By,Saturday, August 02, 2008
Everyone knows that energy storage is still the Achilles' heel of all electric vehicles. In its ongoing efforts to become the world's foremost developer of zero-emissions vehicles capable, even, of highway driving, ZENN has just taken a giant step forward thanks to the new accumulators designed by EEStor, the company's main partner.
With the new EEStor technology, the cityZENN will be a true highway car with an operating range of 400 kilometres capable of achieving 125 km/h. A zero-emissions cityZENN could be recharged in less than five minutes, and its operating costs would represent only 10% of those of a conventional internal combustion engine.
ZENN is currently working on a drive train that could replace the internal combustion engine of commercial vehicles in North America.
ZENN currently has exclusive rights to the EEStor technology in the following markets:
All new vehicles weighing up to 3,000 lbs (excluding battery weight)
All internal-combustion-engine cars converted to electricity
All golf carts as well as small and medium utility vehicles
Photos: Matthieu Lambert
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