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三菱重工業グループの菱重エステート株式会社(東京都港区、木山信雄社長)など菱興グループ7社は、OM計画株式会社(静岡県浜松市、石原信也社長)と共同で、自然エネルギーの新しい利用技術を核にした次世代型超省エネ住宅の開発をスタートした。「太陽光発電+パッシブソーラーハイブリッド」と「高蓄熱」、「ソーラーベンチレーション」という三つの技術開発と、それら技術のシステム化及び実用化により、標準世帯の平均的使用エネルギーを97%削減するのが目標。2008年末をめどに、モデルハウスを横浜市内に建設し、四季を通した省エネ性能を、定量的に実証していく。本プロジェクトは、国土交通省の「平成20年度住宅・建築関連先導技術開発事業」の補助事業にも指定された。菱興グループの7社は、菱重エステートのほか、名古屋、近畿、東中国、広島、下関、西日本の「菱重興産」。OM計画は、太陽熱と空気を用いて暖房・給湯・換気などができる環境共生技術「OMソーラーシステム」の普及に取り組んでいる。核となる三つの技術のうち、太陽光発電+パッシブソーラーハイブリッドシステムは、屋根上に設置した三菱重工製タンデム型太陽電池パネルと、屋根面との間に空気の流路を確保。流れる空気で太陽電池裏側から熱を回収し、電気と温風を作り出す。熱回収により①太陽電池裏面の温度上昇が抑制でき発電効率が落ちない②回収した太陽熱が居住空間の暖房や給湯に利用できる―という効果が得られる。太陽光発電と太陽熱回収を複合することで、個別にシステムを屋根面に設置する場合と違い、太陽エネルギーの取得効率を最大限にできる。高蓄熱技術は、住居床下の地中温度が年間を通して安定していることに着目。夏場には地熱及びヒートポンプ給湯器の冷排熱利用による「Light Coolingシステム」の構築で冷房負荷を軽減する。冬場は回収暖気を新床下蓄熱材により蓄熱し、室内暖房に活用する。ソーラーベンチレーション技術は、屋根頂部に設置したシステムソーラーベンチレーションボックスにより、空気の比重差を利用して効果的に自然換気。換気の省エネと健康的な室内環境を実現する。開発ではまず、ハイブリッドシステムの有効性、実現性を確認するため部分モデルを製作。静岡県浜松市のOM計画敷地内で評価試験を実施する。その結果と二次元解析シミュレーション結果を踏まえ、省エネ効果を最大限に引き出すモデルハウス「エコスカイハウス(仮称)」の室内温度環境を設計する。さらにエコスカイハウスでは、二酸化炭素(CO2)を排出しない原子力発電中心の深夜電力貯蔵を可能とする新蓄電池システムも採用し、実際に平均的な4人家族に生活してもらい、室内外の温湿度、電力消費量など、四季を通じた年間の省エネデータを取得。取得データは適宜設計に反映させ、究極的には「光熱費ゼロ」で地球環境にやさしい住宅の供給につなげていく。国の補助指定を受けて、技術開発の成果は定期的に発表する。 【問い合わせ先】菱重エステート株式会社 建設部 TEL 03-3451-1176



代表取締役社長(兼)CEO野路 國夫
1. ごあいさつ(海外における社会貢献活動)
2. 2008年3月期 業績
3. 2008年3月期 第4四半期業績
4. 2009年3月期 通期業績の見通し
5. 市場環境について
6. 利益の増減要因について
7. 産業機械他事業
8. ハイブリッド PC200-8




コマツは動力源にディーゼルエンジンと電気モーターを併用するハイブリッド建設機械を2009年度から量産する。30億円を投じ、神奈川県にモーターなどハイブリッド建機の基幹部品の生産拠点を設置。年間3600台分の生産能力を持たせ、日本と中国市場に投入する。原油高を背景に、燃費と二酸化炭素(CO2)排出を低減する建機で攻勢をかける。ハイブリッド油圧ショベルに使う基幹部品の量産に向け、神奈川県平塚市に置いている建機の電気・電子部品関連の事業所の機能を見直す。モーターやコントローラー、インバーターなどを生産できる体制にする。基幹部品は油圧ショベルの主力工場である大阪工場(大阪府枚方市)に運び、従来機種と同じラインで油圧ショベルとして組み立てる。 (16:43)


EEstor to prove Chevy Volt obsolete before launch?
So far, the secret behind the Chevy Volt’s first 40 electric-only miles has originated from a line of lithium-ion batteries that fit snugly under the floor down the center of the vehicle. But, a new kind of battery and ultracapacitor combination technology designed by Eestor Inc. may be poised to make lithium-ion batteries, and the Chevy Volt, obsolete.
これまで、シボレーVoltの電気のみの最初の40マイルの後の秘密は、車両の中心の下でぴったりと床の下に収まる一連のリチウムイオン電池から始まりました。しかし、Eestor社によって設計される1種類の新しいバッテリーとultracapacitorの組合せ技術はリチウムイオン電池とシボレー Voltを作る準備ができているかもしれません。そして、時代遅れです。
Eestor is a Texas based company that in the next several weeks is expected to “. . . release the results of independent third-party testing of its electrical energy storage unit, which aims to replace the electrochemical batteries we now use in everything from hybrid cars to laptop computers,” according to the Financial Post.
That’s quite a bold statement — here are some of the specifics that Eestor is claiming: the ultracapacitor and battery unit would fully charge in a few minutes, power a car for nearly 250 miles of regular use and weigh less than 10% of the lead-acid batteries currently in most cars, all for about the same cost.
それは、とても太字の記載です — Eestorが要求している詳細のいくらかは、ここにあります:ultracapacitorとバッテリー単位は、完全に数分で課金して、ほぼ250マイルの定期的な使用のために車を動かして、現在大部分の車(同じコストについてのためのすべて)で、鉛酸蓄電池の10%未満を量ります。
Compare that feature list to the Chevy Volt’s current claims which reference 6 hours to charge the battery with about a 40 mile electric-only range, and the potential benefits are mind-boggling.
There is some speculation that Eestor may have engaged in talks with GM to license its technology, but right now exclusive rights to the new batter technology are owned by Canada-based Zenn Motor Co. and US defense contractor Lockhead Motor Corp.
Eestor がそのテクノロジーを認可するためにGMとの会談に携わってするかもしれないいくらかの推測があります、しかし、たった今、新しい生地技術への専有権はカナダに拠点を置くZenn Motor社と米防御契約者Lockhead Motor社によって所有されます。
With Eestor estimating that its technology will be ready for commercial use in just six months, that could throw GM’s current plans for the Chevy Volt into a tailspin.
Green technology companies have recently been enjoying a surge of investment dollars and Eestor’s customer Zenn Motor Co. is a great example. “Its shares have gained 81% over the past three months on the Toronto Venture Exchange despite the fact the company has yet to post a profit.”
グリーンテクノロジー会社は投資ドルの波を最近楽しんでいました、そして、Eestorの顧客Zenn Motor社は大きな例です。「同社の株は、同社がまだ利益を公表していないという事実にもかかわらず、トロントVenture取引所で過去3ヵ月にわたって81%上がりました。」


Energy storage coming to a power grid near you
Posted by Martin LaMonica
Someday, the electricity grid will operate with the equivalent of a giant hard drive. But in the short term, grid storage will look more like a PC's cache or RAM, able to serve up small bursts of power to keep things from crashing.
A panel of experts, organized by the New England Clean Energy Council, earlier this week said that the utility storage field has enormous potential. But rapid deployment of storage devices is held back by concerns over technology risk and financial complexity.
専門家(ニューイングランドClean Energy会議によって組織される)委員会は、今週始め、ユーティリティ貯蔵フィールドには非常な可能性があると言いました。しかし、記憶装置の迅速な配備は、テクノロジー危険と財政的な複雑さに対する懸念によって取られています。
Technology optimists say that wide-scale energy storage will change the face of the transmission grid and make wind and solar power more compelling economically.
In this scenario, utilities store electricity made from renewable sources or produced during off-peak times. Then, when demand for electricity peaks in the middle of the day, they could draw from the stored-up charge.
This "peak shaving" practice avoids the need to build new power plants to meet growing demand. Utilities could also idle dirty and expensive "peaking plants," which are only turned on during times of high demand, such as very hot summer days when air conditioners max out the load.
But moving megawatts' worth of electricity around the grid like files on a computer is more theory than practice these days.
"Buying power at night and then selling it during the day--something like that will happen maybe in 30 or 40 years when storage technologies are one-tenth the costs they are today," said Ric Fulop, co-founder and vice president of business development at lithium-ion battery company A123 Systems.
「夜に力を買って、それから、日中それを売る彼らが今日そうである-そのような何か、貯蔵テクノロジーが10分の1である30または40年で、多分起こるでしょうコスト」と、Ricファロップ、共同創設者とリチウムイオン電池会社A123 Systemsのビジネス開発副社長が言いました。
But as utilities try out new technologies for different uses, Fulop and others predicted that storage will start to take hold in a variety of ways.
"I think we will see a lot of deployments in the next few years that will change how the grid works," Fulop said. "Then we'll see utilities jump on the bandwagon."
Two markets for energy storage
A123 Systems, which makes batteries for plug-in hybrids and power tools among other devices, is actively pushing into utility storage with more than 100 people dedicated to the market, said Fulop.
A123 Systems(それは他の装置の間でプラグインハイブリッドと電動ツールのためにバッテリーを製造します)は市場を専門とする100人以上の人々とユーティリティ収納に活発に押していると、ファロップが言いました。
It's targeting what's called grid stabilization, or grid support, where warehouse-size installations of lead-acid batteries are the incumbent technology. That alone is a multimillion dollar market and will pave the way for different grid storage applications, he said.
With grid stabilization, kilowatts' or a couple of megawatts' worth of electricity are pumped onto the grid for a short amount of time, from a few seconds to under an hour. It's used to match grid demand and supply to make generators run more efficiently or to ensure a steady frequency.
Earlier this year, grid operators in Texas had to shut down power to its customers because the wind died down momentarily, effectively cutting off supply from its wind farms, noted Lawrence Gelbien, vice president of technology at utility NStar.
"If you could take the wind power, store it in batteries, and discharge when the wind starts again, then that's a fine application of storage," he said.
Gelbien said that storage units could be deployed in place of installing more "wires and poles" in a place that isn't served with enough electricity to meet demand for only a few days of the year. Because storage devices are movable, they could be redeployed in other places after a few years as the need arises.
Gelbien は、記憶装置がほんの少しの元旦だけの間需要に会うのに十分な電気を供給されない場所により多くの「ワイヤーと棒」をインストールすることの代わりに配備されることができると言いました。記憶装置が動かせるので、必要が起こって、彼らは2、3年後に他の場所で移動することができました。
Grid support is relatively mature at about $2.4 billion and growing at 3.3 percent per year, said Lux Research President Matthew Nordan.
格子支持は24億ドルくらいで比較的成熟していて、1年につき3.3パーセントで成長していると、ラックスResearch President Matthew Nordanが言いました。
Batteries with different chemistries as well as ultra-capacitors, such as the ones being developed by secretive start-up EEStor, serve this end of energy storage, Nordan said.
Flywheels are also a viable alternative. Flywheel maker Beacon Power earlier this month said it expects to have a megawatt-size machine, able to store 15 minutes of power, on the grid by the end of this year.
はずみ車は、現実的代案でもあります。はずみ車メーカーBeacon Powerは、今月始め、それが今年末までには格子の上でメガワットサイズの機械(15分の力を保存することができる)を持っていると思っていると言いました。
Dizzying array of technologies
At the opposite extreme are companies pursuing the "bulk storage" market where power is delivered for more than an hour.
This part of the market, where companies are developing a range of technologies, from so-called flow batteries to compressed air storage, represents the biggest business opportunity in grid storage.
The end game is to allow utilities to provide baseload power--meaning electricity during the middle of the day when demand is highest--with stored energy.
終盤はユーティリティがベース負荷力を提供するのを許可することです-需要が最も高いとき、日の中頃の間 ― 保存されたエネルギーで ― 電気を意味します。
If only 10 percent of the installed wind power plants adopted large-scale energy storage, the market would hit $50 billion, according to Lux Research. That's because electricity costs more for utilities to purchase and deliver during peak times.
But utilities are risk-averse, and power plants take 5 to 10 years to construct. As a result, Lux Research pegs the market at $600 million in 2012, growing at about 25 percent per year.
One company tackling bulk storage head-on is General Compression, which is developing a wind turbine with an integrated air compressor.
Air is compressed and pumped underground into geological features like depleted gas wells or limestone caverns. There are currently two compressed air energy storage (CAES) plants in operation with a few others in development. But some utilities are seriously considering CAES.
"There is an increasing gap between the growing demand for electricity and the availability of options," said Julianne Zimmerman, chief marketing officer for General Compression. "With increasing shareholder resistance to new fossil fuel and nuclear plants, there's a shrinking set of options."
Different types of batteries are competing for bulk storage as well.
So-called flow batteries, where liquid chemicals move between huge storage tanks to deliver a charge, are also being tested on the grid.
Start-up Deeya Energy says it is developing a flow battery for grid backup power or to integrate wind and solar power that will be far cheaper than lead-acid, lithium-ion, or nickel-metal hydride batteries and cheaper than fuel cells. Its products will be able to delivery between 2 kilowatts and 2 megawatts of electricity for 2 hours or up to 24 hours, it says.
最初のDeeya Energyは、それがグリッド予備大国のための、または、鉛酸よりはるかに安い統合された風と太陽エネルギーへの流れバッテリー、リチウムイオンまたはニッケル水素電池を開発して燃料電池より安いと言います。その製品は2時間または最高24時間2キロワットと2メガワットの電気の間で配達に有能であると、それが言います。
Another flow battery maker, VRB Power, is currently testing systems, including a 5-kilowatt, four-hour prototype in Florida.
もう一つの流れバッテリーメーカー(VRB Power)はシステムを現在テストしています。そして、5キロワット、4時間のプロトタイプをフロリダに含みます。
Pumped hydro, where water is pumped up a mountain and released as needed in a hydro plant, is also used, but its use is limited by the number of available sites.
The latest generation of concentrating solar power plants are being developed with integrated storage, in the form of hot water or even molten salt to deliver electricity after the sun goes down.
But for all the promise of making the grid operate more like a hybrid car, there are serious challenges, panelists said.
Many of these technologies don't have a 15-year track record that utilities like to see, which makes them skeptical. Large-scale battery projects requires systems integration that involves batteries, electronics, software, and thermal management systems, said A123 Systems' Fulop.
これらのテクノロジーの多くにはユーティリティが見るのを好む15年の実績がありません。そして、それは彼らを懐疑的にします。大規模なバッテリーが、バッテリー、電子機器、ソフトウェアと熱の管理システムを含むシステム統合を必要として、A123 Systemsのファロップを言ったことを見積もります。
They are also very capital intensive. To get around that problem, Beacon Power doesn't sell its flywheel. Instead, it bids on power generation contracts and sells the electricity to utilities.
彼らは、強いまさしく資本でもあります。その問題を回避するために、Beacon Powerは、そのはずみ車を売りません。その代わりに、それは発電契約に関して値をつけて、ユーティリティに電気を売ります。
Regulations for utilities are written around power generation units, but not energy storage, said Matt Lazarewicz, vice president and chief technology officer of Beacon Power.
ユーティリティのための規則は、発電装置(エネルギー保管でない、言われたマットLazarewicz、副大統領とBeacon Powerの主任テクノロジー役員以外の)のまわりで書かれます。
"The market rules have to change to allow nongeneration assets to connect to the grid and get paid for it," he said. "And to make the grid look more like a Prius, utilities need to change their mindset to make more efficient use of the generation system."
Rising fossil fuel prices are an incentive to explore energy storage, as well as the rising costs of constructing new plants.

Ideally, a utility would be able to get money from a storage unit in multiple ways. One rural co-op installed a four-hour, 300-kilowatt storage system to offset peak electricity rates and to provide backup power to a nearby industrial company, said Matthew Johnson, director of business development at Gaia Power Technologies.
理想的には、有用性は複数の方向で記憶装置からお金を得ることができます。1つの地方の協同組合はピークの電力料金を相殺して、予備大国を近くの産業の会社に提供するために4時間、300キロワットの記憶装置を設置したと、マシュージョンソン(ガイアPower Technologiesのビジネス開発の責任者)が言いました。
Utilities are showing interest in more options, but storage is still very much an emerging technology.
"There's a lot of technology development and new work. But one of the reasons we don't see more of it today is because the economics of this are actually quite complex," said Bruce Phillips, director at Northbridge Group.


Extreme design: SuitSat pushes engineers' limits
Patrick Mannion, TechOnline (06/26/2008 2:00 HŒ EDT)
Editor's Note:
To view a really cool video of the SuitSat being launched, plus a videotaped teardown of it taken at this year's ESC, click here.
Also, this feature was pulled from the latest Under the Hood EETimes/TechOnline supplement. To see the full digital version of that supplement, click here.
What started out as an innocuous call about their company's line of microcontrollers sucked a small cadre of engineers into a multiyear, space-based design project that would push the boundaries of their professional knowledge and flexibility, while reigniting the sense of wonder, exploration and possibility that led them down the path to engineering in the first place.
That call came in October 2004 from Lou McFadin, hardware manager for Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), a volunteer program designed to inspire students worldwide to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math through amateur-radio communications opportunities with the space station on-orbit crew.
その呼び出しは、宇宙ステーション軌道の上のクルーとアマチュア無線通信機会中をルーMcFadin、国際宇宙ステーション(ARISS)に関する Amateurラジオのハードウェアマネージャー、世界中で学生を科学で職業を続ける気にさせるようになっているボランティアプログラム、テクノロジー、エンジニアリングと数学から2004年10月に入りました。
McFadin was calling in the wake of an AMSAT Symposium/ARISS International Partner meeting at which it was decided to convert an old Russian Orlan space suit into a satellite by outfitting it with telemetry equipment and antenna--and to toss the suit out of the space station.
McFadinは、それに遠隔測定法装置とアンテナを装備させることによって古いロシアのOrlan宇宙服を衛星に変えることが決定されたAMSAT Symposium/ARISS International Partner会議に引き続いて訪問していました-そして、宇宙ステーションからスーツを投げること。
The plan, code-named SuitSat, called for the novel "satellite" to transmit spoken greetings from children in multiple languages, as well as slow-scan TV images encoded in audio signals and some spoken telemetry, such as elapsed time, temperature and battery voltage. McFadin was calling Microchip Technology Inc. to see if a PIC microcontroller could handle the job.
音声信号と若干の口頭の遠隔測定法(例えば経過時間、温度とバッテリー電圧)にコード化される遅い走査テレビ画像と同様に、計画(SuitSatというコードネームの)は複数の言語で子供たちからの口頭の挨拶を送るために、新しい「衛星」を必要としました。McFadinは、PICマイクロコントローラが仕事を処理することができたかどうか見るために、Microchip Technology社を呼んでいました。
It seemed simple enough, and so a small team from Microchip volunteered to help out. "We got into it thinking it's easy," said Steven Bible, technical staff engineer at the Chandler, Ariz., company. "Kind of like a high-level science fair project." They were mistaken.
What the Microchip engineers didn't fully appreciate at the time was that extreme environmental and safety issues would challenge them at every step of the design. With a vacuum to deal with, they learned about the implications of outgassing and about handling thermal hot spots with no airflow. They also learned how to avoid the Fermi region to prevent arcing, how to handle thermal extremes, and what do about ionizing radiation. They studied power-optimization techniques for system longevity, and with no gravity for stability, they found out the hard way what a tumbling antenna does to radio reception.
The experience proved so interesting that the engineers enthusiastically signed up for SuitSat-2. Leveraging their acquired knowledge, the team has already developed a new solar-conversion technique for the follow-on satellite that will extend system life to months instead of weeks. They have also crafted a software-defined, full-duplex radio with a better antenna for two-way communication and more-refined control.
Electronics the easy part
From a schematic-diagram point of view, the original SuitSat-1 system and its electronics were fairly straightforward. According to Bible, the main design parameters were that it be easy to assemble on the space station and that it work with simple, inexpensive ground receive equipment, so that teachers and hobbyists could readily track the signals. All they should have to do would be to download free software that let them track the audio and decipher the audio-encoded images.
SuitSat-1 comprised a controller box with a control printed-circuit board, dc/dc converter and EMI filter. This connected to a separate radio box that used an off-the-shelf Kenwood TH-K2 amateur handheld two-way VHF radio with an external quarter-wave, ground-plane antenna. The controller also connected to a switch box with one power and two timer switches that were used to start the system upon deployment. The whole system was powered by the suit's own three, very expensive but high-power-density 28-volt silver-oxide batteries.
The controller board was where the messages were stored and where temperature and voltage monitoring took place. At its heart was the PIC18F8722, a 64/80-pin microcontroller with 1 Mbit of enhanced flash, on-board 10-bit analog-to-digital converter and the company's nanoWatt technology. Another reason that processor got picked was its ability to handle voice signals encoded using adaptive pulse-code modulation (ADPCM). Those signals were stored on an 8-Mbit SPI serial flash chip from SST (the SST25LF080A), programmed via an RS-232 interface, and a MAX3232 RS-232 level shifter from either Maxim or Texas Instruments (dual sources).
コントローラボードは、メッセージが保存されたところと温度と電圧監視が起こったところでした。そのこころで、PIC18F8722(1Mbitの強化されたフラッシュ、オンボード10ビットのアナログ‐デジタル変換器と会社のnanoWatt技術による64/80-ピンマイクロコントローラ)はありました。プロセッサーが選択されたもう一つの理由は、適応可能なパルス符号変調(ADPCM)を使ってコード化される音声信号を取り扱うその能力でした。それらの信号は、マキシムかテキサスインスツルメンツ(二重源)からSST(SST25LF080A)(RS-232インターフェースによってプログラムされる)とMAX3232 RS-232レベルシフターから8メガビットのSPI連続物フラッシュチップに保存されました。
The ADPCM signal was output from the microcontroller to an MCP6022 op-amp-based, 4-kHz low-pass filter, and from there passed on to the radio, which transmitted at 145.99 MHz. Also on the board were an MCP9800 SPI temperature sensor and three MC14541 programmable timers.
ADPCM信号はマイクロコントローラからオペ-アンペアに拠点を置くMCP6022(4kHzの低域フィルター)への出力で、そこからラジオに進みました。そして、それは145.99MHzで伝えました。また、板の上に、MCP9800 SPI温度センサーと3台のMC14541プログラム可能なタイマーはありました。
Safety first
The inclusion of timers on the control board underscored the biggest problem the designers faced: safety. "We had to deal with NASA safety people," said Bible. "It was mind-boggling." Each aspect of the design had its own documentation: snag hazard, outgassing hazard, electric shock and RF hazard. To handle the latter, the timers were used to implement three interlocks to prevent the transmitter from sending out messages before a 30-minute timeout, thereby giving the cosmonauts time to reenter the space station after pushing away the SuitSat.
To keep from exposing the astronauts to toxic fumes, all the components had to be built from materials that could pass a thermal-vacuum test without outgassing. But that wasn't the only selection constraint: Tantalum and ceramic capacitors were chosen instead of electrolytic, since electrolytics are basically a can and are also potential leakers.
All mounting hardware had to be stainless steel, and no lock washers could be used, because they produce microscopic metal shavings that could short out fine-pitch SMT parts. Due to the vibration associated with takeoff, all wires were laced together and glued down. All bare-metal joints were covered with RTV to prevent any debris from shorting connections, and all bolts were glued to prevent loosening. Even the glue itself had to be specially approved by NASA.
One of the more interesting considerations when preparing for a vacuum is the Fermi effect, whereby operation at lower oxygen pressure can cause arcing or a corona effect at voltages of around 40 V. To prevent this hazard, Bible said, the enclosures had extra holes to ensure rapid venting to vacuum. While ionizing radiation and its associated bit-flips and latchups were somewhat of a concern, the low-earth orbit at about 400 to 500 km, and the short life expectancy of the satellite, gave this problem low priority. In the end, it proved to not be an issue.
真空に備えることがフェルミ効果であるより面白い考慮すべき問題のうちの1つ、それによって圧力がアークにもたらすことがありえる下の酸素の作動またはおよそ40のV. Toの電圧のコロナ効果はこの危険(言われる聖書)を防ぎます。そして、構内は確実にする余分の穴を持ちました真空に漏れ出て急速です。電離放射線とその合同ビット-フリップとlatchupsがいくぶん懸念の間、400~500kmくらいの低アース軌道と衛星の短い寿命はこの問題に低いプライオリティーを与えました。結局は‖それが、問題でないことを証明しました。
Thermal, power management
Thermal management did become an issue, however. While convection or forced-air cooling can be used on earth, the vacuum of space meant the designers had to rely on black-body radiation to keep the system cool. To maximize heat extraction, they mounted hot spots, such as the Kenwood radio transmitter, on a large aluminum block that was itself attached to the enclosure. Also, thermal extremes had to be avoided. As it orbited, the suit would be exposed to heat and cold alternately for 45 minutes each.
While the suit was designed to keep an active cosmonaut cool, the team had no information on the environment without a human inside. The suit was not going to be actively cooled. As the electronics were placed inside, the engineers banked on it being an insulator against extreme cold and heat. They used a temperature sensor and spoken telemetry to monitor the variations. It stayed at 12°C for the entire mission.
While the electronics went inside, the switch box and antenna were bolted externally to the helmet, with the cables running inside, taking care to reduce snagging potential. To maximize life expectancy from the used batteries, which would be in an unknown state of charge, the team made sure the transmission was easy to listen to and did not require an excess amount of energy. The result was a 30-seconds-off, 30-second-broadcast mission profile.



図◎「プラグイン ステラ コンセプト」 ボディに描かれた電球は「白熱球」ではなく「蛍光管の省エネタイプ」をイメージしたという。そのグラフィックは洞爺湖の風景写真をコラージュして作っている。

2008/06/27 19:32 富士重工業は、軽自動車「ステラ」をベースとした電気自動車(EV)「プラグイン ステラ コンセプト」を開発したと発表した。業務用電気自動車として実用試験をしている「R1e」のEVシステムを搭載する。プラグイン ステラ コンセプトは、同社が市販を検討している電気自動車のベースとなる。洞爺湖サミットに5台提供し、4台は関係者の移動車となり、1台は環境ショーケースで試乗できるという。さらに、もう1台を日本郵政グループに提供し、サミット期間中の洞爺湖エリアの郵便物集荷・配達などに活用することを計画している。



仏France Telecom Group傘下のOrange社は,踊ったときの運動エネルギーを利用して携帯電話機を充電する充電器「Orange Dance Charge」を試作したと発表した(発表資料)。この試作機は,再生可能エネルギーを利用した製品を手掛ける英GotWind社と共同で開発したもの。両社は共同で,音楽祭で踊る人の運動エネルギーを利用した携帯電話機向け充電器に関する研究を行っている。ユーザーが腕につけて音楽に合わせて腕を動かすと,おもりと磁石を使ったシステムが電気エネルギーを生成して蓄電池に貯め,その電力を携帯電話機に充電できるという。Orange社によれば,この仕組みは運動エネルギーを利用する腕時計に似ているという。試作機の大きさは4.5インチ×2.5インチで,重さは約180g。運動エネルギーを貯める部位は伸縮性のあるストラップに入っており,上腕部に取り付けられる。Orange社は,Orange Dance Chargeの試作機を2008年6月に英国で開催される「Glastonbury Festival」でテストする予定。GotWind社との携帯電話機向け充電器に関する共同研究はまだ初期段階で,今後も開発を続けるとしている。


ITS to Showcase Heavy-Duty Plug-in Hybrid Retrofit at Sydney Truck Show

The Argosy Hybrid.
Innovative Transport Solutions Pty. Ltd., an Australian startup that developed a retrofit plug-in hybrid electric conversion system for heavy-duty vehicles (earlier post), has entered into an alliance with Australia’s Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry (CRC for Forestry) and TimberCorp to produce a purpose-built 6x6 electric hybrid prototype retrofit and an electric hybrid road-train prime mover (truck/tractor) for the Australian forestry industry.The prototype Argosy Hybrid will be shown at the Sydney Truck Show, 7-9 August 2008. The truck will be in service for preliminary trials on a Sydney-Melbourne route (about 1,900 km (1,200 miles) round-trip) soon after the show. Expected reduction in fuel consumption and emissions output is 25%.The Argosy hybrid is based on a 07/2006 model Freightliner Argosy 101 Prime Mover Sleeper Cab, equipped with an Eaton Fuller 18 speed Auto change transmission and Cummins 6-cylinder 550 hp turbodiesel. The conversion replaces the trailing, non-drive rear differential/axle with a duplicate front differential/axle. The output shaft of the replacement is connected to the electric motor/generator. A combination of ultracapacitors and a lithium-ion battery (supplier still to be determined) mounted between the chassis rails in front of the turntable store the electricity for the motor/generator. The electric motor is liquid cooled, with a suitable cooling unit fitted to the chassis.
Proposed modes of operation for the hybrid trucks include:
●Truck leaves terminal with fully charged batteries via the electricity grid.
●Acceleration using combination diesel and electric assistance.
●Highway cruising using diesel only and cruise control.
●Hill climbing with cruise control engaging electric assistance to maintain road speed. Diesel rpms and throttle position remain static.
●Down hill, regenerative braking slows the vehicle and recharges the batteries. Diesel engine rpms remain low, no over revving. Braking also recharges batteries and saves brake wear.
●Quiet mode, electric assist is engaged to maintain road speed while diesel engine only idles. This is for travelling slowly through towns and cities to reduce noise pollution.
There is a severe shortage of used 6x6 truck tractors in Australia. One aspect of the purpose-built ITS solution for the timber industry—which CRC for Forestry is quite interested in—is the simple conversion of 6x4 prime movers into 6x6 drive. The timber industry requires the more robust drive to move trailers around the work areas with their very poor road quality. CRC for Forestry is also interested in cutting the fuel consumption of the line haul trucks, which haul semi-trailer and road trains with gross vehicle weights of up to 90,000 kg (198,416 lbs) an typically operate 40-50% of the time empty with an average fuel consumption of 60-80 L/100km (2.9-3.9 mpg US).

Another approach to converting a 6x4 tractor to a 6x6 with hybrid electric drive.
ITS is also developing a different approach to converting a 6x4 drive to a 6x6: the replacement of the front non-drive axle with an electric-drive steer axle. A PTO-driven alternator supplies power to drive the new front axle and recharges the on-board electric storage system. (See diagram at right.)ITS is working on a number of other conversions, including some for light-duty vehicles, and is developing a conversion for a new truck for a US client, due to debut early in 2009.



2008/06/26 17:37
米エネルギ省Energy Information Administration (EIA)は2008年6月25日,2030年までの世界のエネルギ消費量や二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の見通しをまとめた『International Energy Outlook 2008』を公表した(発表資料)。2005年と比較した2050年の世界のエネルギ消費量とCO2排出量はともに51%増になると予測している。2005年の世界のエネルギ消費量は487×1018Jだが,基本シナリオでは2030年には733×1018Jに増加すると予測。特に発展途上国(非経済協力開発機構国=非OECD国)の増加が大きく,増加分の約8割を占める。2030年までは,エネルギの主役は化石燃料と見ており,エネルギ消費量の増加に伴ってCO2排出量も増え,2005年の281億tから2030年には423億tに達するという。地球温暖化対策の議論では,2020年から2030年に温室効果ガス排出量を増加から減少に転じさせ,2050年に現状の半分にする目標が議論されている。だが,今回の基本シナリオでは2030年までほぼ一本調子でエネルギ消費量とCO2排出量が増加すると予測している。ちなみに京都議定書の基準年である1990年のCO2排出量は212億tなので,2030年の予測排出量である423億tは1990年の約2倍に相当する。 高田 憲一=日経ものづくり


Zenn frame of mind could be next big thing
Nicolas Van Praet, Canwest News Service
Published: Thursday, June 26, 2008
Gilles Allard, production chief of Zenn Motor Co., still visits his local gas station despite the fact he drives one of the company's gas-less electric cars. As he says, he needs his milk and cigarettes.Mr. Allard is a busy guy these days. His small team is building Zenn cars at a factory just north of Montreal at a rate of two to three vehicles a day and counting. Every one of them is being shipped to dealers in the United States for willing buyers. They're still illegal on most Canadian roads.Like other companies selling alternative transportation in an oil-dependent world, Toronto-based Zenn has suddenly become a sexy stock. Its shares have gained 81% over the past three months on the Toronto Venture Exchange despite the fact the company has yet to post a profit.Thing is, Zenn could soon be much more than sexy. It could be downright disruptive, turning the automotive industry on its head.Sometime over the next several weeks, a privately held and ultra-secretive company named EEStor Inc., based in Cedar Park, Tex., is expected to release the results of independent third-party testing of its electrical energy storage unit, which aims to replace the electrochemical batteries we now use in everything from hybrid cars to laptop computers. EEStor says its system, combining battery and ultracapacitor technology and based on modified barium titanate ceramic powder, could power a car for 400 kilometres with regular performance. It claims the unit would charge in a few minutes and weigh less than 10% of current lead-acid batteries for the same cost.If it is proven to work, EEStor, and its equity and business partners, including Zenn and U. S. defence contractor Lockheed Martin Corp., will have a technology that could change the transportation industry, with implications for renewable energy and any sector that needs electrical energy storage technology.Officials at Lockheed, which this year bought exclusive rights to use EEStor's power system for military purposes, have said the technology "could lead to energy independence for the warfighter." Officials with Zenn, which bought exclusive worldwide rights to the system for vehicles weighing up to 1,400 kg, say they believe it is the "holy grail" of electric storage systems.EEStor has said it expects its technology to be commercially ready within six months."This is not small potatoes here. If this works it really changes the transportation sector," says Massimo Fiore, an analyst with Versant Partners in Montreal. He rates Zenn a "speculative buy" with a one-year price target of $6.50."You'd have a very strong decoupling from oil," he said. "[Zenn] could have a very big return for investors. But it is still speculative."Rick Welty of investment advisory firm Welty Capital Management in LaFayette, Calif., recently discussed Zenn on Bloomberg TV. "The caveat is the upside-downside potential" for the company's stock, he said. "If it doesn't work, it probably goes to $1 a share. If it does work, it could be $15 or $20 or far higher."Zenn's future growth is inextricably linked to EEStor's success or failure. It holds a 3.8% equity position in EEStor, a strategic investment allowing Zenn to participate in the commercialization of its technology in such non-automotive applications as aerospace. And its next generation of planned cars, called the cityZenn, will trade in the company's current lead-acid batteries for EEStor's storage unit.A commercially viable power source by EEStor would boost the maximum speed of its cars from 40 km/h to 120 km/h, take them from the backroads to the highways, and thrust Zenn from a small company making niche electric vehicles into the global automotive mainstream.Zenn and EEStor are not alone in the hunt for electric supremacy. Several major and minor companies are working on making better-performing batteries for all-electric and hybrid cars. General Motors Corp.'s Volt car, powered with lithium-ion batteries, is perhaps the most high-profile electric vehicle planned. But Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan, Mitsubishi, Renault-Nissan and others have outlined plans for electric cars coming to market in North America as soon as 2010.The challenge for all is developing a battery that delivers enough power and range for everyday transportation at a consistent quality for mass production, said Eric Fedewa, an analyst for CSM Worldwide in Northville, Mich. "It comes down to ultimately what is it going to cost the manufacturers to produce that technology in the vehicle. And will consumers accept that cost?"EEStor certainly has its skeptics. They argue scientists and engineers have been trying to make a similar power unit for 20 years without success. And history has not been kind to some technology hopefuls such as Ballard Power Systems.But it also has a powerful venture-capital backer, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, with a pretty good knack for picking winners. Kleiner was an early investor in both Google and Amazon."If for some reason EEStor is delayed, we will continue to use the best technologies available," acknowledges Ian Clifford, Zenn founder and chief executive. "But ultimately, to get 400 kilometres of range, the ability to recharge in minutes, low costs and the ability to operate in extreme climates -- all of those benefits, those come from EEStor. Those are the game-changing specifications."
Ticker ZNN/TSXv
Close $4.78, down 5¢
Volume 28,662
Avg. 6-month vol. 43,088



1.開催日時平成20年7月31日(木) 開場9時30分 開始10時00分~17時30分
開会挨拶、事務連絡 10時00分~10時10分
(先導研究/実用化開発) 説明時間20分 質疑20分
(事前調査)         説明時間15分 質疑10分

各研究開発テーマの発表予定時間一覧 研究開発テーマ 予定時間
1. (実用化)渋滞改善統合信号機制御方式の研究開発
日産自動車株式会社 10時10分~10時50分
2. (先導)エネルギー回生利用バッテリー駆動型省エネLRV車両の研究開発
財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 10時50分~11時30分
3. (先導)マイクロバブルを用いた船舶の省エネルギー技術の研究開発
独立行政法人海上技術安全研究所 11時30分~12時10分
休憩 12時10分~13時00分
4. (先導)セラミックス製熱交換器と新形式リニア発電機を用いた次世代エンジンの開発
株式会社eスター 13時00分~13時40分
5. (先導)マイクロ波プラズマ燃焼エンジンの研究開発
イマジニアリング株式会社 13時40分~14時20分
6. (先導)選択的熱線反射による断熱・採光ガラスの研究開発
独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 14時20分~15時00分
休憩 15時00分~15時10分
7. (事前調査)LRT(次世代路面電車)を主体とする地方交通モーダルシフト化誘導策に関わる研究開発
独立行政法人交通安全環境研究所、株式会社三菱総合研究所 15時10分~15時35分
8. (事前調査)デバイス冷却用高熱伝導多層薄膜の研究開発
古河電気工業株式会社 15時35分~16時00分
9. (事前調査)蒸気圧力カスケード利用による圧縮機のない多成分系内部熱交換式蒸留システムの事前調査
関西化学機械製作株式会社 16時00分~16時25分
10. (事前調査)ガラスリサイクルシステムの事前調査
財団法人製造科学技術センター 16時25分~16時50分
11. (事前調査)創発オフィスシステム開発の事前調査
同志社大学、沖電気工業株式会社、株式会社三井物産戦略研究所 16時50分~17時15分
事務局連絡(非公開) 17時15分 ~17時30分


EEStor Advanced Capacitor Best Use In A Hybrid Car - USA
EEStor is developing a high voltage capacitor that could be a breakthrough in the development of electric and gas hybrid electric cars. ...



■McCain plan: $300 million prize for better car battery
06/23/08 12:30 PM, EDT
Sen. John McCain is expected Monday to call for a $300M prize for innovation that would help the U.S. decrease its reliance on oil, a day after his rival for the presidency called for greater oversight for energy traders.



Can garbage run a car? Not yet, but some think it's possible
A Break Through For Electric Cars? POSTED June 23, 12:51 PM

The major constraint to more widespread production and use of fuel saving electric cars has been the battery technology. Current battery technology is just barely able to produce a usable car. The batteries cost too much, don’t have a long enough service life, or have safety problems. Companies are working very hard to produce better batteries to make electric cars more available and more affordable. General Motors hopes to start limited production of their Chevy Volt Plug-in Electric Hybrid in 2010. That is the earliest they expect acceptable batteries to become available.

Improving battery technology will probably happen as design and manufacturing processes are improved. But it seems like a very slow process of small incremental improvements.

There is one company that is approaching the battery problem in a totally different way. They are developing a high performance capacitor that they hope will provide twice the energy storage of a lithium ion battery. That company is EEStor based in Cedar Park, Texas.

Capacitors have many advantages for storing electricity. They store electric power as a charge between two metal plates separated by a dielectric film. Capacitors are solid state devices, which mean there are no chemical changes like in a battery. The number of times the device can be cycled should be virtually unlimited. They can be very efficient at storing power because there is very little heat generated when charging or discharging the device. This means they can be charged or discharged very fast.

The problem with existing capacitors is that they are relatively big and very expensive. The formula for determining the stored energy in a capacitor is:

E = (C * V2) / 2

E = Energy in Joules

C = Capacitance in Farads

V = Voltage

Most capacitors work at relatively low voltages around 2.7 volts. One gallon of gasoline has the effective energy equivalent of 12.7 KWH or 44.8 MJ (million Joules). At 2.7 volts, it would take about 12 million farads of capacitance at about $10 per farad to create a capacitor that would replace one gallon of gasoline.

EEStor’s answer to the problem is to raise the voltage in the capacitor. At 400 volts, they would only need 560 Farads of capacitance to store the 12.7 MWH of power. (I do not know what voltage they will actually use and picked 400 volts for comparison purposes.) Notice that the storage capacity goes up geometrically with the increase in voltage.

The problem with raising the voltage is in the thin dielectric layer that separates the metal plates that hold the charge. Higher voltages cause leakage of electrons through the thin layer between the plates. That is why most existing capacitors use low voltages. EEstor claims they have discovered a material; barium titanate powder, that they use to plug holes in a ceramic separator that produces capacitors with extremely high permittivity, or ability to hold an electric charge without leaking. This allows them to use very high voltages, thus achieving a very large storage capacity with a small, less expensive device.

EEStor hopes to be able to produce electric storage devices that can hold more charge by weight than lithium ion batteries. They also hope to produce these storage devices cheaper. That would be a phenomenal break-through. EEStor was supposed to have these devices on the market already, but has pushed back the delivery date. Reading between the lines on their announcements, it seems to me that they have demonstrated that the technology works, but are having engineering challenges in moving the technology from the lab to commercial production. I wish them well in overcoming their challenges as their device could fast make electric and hybrid electric cars a reality. Large numbers of electric and hybrid electric cars on our roads replacing traditional cars would greatly reduce of demand for oil and have a very positive impact on global warming.

EEStor is a private development stage company funded by the venture capital firm: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. They also have an equity investment from Zenn Motor Company, which is a public company. Zenn plans to use the EEStor device in its electric cars. Zenn currently makes an electric car that uses lead-acid batteries. Their car has a range of 30 to 50 miles with a top speed of 25 mph.


A Break Through For Electric Cars? - USA
The major constraint to more widespread production and use of fuel saving electric cars has been the battery technology. Current battery technology is just barely able to produce a usable car. The batteries cost too much, don’t have a long enough service life, or have safety problems. Companies are working very hard to produce better batteries to make electric cars more available and more affordable. General Motors hopes to start limited production of their Chevy Volt Plug-in Electric Hybrid in 2010. That is the earliest they expect acceptable batteries to become available.

Improving battery technology will probably happen as design and manufacturing processes are improved. But it seems like a very slow process of small incremental improvements.

There is one company that is approaching the battery problem in a totally different way. They are developing a high performance capacitor that they hope will provide twice the energy storage of a lithium ion battery. That company is EEStor based in Cedar Park, Texas.

Capacitors have many advantages for storing electricity. They store electric power as a charge between two metal plates separated by a dielectric film. Capacitors are solid state devices, which mean there are no chemical changes like in a battery. The number of times the device can be cycled should be virtually unlimited. They can be very efficient at storing power because there is very little heat generated when charging or discharging the device. This means they can be charged or discharged very fast.

The problem with existing capacitors is that they are relatively big and very expensive. The formula for determining the stored energy in a capacitor is:

E = (C * V2) / 2

E = Energy in Joules

C = Capacitance in Farads

V = Voltage

Most capacitors work at relatively low voltages around 2.7 volts. One gallon of gasoline has the effective energy equivalent of 12.7 KWH or 44.8 MJ (million Joules). At 2.7 volts, it would take about 12 million farads of capacitance at about $10 per farad to create a capacitor that would replace one gallon of gasoline.

EEStor’s answer to the problem is to raise the voltage in the capacitor. At 400 volts, they would only need 560 Farads of capacitance to store the 12.7 MWH of power. (I do not know what voltage they will actually use and picked 400 volts for comparison purposes.) Notice that the storage capacity goes up geometrically with the increase in voltage.

The problem with raising the voltage is in the thin dielectric layer that separates the metal plates that hold the charge. Higher voltages cause leakage of electrons through the thin layer between the plates. That is why most existing capacitors use low voltages. EEstor claims they have discovered a material; barium titanate powder, that they use to plug holes in a ceramic separator that produces capacitors with extremely high permittivity, or ability to hold an electric charge without leaking. This allows them to use very high voltages, thus achieving a very large storage capacity with a small, less expensive device.

EEStor hopes to be able to produce electric storage devices that can hold more charge by weight than lithium ion batteries. They also hope to produce these storage devices cheaper. That would be a phenomenal break-through. EEStor was supposed to have these devices on the market already, but has pushed back the delivery date. Reading between the lines on their announcements, it seems to me that they have demonstrated that the technology works, but are having engineering challenges in moving the technology from the lab to commercial production. I wish them well in overcoming their challenges as their device could fast make electric and hybrid electric cars a reality. Large numbers of electric and hybrid electric cars on our roads replacing traditional cars would greatly reduce of demand for oil and have a very positive impact on global warming.

EEStor is a private development stage company funded by the venture capital firm: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. They also have an equity investment from Zenn Motor Company, which is a public company. Zenn plans to use the EEStor device in its electric cars. Zenn currently makes an electric car that uses lead-acid batteries. Their car has a range of 30 to 50 miles with a top speed of 25 mph.


Fuel of the future looks more promising
Kansas City Star - MO,USA
It remains to be seen whether the new ultracapacitor lives up to its astonishing claims. Even if it doesn’t, there are scads of other alternate-fuel ...


Jun 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- MXWL | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- BUYINS.NET,, announced today that these select companies have been added to the NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE naked short threshold list: Cyberonics Inc. (NASDAQ: CYBX), ICx Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: ICXT), Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: JAZZ), Maxwell Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: MXWL), Harris & Harris Group Inc. (NASDAQ: TINY), China Biopharma Inc. (OTCBB: CBPC). For a complete list of companies on the naked short list please visit our web site. To find the SqueezeTrigger Price before a short squeeze starts in any stock, go to
Cyberonics Inc. (NASDAQ: CYBX | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) a neuromodulation company, engages in the design, development, manufacture, and marketing of medical devices that provide vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy for the treatment of epilepsy and other debilitating neurological or psychiatric diseases, and other disorders. The VNS therapy system consists of an implantable generator that delivers an electrical signal to an implantable lead attached to the left vagus nerve, as well as a bipolar lead, a programming wand and software, and a tunneling tool. The company sells its products through direct sales force in the United States, as well as through independent distributors in Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, South America, and Canada. Cyberonics was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. With 27.39 million shares outstanding and 4.14 million shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of CYBX. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 13,412 shares of CYBX that were failing-to-deliver as of September 28, 2007.

ICx Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: ICXT | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) and its subsidiaries engage in the development and integration of sensor technologies for homeland security, force protection, and commercial applications. The company operates through three segments: Detection, Surveillance, and Solutions. The Detection segment develops products, and conducts research and development in the areas of chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear, and explosives detection. This segment offers Fido explosive detectors, IdentiFINDER and Interceptor radiation detectors, AirSentinel bioaerosol sensors, and Griffin gas chromatography/mass spectrometry line of products. The Surveillance segment provides products and services for perimeter security and wide area surveillance. Its products include Cerberus and SkyWatch towers; thermal imaging cameras, including DefendIR and Orion; STS line of radar products; and MarkIR, an infrared sensors product. The Solutions segment integrates the company's technologies and products to provide single source solutions that address various customer specific security and surveillance needs. This segment offers Cameleon camera control systems; Cameleon ITS transportation management software; StarWatch security command and control software; and Callisto, a non-security related product for process management of various supervisory control and data acquisition applications. The company serves federal agencies; various state and local governments and agencies; and private sector customers in the United States and internationally. It also offers products, components, and sub-systems to integrators in the security and defense industries. The company sells its products through direct sales force, sales representatives, value added resellers, and system integrators. ICx Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. With 33.71 million shares outstanding and 808,900 shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of ICXT.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: JAZZ | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) focuses on identifying, developing, and commercializing products for neurology and psychiatry primarily in the United States. Its marketed and approved products include Xyrem for the treatment of cataplexy and excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy; Luvox CR, an extended release formulation of fluvoxaminefor, which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder; and Antizol, an antidote for suspected or confirmed ethylene glycol or methanol poisonings in humans. The company's clinical development pipeline comprises JZP-6, a phase III clinical trial product for the treatment of fibromyalgia; JZP-4, a controlled release formulation of an anticonvulsant for the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder that is in phase II clinical trial; JZP-8, an intranasal formulation of clonazepam for the treatment of recurrent acute repetitive seizures in epilepsy patients, which is in phase II clinical trial; and JZP-7, a transdermal gel formulation of ropinirole for the treatment of restless legs syndrome that is in phase I/II clinical trial. Jazz Pharmaceuticals has a product license agreement with Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to market Luvox CR and Luvox in the United States; and with GlaxoSmithKline to purchase worldwide rights to the active pharmaceutical ingredient in JZP-4. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. With 24.62 million shares outstanding and 2.37 million shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of JAZZ. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 11,169 shares of JAZZ that were failing-to-deliver as of September 28, 2007.

Maxwell Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: MXWL | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) engages in the development, manufacture, and marketing of energy storage and power delivery products. It offers BOOSTCAP ultracapacitor cells, and multi-cell packs and modules for applications in multiple industries, including transportation, automotive, telecommunications, energy, consumer, and industrial electronics; and CONDIS high-voltage capacitors comprising grading and coupling capacitors, and capacitive voltage dividers that are used to ensure the safety and reliability of electric utility infrastructure and other applications involving transport, distribution, and measurement of high-voltage electrical energy. The company also offers radiation-mitigated microelectronic products, including power modules, memory modules, and single board computers for space and satellite applications. Maxwell Technologies markets and sells its products through direct and indirect sales organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company was founded in 1965. It was formerly known as Maxwell Laboratories, Inc. and changed its name to Maxwell Technologies, Inc. in 1996. The company is headquartered in San Diego, California. With 20.82 million shares outstanding and 2 million shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of MXWL. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 81,580 shares of MXWL that were failing-to-deliver as of September 28, 2007.

Harris & Harris Group Inc. (NASDAQ: TINY | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) is a venture capital firm specializing in seed, start up, and mid venture investments. It primarily invests in tiny-technology-enabled companies with a focus on nanotechnology, microsystems, and microelectromechanical systems technology. Harris & Harris Group, Inc. was founded in 1981 and is based in New York, New York. With 23.31 million shares outstanding and 1.01 million shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of TINY. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 11,575 shares of TINY that were failing-to-deliver as of September 28, 2007.

China Biopharma Inc. (OTCBB: CBPC | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) is a biopharmaceutical company based in China. Through its operating subsidiaries, the company develops and distributes biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical products throughout the world's most populated country, China. Products include human vaccines and other pharmaceutical drugs. Leveraging its local presents and the relationship with local Chinese bio-pharmaceutical companies and international biopharmaceutical companies, China Biopharma is building a highly-competitive platform for growth in China as well as new world markets, including the U.S. and Europe. With 159.38 million shares outstanding and 1.54 million shares declared short as of May 2008, there is a failure to deliver in shares of CBPC. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 747,824 shares of CBPC that were failing-to-deliver as of September 28, 2007.


WWW.BUYINS.NET is a service designed to help bonafide shareholders of publicly traded US companies fight naked short selling. Naked short selling is the illegal act of short selling a stock when no affirmative determination has been made to locate shares of the stock to hypothecate in connection with the short sale. has built a proprietary database that uses Threshold list feeds from NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE to generate detailed and useful information to combat the naked short selling problem. For the first time, actual trade by trade data is available to the public that shows the attempted size, actual size, price and average value of short sales in stocks that have been shorted and naked shorted. This information is valuable in determining the precise point at which short sellers go out-of-the-money and start losing on their short and naked short trades.

BUYINS.NET has built a massive database that collects, analyzes and publishes a proprietary SqueezeTrigger for each stock that has been shorted, The SqueezeTrigger database of nearly 2,000,000,000 short sale transactions goes back to January 1, 2005, and calculates the exact price at which the Total Short Interest is short in each stock. This data was never before available prior to January 1, 2005, because the Self Regulatory Organizations (primary exchanges) guarded it aggressively. After the SEC passed Regulation SHO, exchanges were forced to allow data processors like to access the data.

The SqueezeTrigger database collects individual short trade data on over 7,000 NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stocks and general short trade data on nearly 8,000 OTCBB and PINKSHEET stocks. Each month the database grows by approximately 50,000,000 short sale transactions and provides investors with the knowledge necessary to time when to buy and sell stocks with outstanding short positions. By tracking the size and price of each month's short transactions, BUYINS.NET provides institutions, traders, analysts, journalists and individual investors the exact price point where short sellers start losing money.

All material herein was prepared by BUYINS.NET, based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by BUYINS.NET to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. BUYINS.NET is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. BUYINS.NET may receive compensation in cash or shares from independent third parties or from the companies mentioned.

BUYINS.NET affiliates, officers, directors and employees may also have bought or may buy the shares discussed in this opinion and may profit in the event those shares rise in value. Market commentary provided by Thomas Ronk.

BUYINS.NET will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and BUYINS.NET undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

CONTACT: Thomas Ronk, CEO, BUYINS.NET Tel: +1 800 715 9999 e-mail: WWW:

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to



●スズキが新型燃料電池車 SX4-FCV を開発、公道走行試験へ
新開発のSX4-FCVは、小型車「SX4」をベースに、GM製の高性能燃料電池に、スズキが開発した70MPaの高圧水素タンクと、制動時のエネルギー回収や加速時の燃料電池負荷を軽減する軽量・コンパクトなキャパシターを搭載、走行性能を従来の燃料電池車よりも向上させた。 ...
さらに、制動時のエネルギー回収や加速時の燃料電池負荷を軽減する軽量コンパクトなキャパシターの採用などにより、走行性能を向上させたモデル。最高速度は150km/h、航続距離は250km。今後は同車両にて公道試験を行い、得られるデータを収集し実用化に向けた開発を進め ...



A Tale of Conducting Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes

This blog recently relayed word that, in addition to investigators at Argonne National Laboratory testing combinations of batteries and ultra capacitors, there was active exploration of a combination of Nesscap Super Capacitors with Kokum Lithium-ion Batteries — two existing, advanced technologies are used together with integration determined by power electronics.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) power electronics may mean that battery / ultracapacitor combinations could have broad applications. Developers have used a converter to 1) actively control the power flow from a battery, 2) couple the battery to an ultracapacitor for power enhancement, and 3) deliver the power to a load efficiently; and have demonstrated in experiments and simulations that such combinations could achieve much greater specific power while reducing battery current and its internal loss.Green Car Congress1 informs us that researchers at the University of Nottingham (UK) are developing new energy storage systems for use with renewable energy generation including a device that combines the properties of supercapacitors and batteries (“supercapattery”). (C’mon Mike, you can do better than “supercapattery”.)Supported by €1.4m (US$2.2 million) from E.ON, one of Europe’s leading power and gas companies, Dr. George Chen in the University’s School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Dr. Christian Klumpner in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering are developing a new electrical energy storage system.As previously noted, the basis for such development is experimental production of carbon nanotubes, which are characterized by fast, reversible surface redox. The U. Nottingham researchers specifically have designed manganese oxide-coated carbon nanotubes and conducting polymer-coated carbon nanotubes. In addition to these chemically modified core materials, the researchers are developing power electronics that will ensure current flow is of high-quality.

Photo: Riccardo Signorelli/MIT
At research and development centers around the world, the race is on to demonstrate commercial viability of the nanotube approach.Electricity generated from renewable sources can be transported instantly through cables over long distances but storage is a problem—if you don’t use it, you lose it. Our aim is to develop something which will bring together the best of both worlds—the high electrical energy storage capacity of a battery and the fast charge/discharge rates of a supercapacitor.The specific capacitance (Farads per gram) of the manganese oxide-carbon nanotubes composite is normal (140~150 F/g), but the electrode specific capacitance (Farads per square centimeter) is very high. The value reported, 4~5 Farads per square centimetre, is actually the world record amongst all published results. The charge/discharge chemistry of this composite is mainly that of manganese oxide with some contribution from carbon nanotubes. —George Chen


電気自動車、発進はそろり/リチウムイオン電池の生産を、来年に3グループがスタート年6月24日 火曜日 池原 照雄
企業名 出資企業 生産開始・数量など
オートモーティブエナジーサプライ 日産、NEC、NECトーキン 2009年度当初年1万3000台分
リチウムエナジージャパン 三菱自動車、GSユアサ、三菱商事 2009年当初年2000台相当分
パナソニックEVエナジー トヨタ、松下電器産業 2009年当面は少量


ソーラーベンチレーターB バッテリー付
商品価格 35,000円 商品番号 31465D  特長 ソーラーベンチレーター





▲ 走査電子顕微鏡で見たナノ多孔性アルミナ(左)、走査電子顕微鏡で上から観察すると整列されたナノキャパシタ(右)を見ることができる。ⓒ2008
大徳所在の韓国標準科学研究院(院長 チョン・グァンファ)ナノ測定センターのイ・ウ博士とドイツのマックス・プランク微細構造物理学研究所のULRICH GŐELE博士(現・研究所長)、Postech新素材工学科ペク・ソンギ教授(現・Postech総長)とハン・ヒ氏(博士課程)研究チームは超高密度F-RAMの製造に成功したと6月16日に発表した。共同研究グループは多孔性酸化アルミニウムの上に代表的な強誘電体物質である「鉛-ジルコニウム-チタニウム複合酸化物(以下PZT)」ナノ点を整列してF-RAMを製造した。この研究結果は『ネイチャー』誌の姉妹誌である『ネイチャーナノテクノロジー』オンライン版を通じて6月15日に発表された。F-RAMは現在主に使用されているD-RAMと類似した構造をもつが、電荷を貯蔵する強誘電体を使用するため電源が消えてもデータを保管することができ電力消費量を減らすことができる。しかしデータの記録密度を高めるのが難しいことから小型端末機などに利用されてきた。研究グループはナノメートル(nm)レベルの大きさの孔が蜂の巣状に配列されている多孔性酸化アルミニウムが熱に対する安定性が優れている点に着眼、PZTの結晶化温度以上でPZTナノ点をを成長させ白金-PZT-白金の積層構造をもつナノキャパシタを製造した。この技術は毒性化学物質を使用しないため親環境的이であり、数百万回以上書き込み読み取り動作を行なうと急に情報が損失する「電気的疲労」現象もないうえ他の強誘電体にも応用できる。標準研のイ・ウ博士は「キャパシタを小型化するための他の工程には強誘電体物質の格子が損傷する問題点があった。ナノ点を成長させてキャパシタを製造、こうした問題点を解決することができた」と話している。今後の後続研究を通じて高記録密度のF-RAMが商用化されれば、電源ボタンを押した後ブーティング時間なく即時に使用できるコンピュータの開発も早まるものと期待される。研究グループは今回の研究結果をもとに次世代メモリー素子へのさまざまな活用が期待される「マルチフェロイック(Multiferroic)」ナノ点物質にも応用が可能かどうかを確認している。



Friday, June 20, 2008; Posted: 11:23 AM
June 17th 2008. Palm Beach, Florida based Foresight Advisors, LLC has announced that its client, Enable IPC Corp. (OTCBB: EIPC | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) a development stage nanotech company working on ultracapacitors and micro battery's will showcase its breakthrough Ultracapacitor technology at the World Capacitor Summit in San Diego California, July 14th through the 16th.

"Enable IPC Corp. announced an industry benchmark of over 1,000,000 cycles for their proprietary ultracapacitor technology On Dec. 18, 2007, and this breakthrough is anticipated to bring increased attention to this little Valencia based company," stated Steven Oshinsky, VP of Foresight Advisors, LLC.

"While Solar, Wind and other alternative energies are very promising longer term, it is probably the advances in battery technology that we will see first and foremost in the consumer and industrial marketplace," continued Mr. Oshinsky.

Representatives from the US Navy, Navy Surface Weapons Center, Fuji Heavy Industry, Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory, General Motors, (NYSE: GM) and Hitachi are expected in attendance, as well as a featured address to be given on July 15th, by Marc Anderson of the University of Wisconsin, where Enable IPC's technology was developed.

"This will be the first time that the industry as a group, and the public in general, will have a chance to view and learn about EIPC's breakthrough technology and interview Enable IPC's Chairman David Walker, in an atmosphere designed to highlight their most recent advances," continued Mr. Oshinsky.

To better understand how and where ultracapacitors are being developed for industrial use, see the following article from Honda Motor Corp. (NYSE: HMC) Honda Motor Corp. has long led the advance in battery technology for cars. Ultracapacitors are also being utilized in the next generation vehicles from BMW. See For a full review of the Enable IPC Corp., visit their website at For the data on their proprietary ultracapacitor technology go right to the white paper which can be found at Companies wishing to meet with representatives of Enable IPC Corp., should email the company at, or telephone them at 661-775-9273.

To read about Ultracapacitors and their applications in automobiles, go to r-bmw.html About Enable IPC Founded in 2005 and based in Valencia, Calif., Enable IPC (OTCBB:EIPC - News) provides efficient, streamlined strategies for turning technologies into products and bringing them to market. Though not limited to nanotechnology or the energy industries, Enable IPC's growing portfolio currently includes the exclusive rights to two break-through energy technologies, microbatteries and ultracapacitors. Additional information is available at

Enable also announced this week that it has hired Wonacott Communications, LLC Wonacott Communications, LLC is a full-service public relations and integrated communications agency based in Los Angeles.

About Foresight Advisors, LLC Foresight Advisors, LLC is a private consultant, located in Boca Raton, Florida.

CONTACT: Steven Oshinsky,Foresight Advisors, LLC Tel: +1 561 248 5360 e-mail: Jessica Busch Tel: +1 310 477 2871 e-mail: WWW:

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to




海外レポート1024号一括ファイル pdf(1140kB):
I. <<テーマ特集:省エネルギー特集>>
1. エネルギースターの2007年成果速報(米国)
2. 米国エネルギー省と国防総省によるエネルギースター「オペレーションチェンジアウト」(米国)
3. 米国エネルギー省は500工場の省エネ評価を終了(米国)
4. ナショナルデータセンターのエネルギー効率情報プログラム(米国)
5. EUの省エネルギー国別行動計画の第1回評価(EU)
6. トレーラーの空力学的設計により、燃費を改善(オランダ)
7. アムステルダム市のグリーンITプロジェクト(オランダ)
8. ドイツにおけるスマートメーター実証事業(ドイツ)
9. 熱需要マップ作成ツール開発事業(ドイツ)
10. エネルギー省と電力研究所がエネルギー効率の研究開発で協力(米国)

11. フランスADEMEとの情報交換協定に基づく第4回合同ワークショップ(フランス)
III. <<一般記事>>
12 米国とポルトガルが再生可能エネルギー技術に関する連携強化で合意(米国)
13. 「人工の光合成」で酸素を作る効率的な触媒(米国)
14. ナノ材料は応力下で予期しない強度を示す(米国)
15. ナノ製造:ナノテクノロジーの見込みの実現(米国)?第2回?
16. 全米科学財団(NSF)の助成対象と助成プロセス(米国)
17. ドイツにおける研究開発の状況(ドイツ)



家庭用太陽光発電、3~5年で半額に 経産省新エネ政策
 経済産業省は、地球温暖化防止のための新エネルギー政策をまとめた。家庭用太陽光発電の設置費用を今後3~5年で半額にするほか、石油、ガス供給事業者への新エネ利用の義務づけなどを盛り込んだ。経産相の諮問機関、総合資源エネルギー調査会の新エネルギー部会が24日、緊急提言する。 家庭用の太陽光発電の普及は、国の補助金が05年度に廃止され、伸び悩んでいる。福田首相は9日公表した温暖化対策の包括提案で、ドイツから「太陽光発電世界一の座を奪還する」と、導入量を20年までに現状の10倍に増やす目標を掲げた。 提言案によると、平均約230万円の設置費用を半額にするため、「思い切った支援措置」が必要と指摘。経産省は、屋根や壁と一体の太陽光パネルなど、大幅なコスト削減につながる製品への補助金を検討中で、来年度から支給する方針。集合住宅も対象となる。補助額は発電設備1キロワットあたり2万円だった過去の額を上回る見通し。 大規模な「メガソーラー発電」を全国展開するための支援も打ち出す。現在は事業費の3分の1の補助率を引き上げることを検討している。 石油やガスの供給事業者向けには、新エネや再生可能エネルギーを一定以上販売することを義務づける制度を新設する。石油会社はバイオ燃料の供給量の拡大、ガス会社は下水や生ゴミなどから出るバイオガスの利用促進などが必要になる。経産省は新法を来年の通常国会に提出する。



知床岬灯台が来月、太陽光発電に切り替え 軽油発電から 
【斜里】人の居住区からあまりに遠くて電線が届かず、道内で唯一、軽油発電でともしていた網走管内斜里町の知床岬灯台が、七月中旬から太陽光発電に切り替わる。 航路標識の自然エネルギー化の一環。これまで海保職員が二カ月に一回給油し、年間三千八百リットルの軽油を使っていたが、切り替え後、二酸化炭素の放出はなくなる。 光が届く距離は従来の四十キロから二十二キロになるが、船舶の航行には支障ない。世界遺産・知床にふさわしい灯台になるとあって、地元住民は喜んでいる。



Nanosolarが太陽電池製造動画公開 やっぱりプリンターだ、印刷してる!?
Nanosolar Achieves 1GW CIGS Deposition Throughput
Nanosolar社,1GW/年の太陽電池量産装置を開発 米Nanosolar Inc.は太陽電池モジュールを年間1GWの規模で製造する装置を開発したと明らかにし,YouTubeに同装置の動画を公開した。

 Nanosolar社が開発した太陽電池は,CIGS型と呼ばれ,Siを利用しない。同社によれば,独自に開発した「nanoparticle ink(ナノ粒子インク)」を,薄い金属の基板にロール・ツー・ロールと呼ぶ印刷技術で積層して製造するという。モジュール変換効率は「14.0~14.5%」(同社)と,商用のCIGS型太陽電池と
しては非常に高い。 この製造ラインのコストは165万米ドル,スループットは100フィート(約30m)/分であるという。「真空装置などを用いる従来のCIGS型の製造装置に比べ,製造のスループットは20倍速く,コストは10倍低い。スループットは最大2000フィート/分まで上げられる」(同社)。



太陽光発電、家庭用普及へ補助金 経産省新政策 
経済産業省は地球温暖化や原油高に対応するための新エネルギー政策をまとめた。太陽光発電を本格的に普及させるため、家庭向けに補助金制度や優遇税制を検討。今後3~5年で住宅用発電システムの価格を半額にする目標を示した。石油やガスの供給事業者にバイオ燃料や太陽熱などの新エネの利用を義務づける制度を創設し、新法を来年の通常国会に提出する。 24日に総合資源エネルギー調査会(経産相の諮問機関)の新エネルギー部会の緊急提言として公表する。福田康夫首相が6月9日に地球温暖化の総合対策(福田ビジョン)を発表。この中で2020年までに「新築持ち家住宅の7割以上が太陽光発電を採用しなければならない」といった目標を掲げた。これを受け、経産省は抜本的な新エネ拡大策が急務と判断した。

