Ultra Capacitor
The combination of ultra capacitor for starting and deep-cycle batteries for a truck's electrical and hotel loads looks like a winner, says Rick Capps, special projects systems engineer of the Nevada Automotive Test Center, a contract facility much used by the military. "The technology is not down the road, it's now," he says. And even though the ultra capacitor is expensive today - it's currently around $800 - Capps reckons the lifecycle costs will put the capacitor/battery system ahead over the life of a truck.
始まるための極端なコンデンサとトラックの電気およびホテル荷のための遠いサイクルバッテリーの組合せは勝者のように見えます ― リックキャップスが言う ― 特別な人はネバダAutomotive Testセンターのシステムエンジニアを計画します。そして、契約機能が軍隊によって非常に使われます。「テクノロジーは道の下にありません、それは今はそうしました」と、彼が言います。そして、たとえ極端なコンデンサが今日高価であるとしても、 - それは、現在およそ800ドルです - キャップスは、ライフサイクル経費がトラックの寿命の上にコンデンサ/バッテリシステムを進めると思います。
In most applications, fleet specifiers might find it hard to justify such a cost, even trading off a couple of vehicle batteries. Bulk haulers may be able to rationalize the expense from the nearly 100-pound weight savings. But pioneer KBi's ultra capacitor supplier maintains the payback can be as little as a year when factoring in the savings and the uptime guarantee of the capacitor starting system. And that's at today's cost of building the ultra capacitors in the supplier's Russian plant and shipping them here.
Even so, KBi and its partner are working hard to fix the ultra capacitor's perceived cost drawback. They are currently looking to establish a joint venture to manufacture the KAPower-branded capacitors in the United States, where they predict the cost per kilojoule will drop approximately 50% from the current 10 or 12 dollars. Ultimately, when mass production is finally realized and using the latest designs, materials and production techniques, costs could be reduced by an additional 50%, to around $200-$300 per install.
それでも、KBiとそのパートナーは、極端なコンデンサの認められたコスト欠点を解決するために、一生懸命に働いています。彼らはアメリカ合衆国で KAPowerブランドのコンデンサを製造するために合弁事業を確立するために現在見ています、そこで、彼らはキロジュールにつきコストが流れ10または 12ドルからおよそ50%で下がると予測します。大量生産が最終的に認識される、そして、最新のデザイン(材料と生産技術)を用いて経費がさらに50%減ることができた最終的におよそ200ドル-300ドルににつきインストールします。
And when they do, says KBi vice president Jim Burke, they will release a log-jam of demand. The technology is not only attractive to heavy truck users, it has wide application in the military, farm and construction, standby generation, even the uninterruptible power supply industry. Burke and his Russian associates anticipate a rush to reap the benefits of the ultra capacitor.
そして、彼らがそうするとき ― KBi副大統領ジムバークが言う ― 彼らは需要の丸太の行き詰まりをリリースします。テクノロジーは重いトラックユーザーに魅力的であるだけでありません、それには軍隊、農場と建設、待機世代、uninterruptibleな電力供給産業でさえ広いアプリケーションがあります。バークと彼のロシアの同僚は、極端なコンデンサの利便を得ようと急ぐことを予想します。
Capacitors are not new. In fact, their characteristics have been well understood since first demonstrated by the physicist Hermann von Helmholz in the late 19th century. This century, capacitors have been fundamental parts of tuned electrical circuits, and they are extensively used today in watches, PDAs and phones to maintain memory during battery changes. But the big, industrial-sized ultra capacitors have, until now, been more difficult to develop and implement, says Burke. With the introduction of the asymmetric ultra capacitor by the Russian technology company, there's a capacitor that will do the job.
The Russian company officers have invested five years and thousands of miles in rental cars taking their innovative asymmetric ultra capacitors to a diverse cross section of industries all over North America.
At the same time the Russians were beating on American doors, KBi's Burke and his father — company founder and president James W. Burke — were casting around for a synergystic technology to their Kold-Ban Dieselmatic ether-starting product. This product, which has been refined over several decades, guarantees a diesel start however cold the environment, providing the engine will turn over. What KBi was looking for was an advanced and reliable technology that would guarantee to do it. When a KBi group happened to bump into the Russian delegation at a heavy-duty OEM's engineering department, both sides realized it was a perfect solution for guaranteed starting of heavy-duty engines in any environment.
ロシア人がアメリカのドア、KBiのバークと彼の父を打っていたと同時に、 — 会社創設者と大統領ジェームズW.バーク — まわりの鋳造物は、彼らのコル-Ban Dieselmaticエーテル-出発製品に、synergysticなテクノロジーのためでした。この製品(それは数十年にわたって洗練されていました)はしかし冷たいディーゼルスタートに環境を保証します。そして、エンジンが始動すると定めます。KBiが探していたものは、それをすることを保証する、先進で信頼できるテクノロジーでした。KBiグループが偶然特に丈夫なOEMのエンジニアリング学部でロシアの代表派遣団にぶつかることが起こったとき、両者はそれがどんな環境の特別丈夫なエンジンの保証された出発の完全な解決でもあると理解しました。
The technologies' combination opens up some remarkable possibilities. The ether start is too familiar to need explanation, though it's worth noting that the latest generation ties directly into the engine ECM to make it completely automatic and seamless for the driver. The ultra capacitor needs some introduction to understand how remarkable a starting aid it can be. According to Burke, as a demonstration, they took an ultra capacitor starting system that was completely discharged. Using a stack of four small, three-volt, photocell type batteries, they managed to build up enough charge on the capacitor to fire up a heavy-duty diesel engine.
Starting a diesel with camera batteries is just a side-show example, but KBi has already developed and introduced the KrankingKart a jump-starting cart utilizing the ultra capacitor technology. You could, says Burke, have a truck with a battery voltage of around 10 volts that is effectively a lost cause for starting. Bring up the cart, connect the cables, and the residual energy in the batteries will build a charge in the ultra capacitor. Within seconds, the KrankingKart will start the truck.
ディーゼルをカメラバッテリーで始めることは、ちょうどつけたし例です、KBiがすでに発達して、KrankingKartを導入した極端なコンデンサ技術を利用している押しがけしているカート。あなたはそうすることができました ― バークが言う ― 効果的に、始まるための見込みのないものであるおよそ10ボルトのバッテリー電圧との関係を持ってください。カートをあげて、ケーブルをつないでください、そして、バッテリーの残りのエネルギーは極端なコンデンサで管理を構築します。数秒で、KrankingKartはトラックをスタートさせます。
Again, that would be a trick, because shops would conventionally leave the cart charged, bring it to the truck to jump it, then leave the device connected to the vehicle for a few seconds to re-establish the full charge. The KrankingKart can then be left for months before it is needed and still have a full charge on the capacitor.
In vehicle systems that are completed for development and evaluation, the 27-pound ultra capacitor substitutes for two of a truck's batteries, saving more than 90 pounds. It is wired in parallel with the remaining one or two batteries there to run lights, sleeper loads and other vehicle electrics. There's an isolator/starter switch so the ultra capacitor can be removed from the circuit except for starting and charging — though this is not essential.
発展と評価のために完了される車両システムでは、27ポンドの極端なコンデンサはトラックのバッテリーのうちの2つの代わりになります。そして、90ポンド以上節約します。明り、寝台車一杯と他の車両電気を走らせることは、そこの残りの1または2バッテリーと平行に配線されます。極端なコンデンサが始まって、料金を請求することを除いて回路から取り外されることができるように、絶縁装置/スタータースイッチがあります — これが重要でないけれども。
Several evaluation programs by end users have been completed. At Ryder Transportation Services, equipment evaluation team leader Tom Shupbach ran several tests substituting the ultra capacitor for one or two batteries in a four-battery system. While the team was able to verify the capacitors worked, the high initial cost and several operational issues have meant the program is on the back burner.
エンドユーザーによるいくつかの評価番組は、完成しました。ライダーTransportation Servicesで、器材評価チームリーダートムShupbachは、4-バッテリシステムで極端なコンデンサを1、2のバッテリーの代用にしているいくつかのテストを走らせました。チームがコンデンサが動いたことを確かめることができる間、高い最初のコストといくつかの操作上の問題はプログラムが後回しのことを意味しました。
Operational issues included a need for education, says Shupbach. "We had instances where an engine manufacturer would blame the capacitor (system) without trying to find what was wrong. They would disconnect the capacitor when it was mounted close to the starter — which is where they should be. There needs to be education to the suppliers of other vehicle componentry."
操作上の問題は教育の必要を含んだと、Shupbachが言います。「我々は、エンジンメーカーが間違っていたことを見つけようとすることなくコンデンサ(システム)を非難する例を持ちました。それがスターターの近くに開始されたとき、彼らはコンデンサを切ります — そしてそれは彼らがいなければならないところです。他の車両構成要素の供給元への教育である必要があります。」
According to Shupbach, though, if the cost can be reduced to KBi's target, then he says Ryder could build a business case for using the alternative technology to save the company's high cost of replacing conventional lead acid batteries.
In the meantime, "We're waiting to see where it can go," he said.
The military is extremely interested in the technology, because vehicle batteries represent a huge cost, handling and tactical problem. One of the projects under investigation is a batteryless starting system based on the KBi/KoldBan Dieselmatic ether start and the KAPower-branded ultra capacitor.
車両バッテリーが莫大なコスト、取扱いと戦術的な問題を意味するので、軍隊はテクノロジーにとても興味を持っています。調査中のプロジェクトのうちの1つは、KBi/KoldBan Dieselmaticエーテル始まりとKAPowerブランドの極端なコンデンサに基づくbatterylessな始まっているシステムです。
According to the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM), advantages include maximum power on demand, recharge from a start in five seconds and the opportunity to charge via a standard NATO slave receptacle when necessary.
アメリカ陸軍Tank-AutomotiveとArmaments Command(TACOM)によると、利点はオンデマンド最大出力、5秒間のスタートからの再充電と必要に応じて標準的なNATO奴隷容器で充電する機会を含みます。
Important for the military is the fact that the capacitor has no hazardous materials in its construction, greatly easing the handling, storage and paperwork involved over standard batteries. The military also sees the wide operating range of -58 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit as a major plus for the starting of its vehicles. The fact that the batteryless truck dispenses with four conventional batteries not only saves weight, but the relatively small size of the capacitor and controller mean they can be packaged more easily on the truck, says Jim Miodek, business development manager of U.S. Army TACOM.
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