched and put through its paces for the first time at an Energy Savings Trust event to mark the successful completion of the project.
バスは市場に出されて、プロジェクトの成功した完成をマークするために、Energy Savingsトラストイベントで、初めてそのペースに通されました。
The event at Baglan Energy Park also marked the launch of the minibus as a viable green transport solution for commercial operators throughout the UK and Europe.
Baglan Energy公園のイベントも、小型バスの開始が英国とヨーロッパ中の商用演算子の生き残れる緑の輸送解決であることを示しました。
Philip Sellwood, CEO of the Energy Saving Trust commented, "With over 25% of the UK's total carbon emission produced by road transport every year technology advancements are vital. This mini bus is a great example of how cutting edge engineering can be integrated into a well known vehicle and now groups will be able to use the tribrid bus for outings"
フィリップセルウッド、Energy SavingトラストのCEOはコメントしました ― 「毎年、道輸送によって生じられる英国の完全なカーボン排出の25%以上で、テクノロジー向上は不可欠です。このミニバスは最先端のエンジニアリングがどのように有名な車両に集積されることができるかという大きな例です、そして、現在、グループは遠出行きのtribridバスを使うことができます」
Ieuan Wyn Jones, Minister for the Economy and Transport, said it put Wales at the forefront of green technology where the development of alternative fuels for vehicles has been championed and supported by the Assembly Government and the automotive sector for a number of years.
Ieuan Wynジョーンズ(EconomyとTransport担当大臣)は、それがウェールズを車両のための代替燃料の開発が擁護されて、何年にもわたり議会政府と自動車セクターで支えられたグリーンテクノロジーの最前線に置くと言いました。
Transport Minister Jim Fitzpatrick said:
"New technologies are a vital part of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions from transport and help tackle climate change. This doesn't just apply to cars, between 4 and 5 billion bus journeys are taken every year, so it is essential we make buses as green as possible too. I look forward to tribrid buses becoming commonplace on our roads."
The minibus, which will be a commercially available prospect in the near future, benefits from three types of power delivery - hydrogen fuel cell, lead acid battery technology and ultra-capacitators.
小型バス(それは近い将来、市販の見通しです)は、3種類の力の配達から利益を得ます - 水素燃料電池、鉛蓄電池技術と超コンデンサ。
The man responsible for driving forward the development is project manager Jonathan Williams, a senior lecturer at the University of Glamorgan, who spent two and a half years perfecting it, based on his research into control of fuel cell systems.
Prof Guoping Liu an internationally recognised control system expert, is the Project Director and Jonathan's mentor. He said this tribrid bus offered the potential to make a significant contribution in the increasingly urgent search for alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles and to deliver zero-emissions transportation for communities that will ease global warming.教授Guopingリウは国際的に認められたコントロールシステムの専門家です、Projectはディレクターとジョナサンの師です。彼は、この tribridバスが化石燃料ビヒクルに代わるもののますます緊急の検索において重要な貢献をして、地球温暖化をゆるめるコミュニティのためにゼロエミッション輸送を加えるために可能性を提供すると言いました。
Jonathan explained the combination of these three technologies overcomes the limitations of vehicles powered solely by battery or fuel cells which his research identified. The combined system provides a more viable solution while also reducing the overall system costs.
The fuel cell system provides the low to medium constant power delivery, whereas the lead acid battery provides medium constant power. Finally the ultra-capacitors delivery the massive, instantaneous power demands, which is ideal for high load acceleration and regeneration of braking power.
Intelligent power switching methods then allow the charging strategy to be mapped to the fuel cell's optimal performance which results in the vehicle automatically using the most appropriate form of power and level.
The clean, green and silent vehicle is emission free and has a range of approximately 150 miles based on a city centre drive cycle and a top speed of 55mph.
Ieun Wyn Jones said the development illustrated that Wales was THE place to do business.
Ieun Wynジョーンズは、発展がウェールズが取引するためのTHE場所であることを示すと言いました。
"This highly innovative, technology driven prototype is a made in Wales solution and the result of a truly international collaboration which places Wales at the forefront of green technology development.
"It shows quite clearly the importance of linking the expertise available in our academic institutions with the expertise of industry to develop next generation technologies and products.
"The Assembly Government has been actively supporting the automotive sector in the development of niche vehicles and alternative fuels and supply chains. This new tribrid minibus supports the Assembly Government's clean energy policy, builds on existing research at the University and supports local industry and businesses
"The automotive industry is a key sector for Wales employing 25,000 people, generating over 3 billion pounds annually with forty of the top 100 global leaders having an operation in Wales."
Industrial collaboration was vital for the success of the project which has benefited from a lead acid battery developed by the Japanese Yuasa European Technical Centre at Ebbw Vale.
Hydrogenics, which is headquartered in Toronto and a world leader in hydrogen products and power systems, supplied the fuel cell and technical assistance while Taylor Made Marine, based in Ross-on-Wye, designed and produced an aerodynamic lightweight carbon fibre pod to cover the fuel cells and hydrogen storage tanks.
The vehicle shell was provided by Dragon Coachworks, a joint venture between Dragon Trucks & Van and Brecon Coachworks. The partnership has a base in Merthyr where they intend to create a commercially viable manufacturing base in Wales to develop a range of zero emission vehicles including the tribrid minibus.
車両シェルは、Dragon Coachworks(Dragon TrucksとヴァンとBrecon Coachworksの合弁事業)によって提供されました。協力は、彼らがtribrid小型バスを含む無排気ガス車の航続距離を開発するためにウェールズで商業的に生き残れる製造ベースをつくるつもりであるMerthyrで、ベースを持ちます。
The minibus will be used for student transport at the University which has a green campus programme. It will service the existing Treforest, Glyntaff and Cardiff campuses.
It will also link up with the University's Renewable Hydrogen Research and Demonstration Centre currently under construction at Baglan Energy Park near Port Talbot.
それは、Portタルボットの近くでBaglan Energy公園で工事中に現在大学のRenewableなHydrogen ResearchとDemonstrationセンターと結びつきもします。
This project, part-funded by ERDF, is also being developed by the Hydrogen Research Unit at the University with the purpose of producing hydrogen from renewable energy sources in Wales and demonstrating the use of hydrogen within the building and for fuelling vehicles.
このプロジェクト(パートERDFによって資金による)は、ウェールズで水素を更新できるエネルギー源から作り出して、建物の中で、そして、燃料ビヒクルのために水素の使用を示す目的で、大学でHydrogen Research Unitによっても拡張されています。
Funding is also being sought for hydrogen refuelling and electric vehicle recharging facilities at the Renewable Hydrogen Research and Demonstration Centre .
資金提供は、燃料補給している水素とRenewableなHydrogen ResearchとDemonstrationセンターで設備を再充電している電気自動車のために求められてもいます。
The minibuses will be commercially available as tribrids or any combination of the technologies. Steps to commercialise the tribrid bus will now be undertaken as a separate ongoing programme and it is anticipated to be available at a cost of 90,000 to 95,000 pounds which compares with a 2m price tag attached to the London CUTE bus project hydrogen fuel cell powered buses. Battery only minibuses would be available for 40,000 pounds.
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